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Ceramics = Pottery 1.

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1 Ceramics = Pottery 1





6 Ceramics in the Field

7 Artifacts – Ceramic Pottery
Clay deposits 10,000 years ago Artifact Most frequently found Different vessels for different purposes

8 Potsherds Sherds vs. Shards Diagnostics: sherds used for analysis
Typologies: How was it made and what was it used for? (Shapes Decorations Fabric) Chronology: When was it made? Petrography: Where did the clay come from?

9 Profiles Archaeological illustration
Front view Black line for the side wall Bisecting line Shows Inside and outside

10 What were these pots used for?



13 Grains and dried goods




17 Then there was Geometric Style

18 The spark of creativity

19 Achilles and Ajax Black Figure Ware Amphora 540 BCE

20 Red Figure Painted Pottery
Dionysus Holding a Kantharos. Red-figure The Berlin Painter c B.C.


22 Black Figure

23 Sherd Count Handles Rims Collars Bases Body Decorated
Sort potsherd types Record count on the worksheet

24 Body Sherd

25 Potsherd Worksheet Handles ____ Rims _____ Collars _____
Bases Body _____ Decorated _____ DRAWING Draw a specific potsherd to scale (tracing is allowed) B # _____ (WAIT UNTIL I TELL YOU TO DO THIS) Shapes: Can you identify what shape of vessel? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


27 Amphora The amphora was a two-handled vase used for storage and transport. Krater The word krater means "mixing-bowl," and the vase was used for mixing wine with water. Kylix This drinking-cup is sometimes called the "symposium-vase," since it appears often in vase-representations of symposia Kantharos This type of drinking-cup is often seen held by Dionysus on vases. Pithoi Large Storage vessel

28 PotSherd Number B 66. IX. 16,113 Unmarked Pottery = BZ artifact #
Dig site year excavated grid #

29 How Old Are the Sherds? I = Israel (time of King Solomon) 3,000 years old IV = Greek/Persian 2,400 years old BZ = Eastern Roman Empire 1,700 years old IX = Egyptian (time of Pharaoh Tutankhamun) 3,350 years old VII = Israel 2,700 years old

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