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P4 Meet the Teacher Thursday 1 September 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "P4 Meet the Teacher Thursday 1 September 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 P4 Meet the Teacher Thursday 1 September 2016

2 Spelling/Handwriting
P4 Timetable August - October 2016 Monday Rugby Maths B Reading L HWB - Circle Time Spelling/Handwriting Music Tuesday R IDL Technology U French Wednesday IDL/ICT E N RME Thursday Writing A Gym C ICT Art Friday Assembly L+T K Problem solving Golden Time H

3 Weekly Routines Numeracy – Monday to Friday incl
Problem solving with P5 Literacy- Monday to Thursday Topic work – Tuesday, Wednesday PE – Monday and Thursday Swimming - Tuesday from January Golden Time on Friday

4 Expectations and Standards
Behaviour Neatness Appearance

5 P4 Topics Term 1 - 1960’s food, Roald Dahl
Term 2 - ML week, Scotland, Christmas Term 3 - Scottish Theme - Castles, World Food, Fair trade, Water Term 4 – World of Work, Pirates, Health week, Rights Respecting Schools week, PSE Focus week

6 Be kind and always help each other
P4 Classroom Rules Be honest Be kind and always help each other Be a good listener Be well-behaved

7 Class organisation Seating Teaching groups Working groups

8 PE Kit Indoor Outdoor - including trainers for Daily Mile Swimming kit
Everything should be named and in a bag

9 Lines of communication

10 Lining up in playground

11 Traditional Homework Spelling Reading - Literacy Circles Maths
Other subjects – Topic, Scottish poem etc

12 Homework Homework is given on a Monday and should be returned on Friday, not before, as your child should be practising words and tables every night. However, reading homework will be given on a Monday for the following Monday. Spelling Look, say, cover, write and check each word 3 times. Choose 6 words and write an interesting sentence with each word. SpellingCity app will have words labelled for each group to help practise words by playing different games

13 Reading Read pages set by Literacy Circle group. Record the pages read and complete the task for that week. Maths Going for Gold card – practise the table; someone to hear your child saying the table; try for Bronze, Silver and Gold sumdog – at least 20 minutes - twice a week if possible Other subjects Prepare a presentation about something that interests you connected with Topic; practise it at home and in class deliver it to everyone; learn a Scottish poem and recite with expression in class; bring in newspaper article that interests you about science and be able to talk about it to the class.

14 Golden Time

15 Any questions?

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