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Al Yasat School Kg 2 ‘Meet the Teacher’ Evening

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1 Al Yasat School Kg 2 ‘Meet the Teacher’ Evening 2011 - 2012

2 Arabic Teacher – Ms. Labiba
Welcome on behalf of the Kg 2 team KG 2 Palm – Ms. Sunny (Team Leader) KG 2 Falcon – Ms. Leena KG 2 Camel – Ms. Amina KG 2 Oryx – Ms. Garnet Arabic Teacher – Ms. Labiba

3 Attendance Punctuality Healthy Snacks Communication Uniforms Books

4 Field Trips Educational

5 Field Trips Sport

6 Field Trips Fun

7 Visits Dentist

8 Visits Author Debi Evans

9 Phonics Objective: To recognize, pronounce and learn to write correctly all sounds. Teaching Method: Jolly Phonics Resources: 7 workbooks 7 activity books Sound flash cards Sound books Jolly Phonics DVD

10 Phonics Class Work Reinforcing Activities
Introduce all sounds through the different resources. Work in the workbook. Interactive games on the Smartboard (interactive whiteboard). Reinforcing Activities Recognition, formation and pronunciation of sounds through a series of activities at home as well as in school.

11 Read TO and WITH your child EVERY day!
Reading Songbird GINN Read TO and WITH your child EVERY day!

12 Mathematics Objectives: Number recognition and formation
Counting backwards and forwards Problem-solving through: - Addition and subtraction using vocabulary such as: less than, more than, in between, before, after etc - Estimation - Shapes and colors - Time and money - Patterns - Measurement

13 Mathematics Teaching Method: Number Puppies and NHM. Resources:
Workbooks Photocopied worksheets Smartboard Classroom resources

14 Mathematics Class Work Reinforcing Activities
Number Puppies workbooks. NHM workbooks. Several interactive activities through games on the Smartboard. Reinforcing Activities Recognition and formation of numbers through games and enquiry . Helping the students at home to count forwards and backwards Reinforce vocabulary learnt like taller, shorter, more than, less than, in-between, before and after etc.

15 Literacy Objective: To introduce and build vocabulary and public speaking through role play and show and tell. Teaching Method: Story bags, ‘Penpals for Handwriting’ and Big Write. Resources: 6 Storybags Smartboard Book flix

16 Literacy Class Work Reinforcing Activities Role play. Show and tell.
Interactive activities using ‘Penpals for Handwriting’ for the Smartboard. Reinforcing Activities Interactive discussions at home. Discussions around the stories. Preparation of show and tell at home.

17 Science / Theme Objective: Teaching Method: Resources:
To introduce children to everyday life and the world around them. To develop investigative skills through observation and experimentation. Teaching Method: Harcourt Science scheme of work Practical introduction to the topics with the help of experiments and investigations Resources: Workbook / sheets. Smartboard.

18 P.E. Music Art / Craft ICT

19 Recommended Websites

20 Questions?

21 Thank you

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