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An Overview of Academic Performance for the School Year

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1 An Overview of Academic Performance for the 2015-2016 School Year
Williamsville Central School District Board of Education October 18, 2016 This presentation has ben prepared at the request of the Board of Education. We thank the Board for the opportunity to present this information. With me this evening are Mrs. Gail Militello, IS for K-12 ELA and Reading, and Dr. Chris McGinley, IS for K-12 Math. They along with Mrs. Diane Cordz, IS for Accountability and Data Reporting/CIO, and Ms. Karen Greco, IS for ENL, LOTE, Libraries, and SS, helped to prepare the information shared this evening. It is important to keep in mind that these assessments do not comprise the entirety of the ways in which student performance and progress is measured. Our teachers use formative, diagnostic, benchmark, observation, and anecdotal information and student learning is assessed using a variety of formats, including performance based, projects, digitally, as well as paper pencil. Also, it is significant to acknowledge that one or a few measures do not tell a complete story regarding a student strengths or areas of emphasis. All qualitative and quantitative information available to support students in receiving the best education possible.

2 WCSD District Facts 2015-2016 2015-2016 Total K-12 Enrollment 9,962
% Eligible for Free Lunch 10.55% % Eligible for Reduced Lunch 2.00% % Limited English Proficient 2.2%* % Students with Disabilities 10.78% Official NYS Reporting is reflective of BEDS day counts You will notice that the percentage of ELLs for our district appears to be on the lower side. This is an area in which the District has seen much growth, particularly in the last year. It is also noteworthy that the NYSESLAT changes which began in 2014 and continued in 2015 added an element of rigor to the assessment process, likely resulting in an increase in identification. ELL # 222 as of BEDS day in October 2015 EOY active 269 # +15 (includes those required to be serviced after discontinuing) First year that districts were required to service for 2 years instead of 1. Currently ELL # of active 307 (includes those required to be serviced after discontinuing). Includes students who discontinued but required services in year one and now year two. * Does not include ELL students who are at the highest proficiency level, and as of , still required to receive services for a two-year period.

3 Context and Considerations
"Because of changes* made to the 2016 exam and the testing environment, the 2016 test scores are not an apples-to-apples comparison with previous years and should not be viewed as such." *Changes to the 2016 NYS 3-8 ELA/Math Assessments: The State used a new assessment vendor (i.e., Questar Assessment, Inc.) There were fewer test items The students had unlimited time to complete the test "This year's proficiency rates reflect only those students who took the tests. We have no statewide measure of knowledge or skills for those students who refused the test.“ – Education Commissioner, MaryEllen Elia BOE question – Change in cut scores for this year?...”to reflect improvement.”

4 NYS Gr. 3-8 Historical Math Test Results % Meeting/Exceeding the Standard District-Wide by Grade Level Introduction of the Common Core new assessment vendor fewer test items unlimited time This illustrates the State scale score adjustments over ten years to reflect the changes in test design/standards/etc. ELA has a similar trend.

5 WCSD NCLB District Accountability Elementary / Middle School ELA and Math 2015-2016
Accountability Group Enrollment % Tested All Students 4,734 64.77% Students with Disabilities 500 53.8% MATH Grades 3-8 Accountability Group Enrollment % Tested All Students 4,734 65.74% Students with Disabilities 500 52.00%

6 NYS Gr. 3-8 ELA and Math Test Results 2016 WCSD and NYS
outperformed NYS at every grade level 3-8 outperformed NYS “Average Need” districts at every grade level 3-8 performed similarly to “Low Need” districts at every grade level 3-8 The majority of the students across the state scored at levels 1 and 2 State-wide: ELA Levels 3 & 4 = 37.9% Math Levels 3 & 4 = 39.1% ELA Levels 3 & 4 = 61% Math Levels 3 & 4 = 68.1%* *This figure factors in the June 2016 Algebra 1 Regents performance by 8th grade students.

7 NYS Gr. 3-8 ELA and Math Test Results 2016 WCSD Rankings in Erie County, ELA and Math by Grade Level
ELA MATH Grade 2016 Ranking 3 6 4 5 1 7 8 Grade 2016 Ranking 3 4 5 6 2 7 1 8 There are 28 districts in Erie County (including Buffalo) Note: These ranking data include districts such as Eden and North Collins who often have fewer than 20 students who take the tests in a grade level. The number of “test takes” in Williamsville often exceeded these districts as much as 25 times.

8 NYS Gr. 3-8 ELA and Math Test Results 2016 % Meeting/Exceeding the Standard ELA and Math, District-Wide by Grade Level ELA MATH *35.7% of the Grade 8 cohort is enrolled in Algebra 1; effectively removing another 35.7% of students who would presumably meet/exceed the standards. Grade % 3 61% 4 58% 5 48% 6 63% 7 8 70% Grade % 3 69% 4 67% 5 64% 6 68% 7 8 36%* There appears to be a significant drop in the percentage of levels 3 and 4 however it is important to note that students at this grade level were not double tested. Students who were enrolled in CC Al I did not take the grade 8 math test. BOE question, “Grades 3-5 scored slightly lower than 7-8, yet those grades have the most scheduled time for ELA. What are the thoughts behind this? Should we consider this data point when planning our instructional day/time allotment for each subject?” BOE question, “This is where is it important to report on the % of LEP at each building. I was told that CP for example has high LEP%.”

9 Elementary NYS Gr. 3-4 ELA, Math, and Science Test Results 2016 % Meeting/Exceeding the Standard by School and Grade Level Grade 3 ELA Grade 4 ELA Grade 3 Math Grade 4 Math Grade 4 Science Country Parkway 55% 64% 68% 79% 100% Dodge 65% 54% 76% 67% 98% Forest 59% 75% Heim Elem. 58% 49% 95% Maple East 71% 63% 99% Maple West 60% 97% District 61% 69% Erie County 39% 36% 40% 41% 94% New York State 42% 44% 45% 87% Ave. Need 48% 50% Low Need 66% 62% 70% Williamsville - outperformed NYS “Average Need” districts at every grade level 3-8; performed similarly to “Low Need” districts at every grade level 3-8

10 Middle School NYS Gr. 5-8 ELA Test Results 2016 % Meeting/Exceeding the Standard by School and Grade Level Grade 3 ELA Grade 4 ELA Grade 3 Math Grade 4 Math Grade 4 Science Country Parkway Dodge Forest Heim Elem Maple East Maple West District Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Casey 55% 59% 64% 70% Heim 47% 58% Mill 39% 53% 63% Transit 51% 71% 72% 82% District 48% Erie County 29% 32% 30% 35% New York State 33% 34% 41% Ave. Need 36% 37% 43% Low Need 54% 56% BOE question, “Do we know why grade 5 ELA results were so low, comparatively?”

11 Middle School NYS Gr. 5-8 Math Test Results 2016 % Meeting/Exceeding the Standard by School and Grade Level Grade 5 Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 Casey 76% 75% 65% 46% Heim 73% 71% 26% Mill 50% 53% 64% 31% Transit 63% 74% 47% District 68% 69% 36%* Erie County 38% 36% 30% 17% New York State 40% 24% Ave. Need 21% Low Need 44% BOE question, “Do we know why grade 5 ELA results were so low, comparatively?” *37.5% of our Grade 8 Students were enrolled in Algebra 1. Of the 307 students enrolled in Algebra 1, 99.7% passed and 86.3% achieved mastery (≥85)

12 NYS Grade 4 Elementary Level Science Test Results 2016 % Meeting/Exceeding the Standard by School
Country Parkway 100% Dodge 98% Forest Heim Elem. 95% Maple East 99% Maple West 97% District Erie County 94% New York State 87%

13 NYS Grade 8 Intermediate Level Science Test Results 2016 % Meeting/Exceeding the Standard by School
Casey 88% Heim 94% Mill Transit 98% District Erie County 75% New York State 65%

14 WCSD High School Regents Exams 2016 Highlights*
Regents Mathematics 96% scored proficient in Common Core Algebra I 98% scored proficient in common Core Algebra II 96% scored proficient in Common Core Geometry 77% scored proficient in Algebra II/Trig** Regents ELA 96% scored proficient in Common Core English Language Arts 73% scored at the mastery level (85-100%) Regents Social Studies 92% scored proficient in Global History 97% scored proficient in US History and Government Regents Science 91% scored proficient in Earth Science 98% scored proficient in Living Environment 91% scored proficient in Physics 93% scored proficient in Chemistry *Includes MS and HS test takers **Alg. II/Trig. Regents Exam was offered as an optional exam by NYSED for students wishing to do so Alg. II/Trig – Last administration of A2T is Jan. 2017 ELA Regents Mastery Rates: East = 71% North= 83% South 63% BOE question, “Can information about cut scores be shared so parents know the difference between what their child actiallu earned and the score they were given?”

15 WCSD High School Regents Exams 2016 Highlights East High School
Regents Mathematics 93% scored proficient in Common Core Algebra I 99% scored proficient in common Core Algebra II 95% scored proficient in Common Core Geometry 82% scored proficient in Algebra II/Trig Regents ELA 97% scored proficient in Common Core English Language Arts Regents Social Studies 94% scored proficient in Global History 98% scored proficient in US History and Government Regents Science 91% scored proficient in Earth Science 99% scored proficient in Living Environment 93% scored proficient in Physics 92% scored proficient in Chemistry BOE question, “Are proficiency % equivalent to passing requirements for NYS regents exams?”

16 WCSD High School Regents Exams 2016 Highlights North High School
Regents Mathematics 92% scored proficient in Common Core Algebra I 98% scored proficient in common Core Algebra II 97% scored proficient in Common Core Geometry 70% scored proficient in Algebra II/Trig Regents ELA 99% scored proficient in Common Core English Language Arts Regents Social Studies 91% scored proficient in Global History 94% scored proficient in US History and Government Regents Science 81% scored proficient in Earth Science 98% scored proficient in Living Environment 96% scored proficient in Physics 98% scored proficient in Chemistry BOE question, “What are the Algebra /Trig results compared to the rest of the state?”

17 WCSD High School Regents Exams 2016 Highlights South High School
Regents Mathematics 96% scored proficient in Common Core Algebra I 99% scored proficient in common Core Algebra II 95% scored proficient in Common Core Geometry 78% scored proficient in Algebra II/Trig Regents ELA 93% scored proficient in Common Core English Language Arts Regents Social Studies 90% scored proficient in Global History 97% scored proficient in US History and Government Regents Science 84% scored proficient in Earth Science 96% scored proficient in Living Environment 82% scored proficient in Physics 89% scored proficient in Chemistry

18 Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations 2016
Number of students taking AP exams in 2016: East – 352 students North – 357 students South – 354 students TOTAL = 1063 Number of AP exams taken in 2016: East – 756 North – 640 South – 653 TOTAL = 2049 District Mean Score – 3.48 # of students District 2015 = 949 EAST = 289 NORTH = 322 SOUTH = 338 # of exams District 2015 = 1869 EAST = 616 NORTH = 625 SOUTH = 628 BOE question, “Can the number of students who pass the AP exams be reported as it compares to the number fo stduents who take the exams?”

19 Diplomas Earned 2016 East HS Regents = 25%
Regents w/Adv. Designation/Honors = 72% Local = 3% North HS Regents = 35% Regents w/Adv. Designation/Honors = 61% Local = 4% South HS Regents = 27% Regents w/Adv. Designation/Honors = 70% % of SWD earning Regents, or adv/honors diplomas SWD East 20 North 26 South 15 Regents East 55% North 46% South 60% Regents + Adv East 60% North 58% 4 advanced diplomas

20 Post-secondary Plans of WCSD Graduates 2015-2016
95% of students are college bound Seniors graduating in were awarded $26.2 million dollars in scholarships 1% to military 3% to work sector

21 Steps Taken and Continued Efforts
Continue to: Collaborate with teachers and administrators to examine data, identify strengths and areas for refinement based on a multitudes of information (qualitative and quantitative) - provide opportunities for reflection, curriculum development and refinement, and best practices sharing use a facilitation model where teacher representatives from across the District meet to learn, share, make decisions/recommendations, and create resources collaboratively offer professional development opportunities at the District and school levels and support individual PD collaboration between the Office of Instruction and Office of Exceptional Education (e.g., targeted PD – Universal Design for Learning, Differentiated Instruction, and Specially Designed Instruction) utilize mentoring and induction as vehicles for discussion, support, and coaching to build capacity Mention implementation teams

22 Steps Taken and Continued Efforts
Continue to: examine and refine structures, programs, and resources on the District level to maximize learning address the needs of all learners and continue to offer a variety of supports (RtI; mental health, social/emotional supports; alternative educational models; enrichment; vocational and internship opportunities) participate in school-level councils and committees to celebrate achievements and address identified areas make resources and information available to parents enrich the data team approach

23 An Overview of Academic Performance for the 2015-2016 School Year
Williamsville Central School District Board of Education October 18, 2016

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