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Day 2: What variables decrease enzyme function?

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Presentation on theme: "Day 2: What variables decrease enzyme function?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 2: What variables decrease enzyme function?
Enzymes!!! Day 2: What variables decrease enzyme function?

2 Entry Task: Summarize the data and information displayed in this graph… What is this graph telling us???

3 Which questions were difficult for you to answer?
Homework Check: Analysis Questions 1, 2, & 5 Which questions were difficult for you to answer?

4 Enzyme Lab: Which variables decrease enzyme function?

5 Testing pH

6 Follow Instructions Answer Questions THEN Move on to Part C
Part D: Catalase & pH Follow Instructions Answer Questions THEN Move on to Part C

7 Part C: Catalase & Temperature
Follow Instructions Answer Questions THEN CLEAN MATERIALS

8 Clean Up Instructions Test Tubes All Other Materials
Empty liquid into sink Dispose of solids in garbage Put soap on test tube brush ½ full test tube with water Scrub inside of test tube with soapy brush Rinse test tube with water until clean Leave test tubes upside down in a beaker to drain & dry Use common sense to clean all other materials with soap and water Leave materials next to sink in dish rack or on paper towels to drain and dry

9 Discuss Results

10 Homework: Enzyme Lab Analysis Questions 3 & 4
Part E: Enzyme Lab Research

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