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Helping your child with Maths in the Foundation Stage

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Presentation on theme: "Helping your child with Maths in the Foundation Stage"— Presentation transcript:

1 Helping your child with Maths in the Foundation Stage

2 Learning maths doesn’t start at school
Learning maths doesn’t start at school. Maths is all around us and before children come to school they have had experiences of counting, estimating, measuring, exploring shapes, solving simple mathematical problems and much more. Children learn maths best when what they are doing makes sense to them and when they can make connections with things they already know. At New Horizons we try to make early years maths interesting to the children by making the activities exciting and reflect the topics we have been covering.

3 What is Maths in Foundation Stage?
Two main areas: Number Shape, Space and Measures How? Practical Fun Oral Using resources

4 By the end of Reception most children should be able to;
Numbers: Count reliably with numbers from 1 to 20, Place the numbers 1-20 in order

5 Say which number is one more or one less than a given number.
Add and subtract two single digit numbers using quantities and count on or back to find the answer.

6 Solve problems, including doubling, halving and sharing.

7 Shape, space and measures:
Use everyday language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money to compare quantities and objects and to solve problems.

8 Recognise, create and describe patterns.

9 How you can help at home Count at every opportunity – e.g. Steps, sweets Spot numbers/shapes in the environment Set dinner table – how many * will we need? Sorting objects by colour/shape – food, toys etc Cooking – measuring, weighing, Comparing lengths – e.g. Shoes, worms, books Number songs/rhymes Play number games – bingo, number snap Use I pad/I phone apps such as ‘Number fun’ Drawing numbers in chalk/sand/water/paint . Making tally marks and charts Talk about special numbers (house number, age, birth date etc) Making wrapping paper – using patterns – e.g potato printing Drawing patterns Sharing; one for you, one for me… Talking about halves/quarters (ie Pizza, cakes etc)

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