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Foundation Stage 2 Admission workshop 2016 Love to learn.

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1 Foundation Stage 2 Admission workshop 2016 Love to learn

2 What is the Foundation Stage?
The foundation stage begins when children reach the age of three The final year of the Foundation stage is when children are in “Reception class” (FS2 class) At the end of FS2, children will be assessed in the 7 areas of learning, against 19 Early Learning Goals.

3 Areas of learning… The foundation stage curriculum is split into seven areas of learning; The 3 prime areas are: Communication and language; Personal, social and emotional development Physical development The 4 specific areas are: Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design There’s a sheet with ideas for home

4 Organisation of provision
Children learn through play The classroom is set up so children independently access and return resources. Adult led activities take place daily and children are encouraged to join in. Children move freely between indoor and outdoor provision. Each session will start on the carpet for a small amount of teaching input

5 Phonics Jolly Phonics is a program we use combined with the government’s “Letters and Sounds” Regular practise at home and school will enable children to learn the sounds, blend and segment words quicker. Children will have a reading afternoon and will receive a book, phonic sheets and words to the learn the following week.

6 Assessment processes We gather evidence for the FOUNDATION STAGE PROFILE through observation, photographs, and work produced by the children. We use an online system called Tapestry. Once all details are uploaded to the secure server, access will be given to you with a username and password. Please leave your address and sign the consent form

7 Start and end of the day The FS2 team will come and collect the children at 8.45am – It is very important children are on the lining circle. Gate closes at 9am At the end of the day the children will be handed over to you through FS2 playground door, one at a time. If you need to see me or Mrs Horn please try and do this at the end of the day. Mornings can be very hectic! If it is urgent, you must let us know.

8 A typical day in Autumn Term
The gate opens at 8.45am Line up on the circle in the main playground A whistle will blow at 8.50am 9.00am-9.15 am = Speaking and listening time 9.15am-11.45am = Phonic and Literacy activities in the areas of the classroom. 11.45am-1.00pm Lunch time (lunchtime supervisor) 1pm – 2.45pm = Maths activities in the areas of the classroom 2.45pm-3.15pm Tidy time/Assembly/story/singing Children collected from door in FS2 playground

9 What can you do to help your child at home?
Examples are on the sheets in your pack and include: Learning phonic sounds and vocabulary (HFWs) Visiting the library Encourage mark making, drawing, cutting, computer, counting games, playing outside. Please visit the blog! It is updated regularly with photos, videos, activities and topics of conversation. Your comments are always very welcome Share and talk about the observations on Tapestry Enjoying a bedtime story

10 Uniform Please ensure that names are in EVERYTHING!!!
Send coats EVERYDAY. Children will need suitable footwear Please provide a pair of wellington boots Children should only wear laced shoes if they can fasten them. jewellery is not allowed. Stud earrings only. Need removing on PE days Children will come home dirty – it means they’ve had lots of fun!!

11 Other matters…. PE is on Tuesday and children require kit every week.
School dinners are free for all children. You can speak with office staff about your preference of a hot meal or packed lunch. Milk is available every day, a charge of £15 for the year. We will always welcome your clean boxes, egg cartons, yogurt pots and other packaging for our “workshop” area. Please fill in the forms attached to the clipboards and take away the “Starter Pack”

12 and Finally… If you have any worries or concerns please come in and see us, we will do our very best to help you. The following people work in FS2. Mrs Lisa Warner Class teacher Mrs Horn Teaching Assistant Miss Johnstone Support Assistant Ms Dimery Teaching Assistant Mrs Pound HLTA (covers my Leadership time on Mon & Tue pm)

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