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Less power consumption than running a light bulb.

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1 Less power consumption than running a light bulb.
Trial Report 8th May 2015 Less power consumption than running a light bulb.

2 Trial Objective Savings achieved from running the SOLAR COOL Con
Air Con operation in base station cabin environment

3 Abbreviation and Definitions
kWh – kilo watt hour, measure of electricity for billing purposes HP – a unit of measurement of power. 1HP= 746W W – measure of power A – measure of current V – voltage

4 Methodology Use solar panels to reduce power consumption of the air con unit While the sun is shining, the SOLAR COOL Con with the help of 4 x 250watt solar panels, used the DC electricity generated from the solar panels to power the 3 DC motors in the outdoor unit thus saving up to 97% electricity. When there was insufficient sunlight, the SOLAR COOL Con will take AC power from the grid power or an OFF-GRID BATTERY or GENERATOR, and convert to DC power thru the intelligent power control module to run the 3 DC motors. This process is more efficient than any air conditioner on the market today. The SOLAR COOL Con runs at night time using this process.

5 Test Setup and Scenario

6 Seksyen 4, Shah Alam (Loc ID: B00656)

7 Test Period Site : Shah Alam Seksyen 4 Location ID: B00656 Malaysia
Start date : 13th March 2015 End date : 21st April 2015 Duration : 38 days Temperature : 25 Celsius Operating hours : non-stop Mode: normal

8 Technical Specification of Product
SOLAR COOL Air Cond Unit Solar PV Panel

9 Observations In the 1st week, unstable grid power to the cabin caused intermittent power trips. This caused the SOLAR COOL con to switch off. To solve this we connected grid power via a UPS to the unit. The air con worked best when the cabin doors stayed fully closed. There were no significant impact from weather conditions (rain, cloud) on the SOLAR COOL con performance. For full detail please refer to weekly report issued to the Operation Department Manager.

10 Data Used and Calculation
Item Initial Week 1st Week 2nd Week 3rd Week 4th Week End Date Taken 13/03/15 21/03/15 28/03/15 06/04/15 13/04/15 21/04/15 Initial Control Value W Reading 1182 Power (W) 154.6 102.9 196.5 222.2 407.1 49.9 Current (A) 0.936 0.691 0.884 1.616 1.890 1.931 Cumulative kWh Reading 0.001 31.53 61.13 95.38 122.1 153.5 W Low 149.5 10.0 9.9 W High 175.0 586.5 1153 Days Running 8 14 24 30 38 Average kWh per day = 4 kWh

11 Business Case Study

12 Savings converting to solar aircond
Saving Percentage Standard Aircond Savings converting to solar aircond 1.0 HP 75% 1.5 HP 81% 2.0 HP 86% 2.5 HP 89%

13 Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
Standard aircond 1.5 HP Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 RM Capex 2,000.00 - Maintainance 500.00 1,000.00 Energy cost 3,944.00 19,720.00 22,720.00 Solar aircond 9,000.00 750.00 1,500.00 734.00 3,670.00 14,170.00 Indicative TCO savings over 5 years per unit aircond RM8,550.00

14 Business Case Summary Average savings 80%
5-years TCO for 1.5 HP per unit RM8,550.00 ROI for 1.5 HP at indicative price per unit 2.8 years

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