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CEE 6410 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Data-Driven Modeling and Machine Learning Approach in Water Resource Systems CEE 6410 Water Resources Systems Analysis
Illustrative Example
Sevier Valley/Piute irrigation canal in the Sevier River Basin, Utah.
Inputs: Model 1: Past daily information of the canal diversions at the head gauging station (Flow at Head) Model 2: Past daily information of the canal diversions (Flow at Head) and also information at four gauging stations along the canal: Willow Creek, Aurora, Clairon and End stations Outputs: Predictions of canal diversions 1 day ahead from the head gauging station (Flow at Head)
RVM Regression w is a weight matrix
Ф is a “design” matrix related with a kernel K(x1,xM) For this example : Gaussian Kernel Gaussian Kernel: K(x,x(n)) = exp(-r-2||x- x(n)||2) where r is the kernel width parameter.
Model Development Daily data from the 2003 through 2006 irrigation seasons were used to train the RVM model. Daily data from the 2007 irrigation season were used to test the model. Several RVM models were built with variation in kernel width and number of previous time steps. The number of previous time steps was chosen from a range of 1-7 days previous to the prediction time. The kernel width was chosen from a range of 1-5. The selected kernel width is the one with maximum E. From the list of models with selected kernel width at different “number of previous days" values, we considered that the selected model is the one with the maximum E.
Results nd= number of previous days #RVs= number of relevance vector
Results – Model 1 Test phase from July to September 2007
Results – Model 2 Test phase from July to September 2007
Bootstrap Histogram - Model 2
Applications in Water Resources Systems Research
Forecasting required releases from a multiple reservoir system
Problem: The operator has to release water from more than one reservoir taking into consideration different water requirements (irrigation, environmental issues, hydropower, recreation, etc.) in a timely manner. “Multivariate Bayesian regression approach to forecast releases from a system of multiple reservoirs”, (2010) Andres M. Ticlavilca and Mac McKee, Water Resources Management.
Lower Sevier River Basin
x = [X1d-n, X2d-n, X3d-n, X4d-n, X5d-n] T
Inputs x = [X1d-n, X2d-n, X3d-n, X4d-n, X5d-n] T where, d= day of prediction n= number of days previous to the prediction time X1d-n = diversions to the Central Utah canal, Vincent canal, Leamington canal, canal A, Abraham canal, Deseret High canal, and Deseret Low canal. X2d-n = streamflow on the Sevier River near Lynndyl. X3d-n = Sevier Bridge reservoir releases. X4d-n = DMAD reservoir releases. X5d-n = maximum and minimum daily Temperature from Oak city and Delta city.
Outputs t = [ R1d, R1d+1 , R2d, R2d+1]T where,
R1d = prediction of Sevier Bridge reservoir release one day ahead R1d+1 = prediction of Sevier Bridge reservoir release two days ahead R2d = prediction of DMAD reservoir releases one day ahead R2d+1 = prediction of DMAD reservoir releases two day ahead
Results – Model Selection
Testing phase Type of kernel function Kernel width Number of days Statistics R1d R1d+1 R2d R2d+1 Average Gauss 2900 2 E 0.947 0.868 0.930 0.805 0.888 R 0.973 0.932 0.968 0.909 0.946 Laplace 3100 1 0.925 0.841 0.900 0.780 0.861 0.964 0.917 0.952 0.892 0.931 Cauchy 0.943 0.866 0.935 0.800 0.886 0.972 0.969 0.903 0.944 Cubic 1700 0.936 0.842 0.927 0.813 0.879 0.918 0.966 0.914 0.942
Results The model only utilizes 39 RVs from the full data set (1248 observations) that was used for training (2001 through 2006 irrigation seasons).
Results - MVRVM R1d R1d+1 R2d R2d+1
Results - ANN Testing phase Type of training function Size of layer
Number of days Statistics R1d R1d+1 R2d R2d+1 Average Quasi-Newton 3 2 E 0.942 0.867 0.898 0.777 0.871 R 0.971 0.932 0.952 0.891 0.936 Conjugate gradient with Powell-Beale restarts 4 0.928 0.846 0.922 0.821 0.879 0.964 0.961 0.908 0.939 Levenberg-Marquardt 5 0.917 0.860 0.923 0.811 0.878 0.959 0.929 0.963 0.940 Scaled conjugate gradient 0.943 0.856 0.834 0.890 0.972 0.966 0.946
Results - ANN R1d R1d+1 R2d R2d+1
Multivariate Relevance Vector Machine Artificial Neural Network
Results Multivariate Relevance Vector Machine Training Testing Statistic R1d R1d+1 R2d R2d+1 Coefficient of efficiency E 0.95 0.87 0.89 0.77 0.93 0.80 Root mean square error RMSE, cfs 64.42 99.24 34.84 49.66 59.45 93.82 32.55 54.49 Artificial Neural Network Training Testing Statistics R1d R1d+1 R2d R2d+1 Coefficient of efficiency E 0.96 0.90 0.89 0.79 0.94 0.86 0.93 0.83 Root mean square error RMSE, cfs 55.47 88.21 34.50 48.29 61.77 98.11 33.02 50.29
Robustness MVRVM ANN MVRVM allows more robust parameter estimation
Real-time forecasting of short term diversion demands for irrigation canals
Problem: The canal operator has to divert water from the river into a canal taking into consideration the water requirement for crop irrigation, physical behavior of the irrigated agricultural area, and the behavior of irrigators. The multi-reservoir operator (upstream of the irrigation canal) has to release water from more than one reservoir taking into consideration water demands including irrigation canal demands.
Irrigation Canals “Real-time forecasting of short-term irrigation canal demands using a robust multivariate Bayesian learning model”, Andres M. Ticlavilca, Mac McKee, and Wynn R. Walker (2011), Irrigation Science.
Hourly Model - Inputs x= [D1h-n, D2h-n, D3h-n] T where,
h = hour of prediction n = number of hours previous to the prediction time D1d-n = Central Utah canal demand D2d-n = Vincent canal demand D3d-n = Leamington canal demand
Hourly Model - Outputs where,
t = [ D1h, D1h+12 , D1h+24 , D2h, D2h+12 , D2h+24 , D3h, D3h+12 , D3h+24]T where, D1 = prediction of Central Utah canal demand D2 = prediction of Vincent canal demand D3 = prediction of Leamington canal demand
x = [D1d-n, D2d-n, D3d-n , Tmaxd-n, Tmind-n] T
Daily Model - Inputs x = [D1d-n, D2d-n, D3d-n , Tmaxd-n, Tmind-n] T where, d = day of prediction n = number of days previous to the prediction time D1d-n = Central Utah canal demand D2d-n = Vincent canal demand D3d-n = Leamington canal demand. Tmaxd-n = maximum daily Temperature from Oak city. Tmind-n = minimum daily Temperature from Oak city.
t = [ D1d, D1d+1, D2d, D2d+1, D3d, D3d+1]T
Daily Model - Outputs t = [ D1d, D1d+1, D2d, D2d+1, D3d, D3d+1]T where, D1= prediction of Central Utah canal demand D2 = prediction of Vincent canal demand D3 = prediction of Leamington canal demand
Model Selection Gaussian kernel:
K(x,x(n)) = exp(-r-2||x- x(n)||2) ,where r is the kernel width parameter. This type of kernel has been used by several authors in water resources and hydrology applications (Khalil et al. 2005b; Tripathi and Govindaraju 2006).
Results The hourly model utilizes 26 RVs from the full data set (out of a possible 3000 observations) that was used for training. The daily model only utilizes 26 RVs from the full data set that was used for training (1194 observations).
MVRVM – Hourly Model D1h D1h+12 D1h+24 D2h D2h+12 D2h+24 D3h D3h+12
ANN – Hourly Model D1h D1h+12 D1h+24 D2h D2h+12 D2h+24 D3h D3h+12
MVRVM – Daily Model D1d D1d+1 D2d D2d+1 D3d D3d+1
ANN – Daily Model D1d D1d+1 D2d D2d+1 D3d D3d+1
Statistics – Hourly Model
Central Utah Canal Vincent Canal Leamington Canal Model Statistics 1-hour 12-hours 24-hours MVRVM (selected kernel width = 14) E 0.993 0.898 0.785 0.996 0.942 0.881 0.986 0.848 0.736 RMSE 2.879 10.913 15.824 0.549 2.177 3.136 1.460 4.864 6.415 ANN (selected hidden layer size = 5) 0.994 0.899 0.779 0.943 0.989 0.853 0.748 2.682 10.821 16.040 0.562 2.171 3.131 1.336 4.780 6.266
Statistics – Daily Model
Central Utah Canal Vincent Canal Leamintong Canal Model Statistics 1-day 2-days MVRVM (selected kernel width = 25) E 0.851 0.659 0.927 0.803 0.846 0.671 RMSE 12.998 19.648 2.515 4.116 4.890 7.158 ANN (selected hidden layer size = 5) 0.840 0.658 0.809 0.831 13.447 19.684 2.514 4.056 5.122 7.293
Robustness – Hourly Model
MVRVM ANN MVRVM is more robust Central Utah Canal: (a) 1-hour ahead, (b) 12-hours ahead, (c) 24-hours ahead Vincent Canal: (d) 1-hour ahead, (e) 12-hours ahead, (f) 24-hours ahead Leamington Canal: (g) 1-hour ahead, (h) 12-hours ahead, (i) 24-hours ahead
Robustness – Daily Model
MVRVM ANN MVRVM is more robust Central Utah Canal: (a) 1-day ahead, (b) 2-days ahead Vincent Canal: (c) 1-day ahead, (d) 2-days ahead Leamington Canal: (e) 1-day ahead, (f) 2-days ahead
Forecasting Daily Potential Evapotranspiration Using Machine Learning And Limited Climatic Data1
1: Agricultural Water Management 98 (2011) 553–562, doi: /j.agwat 38
Area of Study 39
Agricultural Command Area “Canal B” & fed canal “Canal A”
Statistics Main crops: alfalfa, corn and small grains,
Irrigated area: 10,521 ha., Fed by 9 km. canal (A) from upstream reservoir (DMAD), Water management based on local water masters and managers, SCADA system implemented from reservoirs to ACA inlets, Limited climatic data (local weather station), Soil Moisture Monitoring sites implemented lately, Water conveyance time: 12 hr (DMAD) or 3 days (Sevier Bridge). 41
Current Situation Water managers “guess” future water demands,
crop evapotranspiration: ETo Issues: ET0 models: for estimation, no forecasting, Locations w/ limited available climatic data.
Approach Forecasted ET0 for water management: Used data:
forecast interval > 1 day, (large irrigation systems) real time operation (daily basis), Used data: Historical daily air temp, 1985 Hargreaves ET0: Mapping algorithm: MVRVM: Tmax, & Tmin : daily air temp (oC), TC : 0.5 (Tmax + Tmin), TR: Tmax – Tmin, Ra: extraterrestrial solar rad (mm/day).
Methodology Time series concept: Direct Approach: Indirect Approach:
ET0 forecast, Indirect Approach: Air temp. forecast to calculate future ET0.
Data Local weather station, Delta, UT,
Historical records of maximum and minimum air temperatures, 10 irrigation seasons, , 2000 – 2006: training dataset, 2007 – 2009: testing dataset. Learning machine parameter: MVRVM = kernel width, MLP = number of hidden neurons Values to forecast: 7 days Values in the past as inputs: ??
Results – Test data:
Results – Direct Approach, peak season 2009
Results – Indirect Approach, peak season 2009
Results – Goodness-of-fit
Results – Goodness-of-fit
Results – Bootstrap Analysis
Direct Approach Indirect Approach
Crops in ACA Canal B Crop Identification : 2009 Crop Area (ha) %
Alfalfa 3369.2 32.0% Corn 723.6 6.9% Small Grains 323.3 3.1% Fallow 6105.2 58.0% Total 100.0%
Results – Average ET for ACA Canal B
Indirect Method using MVRVM has better performance than MLP, Then using: remote sensing: crops and areas, local crop coefficients, Combined ET for ACA B:
Machine Learning Approach for Error Correction of Hydraulic Simulation Models2
2: Coauthored by Andres M. Ticlavilca, Wynn R. Walker and Mac McKee, under review, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage (2010). 54
Current Situation Actual conditions: Issues:
Modern irrigation systems: SCADA and simulation models, SCADA data no noise free, model: phenomena approximation. Issues: Rarely error sources can be isolated, Over time, aggregate error affect system reliability and operation.
Simulation Model + Error Sources
3 types of error sources: Parameter uncertainty (εp), Noise in variables (εo), Structural error (εs). Combined effect: Aggregate error (εA), Impact on results: Simulation error (εsim).
Approach Model Error Correction: Used data: Mapping algorithm:
better quality of real-time model response, adequate linkage to numerical approximation, mapping of error & variables. Used data: Data-driven model: same as simulation model: Mapping algorithm: RVM: Relevance Vector Machine.
Methodology Coupled simulation-error correction model:
Under working conditions (SCADA, gates and model), Minimization of aggregate error in real-time, Error correction within the code of the simulation model
Hydraulic Simulation Model
Saint Venant Equations: Continuity & Momentum
Hydraulic Simulation Model Saint Venant Equations: Continuity & Momentum Q: flow rate (m3/s), A: flow cross-section area (m2), X: longitudinal distance in the direction of flow (m), t: elapsed time (hr) q: lumped expression of seepage, evaporation, tributary inflows and model error. P: net hydrostatic pressure per unit weight of water (m2) D: drag force, or the product of friction slope and area (m2). So: canal slope, g: acceleration of gravity (9.807 m/s2).
Hydraulic Simulation Model
Deformable Control Volume: Eulerian space-time solution grid:
Hydraulic Simulation Model
minimizing εsim to obtain εA values along the irrigation season εA estimation is done by: modifying Continuity Eq:
Simulation Model Performance
Aggregate error estimated by: fine-tuning simulation model, minimizing simulation results (model results vs. SCADA water levels), Considering irrigation season in Canal A (2008 & 2009). Statistical characteristics of aggregate error
Data From hydraulic simulation model: Training data: Testing data:
Inflow rate at canal head (Qin), On –demand variation (ODv), Water level at canal head (hin), Previous aggregate error (εA(t-1),…, εA(t-5)) Training data: hourly values 2008 irrigation season, Testing data: hourly values 2009 irrigation season, Learning machine parameter: RVM = kernel width, MLP = number of hidden neurons.
Results – Goodness-of-fit Test Data 2009
Results – Error Correction –RVM – 2009
Results – Error Correction – MLP - 2009
Results – Bootstrap Analysis
Both error correction models perform similar under similar conditions, But in bootstrap analysis RVM is more stable to unseen data than MLP.
Discussion & Conclusions
Discussions A critical factor for the use of ML models is data availability. Data-driven tools calibration process is based on patterns that the algorithm can “learn” from the data. Data should be enough to divide it in training and testing subsets. For time series or historical data, it is recommendable at least three complete cycles of the phenomena (e.g. irrigation seasons or runoff years) and their respective inputs. Two cycles would be separated for training and the most recent for testing. There are two aspects to considerate when calibrate a ML model: The calibration of the data-driven tool. Each ML model has its unique parameters. For example ANN models require the selection of the number of hidden neurons and the learning function. RVM models require the selection of the type of kernel and a kernel width value. The selection of the most adequate inputs. There is not a unique methodology. This is related to the synergy among variables. There are general techniques: forward and backward variable selection, automatic relevance determination (for Bayesian-based algorithms) or combination of these techniques.
Discussions How to determine the accuracy of the calibrated ML model:
The selection of the relevance goodness-of-fit parameters is important. For regression problems the coefficient of efficiency along with the RMSE. Also the error bar for Bayesian LM is an indicative of the error in the data and algorithm. For classification-type problems the Confusion Matrix is along the Kappa Index, which measures the accuracy of the model predicting the different classes vs. the probability of random occurrence. For time series models a couple of important issues occur along the time dimension. First, a time lag between the simulated and the true signal could occurs. In most cases this is an indication of missing inputs into the model. Second, the characteristics of the residuals or the difference between the simulated and the true signal. The residuals should comply with white noise characteristics (normal, independent, identically distributed). The absence of these characteristics indicates that the pattern in the data is not fully captured by the ML model because of : inadequate ML model calibration, limited amount of historical data, missing inputs, etc).
Discussions Finally, validation of the quality of data and its sources is a critical step for the application of ML models. some extreme cases or outliers in the training data might get ignored by the data-driven algorithm, the quality of the information should be verified by the user before its use. Therefore QA/QC (quality assurance and control) techniques are of importance for data validation.
Conclusions ML models or data-driven techniques are:
additional tools for use in water resources engineering that can complement, improve (or replace in some scenarios) physical-based models. can capture complex nonlinear patterns and trends in the available data. Physical-based models (e.g. rainfall-runoff) components allows for the analysis of their internal components, Data-driven tools do not allow for a direct interpretation yet (black-box algorithms).
Conclusions ML models in most cases have a better performance than a physical-based model; Nevertheless they are limited by the information quality and availability. The use of ML models is recommended under the following scenarios: incomplete data to develop physical-based models, extensive records of the phenomena and related causes or inputs, data forecasting, and classification-type problems.
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