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Electronics Introduction

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1 Electronics Introduction
For BHS Physical science 9th grade

2 Electricity It is the many physical quantities and properties associated with electrical charges. This area of science is responsible for all electronics devices and an integral part to all modern science.

3 Types of Charges Electricity is dependent at two main types of charges positive and negative. _________ are particles that have the ___________ and are free to move in atoms.

4 Electric Force ________________________________________________________ This electric force increases based on distance and larger amounts of charge.

5 Electric Field Electric field also depends on the _______________________ like electric force.

6 Current (I) Current is the flow of charged particles (usually electron) ____________________and it’s units are in ampere’s often abbreviated as A. Two main types of current exist AC and DC

7 AC vs. DC DC means direct current and is when charge particles _________________________. AC means alternating current and is when current changes direction periodically. (___________________)

8 Resistance (R) Resistance is the opposition to the flow of charges in a material (________________). Resistance is ___________________, it’s length, thickness and temperature.

9 Conductors Conductors have a relative low resistance and thus ___________________. Good thermal conductors are almost always good electrical conductors. So, copper, aluminum, etc. are good conductors.

10 Insulators Insulators have a rather high resistance and thus ___________________. Thermal insulators are again often electrical insulators. So, wood, rubber and air are good insulators.

11 Voltage (Potential Difference)
A difference in energy between two locations that allows current to flow. (So, if Voltage equals 0 there can be no current) ________________ is measured in Volts and named after an Italian Physicist Volta who invented one of the first batteries.

12 Ohm’s Law (VIR) Ohm’s law is the simple linear relationship between voltage to current and resistance. ____________ This equation is a foundation to analyzing circuits. Such as for example, V= I R gives (9 V) = I (100 Ω) which yields I= 9 V/ (100 Ω) = _______ for the circuit below.

13 Electric Power (PIV) Electric Power is equal to current times voltage. So, ____________ This means that for the previous circuit, with a voltage of 9 V and current of 0.09 A, that power is P = (9 V) (0.09 A) yields __________

14 Static Electricity Is the __________of electrical charge on an object.
This objects can build up charge by friction, contact and induction.

15 Contact Charging By using ____________ you can exchange electrons with an object thus building a net charge. By __________ with a charged object, you can drain the charge to you.

16 Magic? By bringing a charged object near a non-charged object, you can cause the non-charged object attract the charged object! What is this magical phenomenon, you may ask?

17 Induction We call this ____________ and it occurs by the free electrons of the non-charged object rearranging in such a way to produce an apparent charge. Although, the ____________________.

18 Circuit Diagrams Circuit diagrams use ____________ to represent parts of the circuit. This is basically a _______________for how to build a devices electrical part.

19 Series Circuit If one element in a series circuit stops functioning, ____________________. Not useless! If a circuit stops functioning during a power surge it can save the other elements.

20 Parallel Circuit If one element in a circuit stops functioning, _________________________. This is how a homes fuse box is wired.

21 Grounding (Earth Ground)
Grounding is when a wire goes directly into the earth. The earth is ideally a giant conductor and thus soaks up the current that goes to it. Used as a safety for open circuits. If a device short circuits the earth is a better conductor than you are and thus the charge goes to it ___________________

22 Fuse A fuse is an electrical component that melts down and _____________ the rest of the circuit from power surges. This can stop your home’s electrical components from exploding during a power outage.

23 Electronics Devices! The science of using an electrical signal to transmit, process or store information is electronics!

24 Types of Signal Two main types:
Analog signals which ___________both in __________________ and ______________. (Yes, waves are back to haunt you) Digital which have two states for amplitude high and low or rather 0 and 1. Binary signals.

25 Semiconductors A magical material that can be ________ an ____________________________________under certain conditions. This material allows for some of the most important electrical components to modern life.

26 Solid-State Components
Modern technologies heart! The vital foundation for computers, cell phones, iDevices, etc. Three types we will cover: Diodes, Transistors and Integrated Circuits

27 Diodes (d) Only allow current to flow in _________________.
This allows you to convert AC to DC current.

28 Transistors (Q) Can be used as _________________________, amplifiers, a changing resistor and much much more. These in particular, are responsible for all computers!

29 Integrated Circuits (IC)
These marvelous components are simply many components built on a silicon chip and thus are extremely small. IC’s are often just many transistors combined.

30 Examples of electric devices
What are some examples of electric devices you use daily? What concepts that we have learned relate to them?

31 What is Electricity What does Electricity mean to you?
Where does it come from, how does it work?

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