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The Renaissance or Middle Ages?

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance or Middle Ages?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance or Middle Ages?

2 The Renaissance ca

3 What was present-day Italy like in the 1400’s?
- group of independent city – states location on the sea made trade the most important business. important trading cities were Florence, Venice, and Genoa the Crusades created an increased demand for Middle Eastern goods.

4 People began using credit and banks – why?
There was not one currency, so people relied on credit notes from banks. Banks would then pay merchants. Where was this mostly taking place? Venice, Florence and Genoa – republics along the sea that were major trading cities.

5 Florence

6 Venice



9 These Italian city-states became very different from the rest of Italy
These Italian city-states became very different from the rest of Italy. So, money became very important to them. Since the end of the Roman Empire, which religion dominated the Italian peninsula? ___________________ The _______________Church however, would not allow _____________, which is charging high interest on loans. Why would they not allow that? Christianity Catholic usury Because the Bible stated that you should loan people money without interest out of the goodness of your heart. The people secularized their government, which means that it focused less on ____________. Everywhere else in Europe, church was the basis for the government. The Church BOTTOM LINE: Increased trade from the Crusades, as well as the introduction of Arab goods and beliefs, changed Northern Italy by making the church less important than making money.

10 The Renaissance Renaissance Thought Education
Important, critical approach Admiration for individual achievement Should lead a meaningful life Renaissance Thought Belief in human dignity Supporting the arts

11 Section 1 Reading Quiz What is another name for Renaissance?
Name one of the Renaissance writers talked about in the text. Which Renaissance artist painted the Mona Lisa?

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