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PRESENTATION OUTLINE PART A Strategic Focus and General Information
PART B Quarter 4 Departmental Performance Information 2016/17 PART C Human Resource Oversight PART D Financial Information END
Mandate To champion the advancement of women’s socio-economic empowerment and the promotion of gender equality. Vision A society that realises the socio-economic empowerment of women and the advancement of gender equality. Mission Accelerate socio-economic transformation for women empowerment and the advancement of gender equality.
The department will place society at the centre of its work through: treating people with respect; conducting ourselves with integrity; being accountable for our actions; and striving for excellence and equity in all that we do. In interacting with stakeholders, we will act with fairness and respect and demonstrate teamwork and commitment to the cause. In delivering our mandate we will honour the faith that is placed in us as the ministry and department responsible for advancing the cause of women.
The organisational design of the Department is structured into 4 components reporting directly to Accounting Officer ODG, Ministry staff, Communication and Internal Audit 3 Divisions reporting directly to the Accounting Officer – Strategic Management, Corporate Management Financial Management; 2 Branches reporting directly to the Accounting Officer – Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment; Policy Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management. The budget programme structure for the 2016/17 FY reports on three programmes: 1. Administration; 2. Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment; and 3. Policy, Stakeholder and Knowledge Management
STRATEGIC FOCUS The Department monitors the implementation of the Presidential Directive to ensure the inclusion of women in broader economic plans of government, the implications for women of individual government ESEID departments operational and spending plans, and that the Nine Point Plan and the Operation Phakisa initiatives launched and those still to be launched, have an explicit gender dimension Through its work and commitments of International instruments, the Department monitors and reports to various international bodies on progress made in socio-economic empowerment of women and advocacy against gender-based violence. The Department also monitors progress on the implementation of the recommendations of the Status of Women in the Economy Report by the relevant departments. The Department contributes to Outcome 14 on promoting social cohesion and national building through the outreach programmes, communication strategy, partnerships and thought leadership work.
The Department Out of 29 targets planned, 13 (45%) targets were achieved, while 16 (55%) were not achieved in quarter 4 meanwhile in quarter 3 Out of 29 targets planned, 15 (52%) targets were achieved, while 14 (48%) were not achieved. A decrease in performance in programme 2 and 3. The department held the Operational Planning retreat to address areas of non performance and improve the day to day execution of work that leads to the achievement of targets. Key strategic deliverables were identified in line with planned targets for prioritisation in the execution of work in the core business. The key achievement are in programme 3 outreach and stakeholder coordination.
Figure below provides a graphic of overall performance of the department in relation to set Quarter 4 targets outlined in the 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan. Out of 29 targets planned, 13 (45%) targets were achieved, while 16 (55%) were not achieved.
Department`s Financial Performance for the 4th Quarter 2016/17
Programme Adjusted Appropriation Projected Expenditure at 31 March 2017 Actual Expenditure March 2017 Variance Actual vs. Projected % Spent R`000 % Administration 88 680 86 680 88 117 563 99.4 Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment 80 468 79 548 920 98.9 Policy, Stakeholder and Knowledge Management 27 739 26 732 1 007 96.4 Total 2 490 98.7
Figure below provides a graphic of overall performance of the Programme 1 in relation to set Quarter 4 targets outlined in the 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan. Out of 12 targets planned, 10 (83%) targets were achieved, while 2 (17%) were not achieved. Programme 1: External Q4 Performance 2016/17
PROGRAMME 1 None Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q 4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Approved risk plan and quarterly risk mitigation reports 3rd quarter risk assessment report submitted to Risk and Audit committee by 31 December 2015 Updated risk register approved by 31 March 2016 3rd Quarter Report Submitted to the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) Risk register in place None None 3rd Quarter Risk report Risk register Achieved Approved Internal Audit Plan, quarterly monitoring reports and internal audit reports against the plan 3rd quarter internal audit progress report submitted to the Audit Committee by 31 January 2017 3rd quarter Internal Audit progress report was approved by the Director- General and presented to the ARC on the 26 January 2017 3rd quarter Internal Audit progress report. PROGRAMME 1 HIGHLIGHTS OF ACHIEVEMENTS 1st quarter risk assessment report developed and submitted to Risk and Audit Committee on 15 August The operational risk register was approved on the 11th of August 2016. 1st quarter Internal Audit progress report was approved by the Director-General on the 8th July 2016 and presented to the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) on the15th August 2016 [completed projects- Contract Management ;Predetermined objectives Q1; Interim Financial statements Q1; MPAT, Assets Management , Still in progress – Productivity Management] 1st draft APP 17/18 Submitted to DPME and NT on the 31 August 2016 1st quarter 2016/17 performance report developed and submitted to National Treasury and the DPME on the 30 September 2016 MPAT and PKA coordinators were appointed by the Director-General and attended the DPME MPAT launch on the 27 July 2016 All required MPAT standards were uploaded and reports were approved by DG 1st quarter Interim Financial Statements submitted to National Treasury (NT) by 31 July 2016 Vacancy rate on 30 September 2016 = 6.4% SITA had 1 scheduled downtime in August All services were restored successful. Only remote access was disrupted but user could still have access to s AREAS OF NON-ACHIEVEMENT 100% of all disciplinary cases resolved within 90 days remains unachieved the Department has to manage compliance with the 90 days turnaround time frame. Business applications implementation plan produced and approved, the engagement with Business did not take place hence the plan was not produced and approved this target remains not achieved in two conservative quarters and the departmental business needs are currently being reviewed to ensure that the plan is customised to departmental needs. The deliverable on execution of 100% payment of all service providers within 30 days, the department only managed to pay 94% out of invoices were received and 10 were paid outside of 30 days hence is partially achieved. A session with SCM and Finance staff will be convened to establish the cause of non compliance on the part of the department.
Email to National Treasury and the DPME and Q3 report
PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management DoW strategic and annual plans developed Final Strategic Plan and APP 2016/2017 submitted to NT and the DPME by February APP 2017/18 approved by EA and submitted to NT and the DPME None None Printed APP 2017/18 Achieved Quarterly performance review conducted 3rd quarter 2015/2016 performance report developed and submitted to NT and the DPME 3rd quarter report submitted to NT & DPME to National Treasury and the DPME and Q3 report
PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Departmental Management Improved departmental MPAT scores Required MPAT standards uploaded during the challenge period 2 MPAT standards were challenged which are Application of recruitment and retention practices and Implementation of SMS PMDS None MPAT Final Score Report which shows Implementation of SMS PMDS moved from one to two Achieved
PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Financial Management % of invoices paid within 30 days Quarterly report showing trends of payment of suppliers who submitted valid invoices produced 1725 invoices were received and 308 were paid outside of 30 days January – 28 invoices: 1 invoice - due to late certification and submission of SBD documents from the suppliers 5 invoices due to the verification of the banking details on Safety Net 22 invoices due to the capacity constrain with finance during the festive period. Consequence management has been implemented as per the Financial Instruction Note issued. s & reports Not achieved
PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Financial Management Financial statements and reports 3rd quarter Interim Financial Statements submitted to NT by 31 January 2017 3rd quarter financial statements submitted on 31 January 2017 None to National Treasury Achieved Sub-programme: Corporate Management Reduced vacancy rate 10% or less on average over the quarter Vacancy rate as on 31 March was 5.7% of funded posts Establishment report for March 2017
PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Corporate Management % of disciplinary cases finalised within the time frame 100% disciplinary cases resolved within 90 days 1 case finalized however was not resolved within 90 days due to delays attributed to disciplinary hearing process. 1 disciplinary hearing in process and will most probably be finalized in the first quarter of 2017/18 Delays attributed to disciplinary hearing processes 1 case finalized after holding disciplinary enquiry .1 disciplinary hearing in process. Will most probably be finalized in first quarter of 2017/18 Labour relations database Not Achieved
PROGRAMME 1 CONT… 95% availability of ICT systems
Performance Indicator Q4 Target Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Corporate Management % of achievement of ICT systems availability 95% ICT system’s availability achieved 95% availability of ICT systems None SITA monthly reports. Achieved % of business systems implemented 85% achievement of targets in the business applications implementatio n plan Review of ICT Business Systems Implementation Plan ICT Security Policy approved None ICT Business Implementation Plan ICT Security Policy
Programme 1: Financial Performance Q4
Sub-Programme Adjusted Appropriation Projected Expenditure at 31 March 2017 Actual Expenditure March 2017 Variance Actual vs. Projected % Spent R`000 % Ministry 20 670 21 284 -614 103.0 Departmental Management 22 619 22 168 451 98.0 Corporate Management 20 944 20 458 486 97.7 Financial Management 12 822 12 583 239 98.1 Office Accommodation 11 625 11 624 1 100.0 Total 88 680 88 117 563 99.4
PROGRAMME 1 The table below provides progress of 3 targets not achieved for Programme 1 in the third quarter PROGRAMME 1 Not Achieved Targets Progress to date Quarterly reporting showing trends of payment of suppliers who submitted a valid invoice produced Not achieved- October – 10 invoices: due to late certification and submission of after-hours documents by 1 end-user November – 2 invoices: due to dispute on the exceeding of 15% on the order amount (2 KPMG invoices). December – 3 invoices: due to late submission of invoices for payment by 1 end- user. The register for the control and management of invoice tracking has been revised and improved; Invoices with queries are followed up to ensure compliance as far as possible; and consequence Management through warning letters has been implemented. 100% disciplinary cases resolved within 90 days Not achieved- 1 case finalised by mutual termination of contract; 2 disciplinary hearings in process Business applications implementation plan produced and approved Not achieved - Development of ICT Business Implementation Plan is in progress (Achieved in Q4)
Figure below provides a graphic of overall performance of the Programme 2 in relation to set Quarter 4 targets outlined in the 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan. Out of 7 targets planned, 1 (14%) targets were achieved, while 6 (86%) were not achieved.
PROGRAMME 2 Performance Indicator Q4 Target Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Social Empowerment and Transformation Framework for the Sanitary Dignity Campaign Coordinated Sanitary dignity indaba convened . Interdepartmental task team established Sanitary Dignity Project plan developed Internal Departmental stakeholders were consulted and the planned National Indaba is rescheduled for mid June 2017 The National Sanitary Dignity Indaba due the preparation for CSW had to be reschedule for mid June 2017 The National Sanitary Dignity Indaba to be held in the 1st quarter 2017/18 Sanitary Dignity Project plan developed Not Achieved PROGRAMME 2 HIGHLIGHTS OF ACHIEVEMENTS The first Preliminary Report on Departments compliance in Gender Mainstreaming women socio-economic empowerment in SA economy has been produced by end of Q2. The report is scheduled for discussion at the ESEID cluster DG’s meeting during Quarter 3 Internal discussions with the relevant Chief-Directorates of the DoW were undertaken on the approved discussion paper for women’s financial inclusion. The discussion paper will be consulted with at the ESEID cluster DG’s meeting in Q3. AREAS OF NON-ACHIEVEMENT The following targets were not achieved: Consultation on intervention mechanisms for improved childcare [ DoW will Analyse DSD and Health policies to assess the policy on ECD to identify gaps on the extent at which ECD as an enabler for Women’s socioecomonic Empowerment and enrich the report by outcomes from National Dialogues] Sector consultation on women’s productive contribution to household and community care [ Consultation will be held with Dept. of Labour and assess the impact of unpaid labour on women. Reference will be made to the Employment Equity Commission Reports and STATS SA reports] Draft discussion document on strategy for gender mainstreaming and GFPs consulted with stakeholders [ The target is work in progress National Dialogues will enrich the government-wide strategy on Gender Mainstreaming and GFP’s] Draft GRB framework consulted with stakeholders [Two internal consultation meetings were conducted the submission and draft concept paper is presently receiving DG’s and Minister’s attention, external consultations ( NT, DPME and STATS SA) will be held on 11 November 2016 ] Discussion document on the prevention strategy on the IPOA on VAWC consulted with stakeholders. [Target to be reported under the National Dialogues by aligning its work under lived experiences of the target groups involved in dialogues] Analysis of Best Practices on integrated services for GBV survivors discussion paper consulted.[The challenges of the Sexual Offences Act will be assessed including available studies, National Dialogues will also inform the discussion paper]
PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Economic Empowerment and Transformation Improved women’s socio- economic empowerment through engendering government’s Nine-Point Plan. Report on Interventions to ensure the economic empowermen t of women in the Nine Point Plan Draft Report produced on interventions taken by ESEID Cluster Departments to ensure the economic empowerment of women in Governments Nine Point Plan DoW workshop held and facilitated by Economic Development Department on mainstreaming women into the economy Draft report was submitted for approval and came back with comments to be addressed Re-worked report re- submitted for approval. The target will be achieved in Q /18 Draft Report on interventions to ensure the economic empowerment of women in the Nine Point Plan Not Achieved
PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Economic Empowerment and Transformation Women’s financial inclusion discussion paper. Discussion paper for women’s financial inclusion developed Refined women financial inclusion discussion paper submitted to ODG and EA. Women financial inclusion consultations done with the following: Outcome 4 technical implementation forum (ESEID Cluster, Black Business Council, Women Development Bank, UN Women and Black Women Association South Africa ) None Discussion paper for women Financial Inclusion and submission on financial inclusion Achieved
PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Governance Transformation, Justice and Security Strategy for gender mainstreaming and GFPs. Framework on strategy for Gender Mainstreaming and Gender Focal Points developed Cabinet Memorandum of the recommendations on a new accountability mechanism for HODs and functions competencies, and location of GFPs drafted Consultations with G & A Technical working Group, Cluster and DPSA Framework deferred to 2017/18 FY for further consultation Framework deferred to 2017/18 FY Cab Memo Pie charts List of GFP location and positions Minister to Minister letter Not Achieved
PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Governance Transformation, Justice and Security GRB framework developed. Draft GRB framework consulted with stakeholders GRB Internal Concept Discussion Paper developed and approved Intergovernmental Task Team (DoW, NT, DPME, Stats SA) Workshop held GRB Business Case developed, Contact with SA experts initiated. A decision was taken by EA that a Business Case on Gender Responsive Budgeting to be developed prior the development of framework Business Case developed and development of GRB framework deferred to 2017/18 FY GRB concept process document Business Case Not Achieved
PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Governance Transformation, Justice and Security Discussion paper towards a national prevention strategy for the IPOA on VAWC. Concept document on dialogues towards a national prevention strategy for the IPoA on VAWC approved - Concept document on prevention strategy for the IPoA on VAWC drafted - Concept document on dialogues drafted - National Dialogue report drafted and submitted for approval Draft report on Limpopo pilot project produced however work on dialogues still in progress National Dialogues to continue in 2017/2018 Financial Year in another Province. - Concept document on prevention strategy for the IPoA on VAWC Pilot report on National dialogues: Limpopo Concept document on national dialogues Not achieved Assessing the impact of the implementatio n of the Sexual Offences Act. Monitor implementation of recommendations of Analysis of Best Practice of integrated services for GBV survivors report Discussion document on best practices on integrated services for gender based violence (GBV) drafted This KPI was Incorporated into the National Dialogues Draft report on Limpopo pilot project produced. However the work still in progress since the target is linked to National Dialogues National Dialogues to continue in 2017/18 Financial Year in another Province Pilot report on National dialogues: Limpopo Concept document on national dialogues
Programme 2: Financial Performance Q4
Sub-Programme Adjusted Appropriation Projected Expenditure at 31 March 2017 Actual Expenditure March 2017 Variance Actual vs. Projected % Spent R`000 % Management: Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment 4 082 3 769 313 92.3 Social Empowerment and Transformation 3 157 2 845 312 90.1 Governance Transformation, Justice and Security 1 862 1 744 118 93.7 Economic Empowerment and Participation 1 476 1 299 177 88.0 Commission for Gender Equality 69 891 - 100 Total 80 468 79 548 920 98.9
PROGRAMME 2 The tables progress of 3 targets not achieved for Programme 2 in the third quarter PROGRAMME 2 Not Achieved Targets Progress to date Draft discussion paper on Women’s Financial Inclusion consulted on with ESEID Cluster departments The draft discussion paper on Women Financial Inclusion was withdrawn from ESEID cluster to first undergo consultations at a Technical Working Group of the Economic cluster departments to be convened by the dti during 4th quarter and it is still work in progress. Discussion document on the prevention strategy on the IPOA on VAWC Approved This work stream has been incorporated into National Dialogues programme and it is still work in progress. Analysis of Best Practices on integrated services for GBV survivors report developed The work has been included in the national dialogues and it is still work in progress.
Figure below provides a graphic of overall performance of the Programme 3 in relation to set Quarter 4 targets outlined in the 2016/17 Annual Performance Plan. Out of 10 targets planned, 2 (20%) targets were achieved, while 8 (80%) were not achieved.
PROGRAMME 3 Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q4 Sub-programme: Research and Policy Analysis Number of desk top research and analytical reports on the Social impact of the Nine-Point Plan on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality developed Desk top Research and analytical report on socioeconomic empowerment of women in the thematic areas of the Nine Point Plan developed Report on socioeconomic empowerment of women through government’s Nine Point Plan for the period October to December 2016 has been developed and submitted for approval Draft Report on socioeconomic empowerment of women through government’s Nine Point Plan was submitted for approval but was referred back with comments to be refined. The data collection toolkit will be finalized in conjunction with monitoring and evaluation process The Department has brought an M&E expert to enhance the M&E Framework and the toolkit will be incorporated in this process. Draft Report Not Achieved PROGRAMME 3 HIGHLIGHTS OF ACHIEVEMENTS United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1325 domesticated Preparation meeting for SADC Ministers responsible for women and gender was held in Botswana June 2016 and an approved report is available. Women’s Month outreach activities were held and a report is finalized. Three community mobilisation initiatives conducted on socio-economic issues affecting women as follows: International Mandela Day- 21 July 2016; HerStory Dialogue- 29 July 2016 and National Day of Prayer- 04 August 2016 Approved reports for the three community mobilization are available. Draft M & E System was developed. Women empowerment M&E frameworks approved AREAS OF NON-ACHIEVEMENT The following targets were not achieved: Progress report on research analysis of Agri-parks programme developed [Desktop review of available research has been initiated and analytical review is work in progress. The research analysis will focus on the whole Nine Point plan an erratum of the targets will be tabled in Parliament during Q3 ] Research strategy on women’s socio-economic empowerment and gender equality in relation to the Nine-Point Plan finalised [The research strategy will focus on the whole Nine Point plan an erratum of the targets will be tabled in Parliament during Q3 ] Policy paper on gender policy analysis of the land reform programme related to the Nine-Point Plan developed [The Policy Paper on gender analysis will focus on the whole Nine Point plan an erratum of the targets will be tabled in Parliament during Q3 ] The above targets will be combined into one target which will be an analysis of the Nine Point Plan focusing on the different thematic areas to enable the Department to produce a generic Analysis report of the Nine Point Plan. Progress report on implementation of phase one of the IKM strategy - [Phase one of the IK Audit includes auditing both the internal and external stakeholders due to lack of both human and financial resources, the IKM Unit has only gone as far as developing two of many audit tools; e.g. the IK Taxonomy building and IK Repository. Analyse prosecuted cases by nature of gender-based violence by National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) – [The achievement of this target will be within the National Dialogues. The unit is in communication with NPA to obtain reports published in the past two years on prosecuted cases of GBV to obtain data and information to be analysed. The outcome of analysis should be able to provide information on the average duration taken to prosecute these cases, the effectiveness of protective and support measures, cancelation and others information that the analysis might reveal.] Monitor the implementation of the recommendation from the analysis of strategic planning documents of the economic cluster departments – [The report on the analysis of strategic plan is work in progress the analysis report will be finalised by November 2016 its recommendation will be forwarded to the economic cluster departments for implementation]. One impact assessment report on progress made on women’s economic empowerment in the economic cluster departments compiled – [The unit has not yet visited projects of the economic cluster to assess the impact on women and have planned to identify and visit projects in Limpopo Province within the preparations for the National Dialogues processes. The projects will be visited and impact on women be assessed. The report will be submitted to the DG by December 2016.]
PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Descripti on of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q4 Sub-programme: Information and Knowledge Management Information and knowledge gateway to socio-economic empowerment of women and gender equality developed Phase one of IKM strategy implemented (gateway initiated) None After the retirement of the IKM CD, the IKM was repriotised and the data collation and knowledge management function is done through Research and Policy analysis CD. The department’s focus on information and communication which will be the function of Communication Unit. The structural changes will be addressed during the national Treasury programme structure amendment in 2017/18 Financial Year NA N/A Not Achieved
PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q3 Sub-programme: Stakeholder Coordination & Outreach Number of reports on the domestication of international commitments (SDGs, SADC, AU, and UN) One implementation report A draft report was submitted for approval but it was returned with comments for further reworking. Letters were sent to Department to provide latest information to strengthen the report The draft solemn declaration report is still will be updated in line with the received comments. The report to be re-routed and submitted for approval in the 1st quarter 2017/18 Draft Solemn Declaration report with comments Not Achieved
PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performan ce Status Q4 Sub-programme: Stakeholder Coordination & Outreach Number of outreach initiatives on women (including young women) for the socio-economic empowerment of women and the promotion of human rights in line with the MTSF outcomes 1 outreach initiative on socio-economic empowerment for women (international women’s day) Outreach initiated an International Women’s Day on 08 March 2017 at NASREC EXPO. None International Women’s Day Achieved
PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Stakeholder Coordination & Outreach Number of community mobilisation initiatives conducted on socio- economic issues affecting women such as gender-based violence, social cohesion, nation building and other related intolerances 1 community mobilization initiatives conducted on socio- economic issues affecting women on gender based violence, social cohesion and nation building A pilot dialogue on violence against women and children took place on 21 February 2017 at Mkhondo Local Municipality, Gert Sibande District. None Mkhondo dialogue report and programme Achieved
PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performan ce Status Q4 Sub-programme: Monitoring and Evaluation Establishment of the M&E system Approved M&E system None M&E System forms part of the draft M&E Framework that needs to be strengthened The M&E Unit has appointed the M&E Expert to strengthen and finalise the M&E Framework . The target will be achieved in the 2nd Quarter of 2017/18 financial year Not Achieved Number of reported cases by nature of gender-based violence analysed Analysis report on integrated services for GBV survivors as part of monitoring the impact of the Sexual Offences Act Draft GBV report was submitted for approval and was returned with comments to be implemented Draft Report will be updated during the roll out of the national dialogues Draft Report will be resubmitted for approval The target will be achieved in the 2nd Quarter of 2017/18 financial year Draft Report Not achieved
PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Performance Status Q4 Sub-programme: Monitoring and Evaluation Number of strategic planning documents of the economic cluster departments analysed 1 Report on the analysis of Strategic Planning documents of the Economic cluster Departments developed The first draft report of the analysis of strategic planning documents of the economic cluster departments was developed in quarter two. However, the target was discontinued to concentrate on monitoring the implementation of the Nine Point Plan This was discontinued to concentrate on the monitoring of the implementation of the 9 point plan Draft Report Not Achieved
PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Performance Indicator Q4 Target
Description of progress made for Q4 Reason for Deviation Interventions and /or corrective actions to be taken Verification Source Perfor mance Status Q 4 Sub-programme: Monitoring and Evaluation Number of impact assessment reports on progress made on women’s economic empowerment in the economic cluster departments 1 Impact Assessment report on progress made on women’s economic empowerment in the Economic Cluster Departments compiled The impact assessment is long term and could not be covered during one Financial Year. This was discontinued due to the amount of work required to conduct the impact assessment. Impact assessment is long term and could not be covered during 2016/17 financial year This was discontinued due to the amount of work required to conduct the impact assessment None Not Achieved Women empowerment M&E frameworks developed Cascading of the Women Empowerment Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks to all sector departments and municipalities The cascading was put on hold until the finalisation of the M&E Framework. The M&E Expert has been appointed to assist with the finalization of the draft M&E Framework. 1st quarter 2017/18 and once the Framework is approved, the target will be implemented Draft M&E Framework still to be strengthened and approved The M&E Expert has been appointed to assist with the finalization of the draft M&E Framework. The target will be achieved in the 2nd Quarter of 2017/18 financial year. Approved Terms of Reference that will enhance the M&E framework developed
Programme 3: Financial Performance Q4
Sub-Programme Adjusted Appropriation Projected Expenditure at 31 March 2017 Actual Expenditure March 2017 Variance Actual vs. Projected % Spent R`000 % Management: Policy, Stakeholder and Knowledge Management 5 378 5 356 22 99.6 Research and Policy Analysis 3 328 3 004 324 90.3 Information and Knowledge Management 1 624 1 051 573 64.7 Stakeholder Coordination and Outreach 13 297 13 293 4 100.0 Monitoring and Evaluation 4 112 4 028 84 98.0 Total 27 739 26 732 1 007 96.4
PROGRAMME 3 The tables progress of 7 targets not achieved for Programme 3 in the fourth quarter PROGRAMME 3 Not Achieved Targets Progress to date Desk top research and analytical report on socio-economic empowerment of women in the thematic areas of the Nine-point Plan developed The original target was discontinued and replaced following the midterm review of targets. The 2 desk top research reports were based on an assessment of the Cabinet progress reports on the implementation of the ESEID cluster outcomes. The first desk top report was based on Cabinet reports for Q1 and 2, while the second report was based on Q3 progress. This target is unachieved as the data contained in the progress reports were not disaggregated according to gender and such data had to be sourced directly from relevant line function departments. However this was not possible in the absence of a data collection matrix. Thus within the time period it was challenging to produce a baseline report with detailed analysis Progress report on implementation of phase one of the IKM strategy After the retirement of the IKM CD, the IKM was repriotised and the data collation and knowledge management function is done through Research and Policy analysis CD. The department’s focus on information and communication which will be the function of Communication Unit. The structural changes will be addressed during the national Treasury programme structure amendment in 2017/18 Financial Year .
PROGRAMME 3 The tables progress of 7 targets not achieved for Programme 3 in the fourth quarter PROGRAMME 3 Not Achieved Targets Progress to date One implementation report A draft Solemn Declaration report was submitted for approval but it was returned with comments for further reworking. Letters were sent to Department to provide latest information to strengthen the report.. Testing of the M & E system The M&E Unit has appointed the M&E Expert to strengthen and finalise the M&E Framework that includes the M&E system. The target will be achieved in the 2nd Quarter of 2017/18 financial year Analyse turn-around time to conclude cases of gender-based violence. Monitor programmes developed by justice cluster to prevent gender-based violence The targets will be finalised upon completion of the National Dialogues to continue in 2017/18 financial year
Reports / Frameworks completed
For 2016/17 Financial Year Item no. Description Date Submitted to PC on Women Progress Report 1 South Africa’s 5th Periodic Report of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (2009 – 2014) - CEDAW Report Presentation to PC on Women on 24 May 2016 Tabled to Parliament on 12 February 2016 Report presented to PC on Women and a final copy lodged – copies to be available at the 30 May 2017 briefing session 2 61st Session of the Commission on the Status of Women – (CSW 61 Report) 09 May 2017 Report submitted to PC on Women during the 09 May 2017 briefing session 3 National Dialogues Pilot Report : Limpopo Province (Nov – Dec 2016) 4 Women’s Financial Inclusion Not submitted Not cleared for external consultation 5 Gender Responsive Budgeting - GRB
Part C: Human Resource Oversight
Personnel expenditure by programme for the period 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017 Programme Total expenditure (R’000) Personnel expenditure (R’000) Training expenditure (R’000) Personnel expenditure as a % of total expenditure Average personnel cost per employee (R’000) Administration 88 117 49 028 357 39.3 527 STEE 9 657 7 306 - 5.9 430 PSCKM 26 732 14 287 11.5 571 TOTAL 124 506 70 621 56.7 523
Employment and vacancies as on 31 March 2017
Programme Number of posts on approved establishment Number of posts filled Vacancy rate (%) Number of employees additional to the establishment Administration 71 68 4.2 6 Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment 13 10 23.1 2 Policy, Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management 21 - 1 Total 105 99 5.7 9
SMS posts as on 31 March 2017 SMS level
Total number of funded SMS posts Total number of SMS posts filled % of SMS posts filled Total number of SMS posts vacant % of SMS posts vacant Director-General 1 100.0 - Salary level 15 5 3 60.0 2 40.0 Salary level 14 10 7 70.0 30.0 Salary level 13 20 19 95.0 5.0 Total 36 30 83.3 6 16.7
Job Evaluations Salary band
Number of relevant posts on approved establishment Number of jobs evaluated % of posts evaluated by salary bands Lower Skilled (levels 1-2) 3 100.0 Skilled (levels 3-5) 10 8 80.0 Highly skilled production (levels 6-8) 32 27 84.4 Highly skilled supervision (levels 9-12) 24 23 95.8 Senior Management Service Band A 18 16 88.9 Senior Management Service Band B Senior Management Service Band C 2 Senior Management Service Band D 1 - Total 100 89 89.0
Reasons why staff left the Department
Termination type Number % of Total resignations Dismissal 1 7.1 Resignation 5 35.7 Retirement Transfer to other Public Service Departments 7 50.0 Total 14 100.0 Total number of employees who left as a % of total employment 12.4
Employment equity on 31 March 2017
Level Male Female Total African Coloured Indian White 15-16 1 - 2 4 13-14 13 11 27 9-12 8 14 23 6-8 7 32 3-5 6 10 1-2 3 34 58 99
Vacancies as on 31 March 2017 Vacancy rate = 5.7% (6 vacancies against 105 funded posts) Post Date of vacancy Date advertised Current status DDG, Social Transformation and Economic Empowerment Sept 2016 04 Sept 2016 EA has approved headhunting of additional candidates as insufficient number of suitable candidates applied to the advertisement Special Adviser March 2017 - At discretion of EA Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Held in abeyance till 30 August subject to implementation of internal controls; contractor appointed as interim measure Chief Director, Governance Transformation, Justice and Security n/a 02 Oct 2016 Not previously filled. Recruitment underway; interviews anticipated for June 2017 Chief Director, Social Empowerment and Participation Has been funded through reprioritisation from post of CD: IKM; post still to be advertised Director, Communications Aug 2016 Recruitment underway; interviews anticipated for June 2017
Disciplinary matters as on 31 March 2017
1 disciplinary hearing in process. 1 SMS on precautionary suspension for dereliction of duty and financial misconduct since September 2016; hearing in process; has been postponed till 25/26 May 2017.
Final Budget Exp as at 31 March 2017 Balance Economic Classification R`000 % Compensation of Employees 72,270 70,621 98 1,649 Goods and Services 50,705 50,527 99 178 Transfers and Subsidies 70,236 70,242 100 (6) Capital Payments 3,676 3,290 90 386 Payments for financial assets - 59 (59) Total 196,887 194,739 2,148
The Appropriation for 2016/17 is R196, 9 million and the actual expenditure as at 31 March 2017 amounts to R194, 7 million, which translates to 98.9% of the Appropriation for the Department. The spending is as follows: Compensation of Employees: The 2.3% under spending is due to vacancies in the Department and part is utilised as virement. Three hundred and forty three (R343) thousand was moved to transfers and subsidies to defray the over spending relating to the payment of leave gratuities which was applied for approval from National Treasury because it is movement of funds between Economic Classifications. Transfers and Subsidies: All transfers to CGE were done during the 2016/17 financial year. Virement of R343 thousand was approved by National Treasury to utilise savings under Compensation of Employees to defray excess expenditure due to Leave Gratuities paid. The over spending as at 31 March 2017 is R6 thousand. Capital Expenditure: Under spending on Capital Payments is R441 thousand due to application of Capital asset accounting policy. Payment for financial assets: Write-off of irrecoverable amounts in terms of NTR 11.4.
Final Budget Exp as at 31 December 2016 Balance Programme R`000 % Administration 88,860 88,459 99 221 Social, Political, Economic Participation and Empowerment 10,577 9,657 91 920 Commission for Gender Equality 69,891 100 - Policy Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management 27,739 26,732 96 1,007 Total 196,887 194739 2,148
Programme 1: Administration The programme has spent R88, 5 million which is 99.8% of the Programme’s 2016/2017 adjusted appropriation of R88, 7 million. The variance between budget of R88, 7 million and actual expenditure is R221 thousand under spending is mainly on Compensation of Employees which is due to vacancies in the Department and part was utilised as virement.
Programme 2: Social, Political and Economic Participation and Empowerment The net budget, excluding CGE transfer of R69,9 million is R10, 5 million for Programme 2. The actual expenditure is R9, 6 million which translates to 91.3%. The under spending is R920 thousand, R4 million from the initial budget was utilised as a virement to defray excess expenditure in Programme 3 after journalising foreign expenditure from Programme 1. The under spending under Goods and Services before virement implementation was mainly due to consultations with Governance & Administration (G&A) Technical working Group Cluster and DPSA not held as anticipated due to the Framework being deferred to 2017/18 financial year. Consultations on GRB are still on due to a decision that was taken by Executive Authority that a Business Case on Gender Responsive Budgeting to be developed prior the development of framework.
Programme 3: Policy Stakeholder Coordination and Knowledge Management The programme has spent R26, 7 million which translate to 96.4% of the Programme’s adjusted appropriation of R27, 7 million. The under spending is mainly on Compensation of Employees due to vacancies in the Department
Monthly reconciliation are done on the Suspense Accounts. Additional human resource capacity has been sourced with effect from January Long outstanding balances have been cleared with supporting documentation. This is an on-going process. Fruitless & Wasteful Expenditure: (means expenditure which was made in vain and would have been avoided had reasonable care been exercised) Fruitless and Wasteful expenditure reported for the period ending 31 March 2017 amounts to R537 thousand for finance charges (interest) on the American Express (AMEX). Irregular Expenditure: (means expenditure, other than unauthorised expenditure, incurred in contravention of or that is not in accordance with a requirement of any applicable legislation) No Irregular Expenditure transactions reported for March 2017, leaving total Irregular Expenditure reported for the 2016/17 financial year at 16 transactions amounting to R2, 3 million.
FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Deviations: Payment within 30 Days:
No new cases of Deviations were reported for March 2017, leaving the total Deviations reported for the 2016/17 financial year at 19 cases amounting to R3, 7 million. Payment within 30 Days: A total of 3,502 invoices were received in 2016/17 of which 350 invoices were paid outside of 30 days translating to 10.0%.
MAJOR EVENTS – 2016/17 There was no major events during quarter 4.
# Description Destina-tion Date Delega-tion size Accommodation cost Air travel S&T Total 1 61st Session on the Commission on the Status of Women New York, USA 13 – 24 March 2017 9 1,300,000.00 609,798.30 217,223.45 2,127,021.75
FINANCIAL MISCONDUCT No cases of financial misconduct were reported during the third quarter of 2016/17 financial year.
Action Plan 2015/16 Audit finding Number of findings Resolved
Interim Action plan 2016/17 Audit finding Number of findings Resolved
In progress Unresolved FINANCE AND SCM 09 HR 01 1 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT 05 TOTAL 15
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