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CMQ101 - Course Introduction

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1 CMQ101 - Course Introduction
4/19/2018 Module 7 Introduction to Engineering Change Proposal/Request for Variance (ECP/RFV) Logs Last updated – 4/21/2017

2 Module Terminal Learning Objective (TLO)
Recall the principles of CSA as it relates to the process for Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs), including the required documentation and the roles of DCMA, the Government Program Office (GPO), and the supplier.

3 Enabling Learning Objectives (ELOs)
Define the principles of CSA in relation to Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs). Identify the Government Program Office (GPO), supplier, and DCMA roles in relation CSA activities and tasks.

4 Enabling Learning Objectives (ELOs), Cont.
Identify the typical acquisition life-cycle Configuration Management (CM) documentation recorded and managed within Configuration Status Accounting (CSA). Recognize the proper DCMA Engineering Change Proposal/Request for Variance (ECP/RFV) Log Format.

5 Module Topics CSA Overview DCMA’s ECP/RFV Log Acquisition Lifecycle

6 What’s In It For Me? (WIIFM)
What do you know about the ECP/RFV tracking log? What do you want to know about the ECP/RFV tracking log? What do you want to learn?

7 CME204 Engineering Change Proposal Review
CSA Overview

8 ECP/RFV Log vs CSA CSA is one of the 5 primary functions of CM
ECP/RFV Tracking Logs keep track of DCMA ECP/RFV reviews.

9 ECP/RFV Tracking Log : Goal
Goal: For engineers and Quality Assurance Specialists (QASs) to combine their records for review and processing of both ECPs/RFVs in one place for better visibility of ALL CCM activities amongst teammates.

10 CSA Principles CSA provides timely and accurate status of the product definition information. Implementing a CSA system is primarily the contractor’s responsibility.

11 CSA Principles, Cont. Principle CSA-1: Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) provides an accurate, timely information base concerning a product and its product configuration information throughout the product lifecycle.

12 CSA Principles, Cont. Principle CSA-2: Information about the product and the product configuration information are captured as CM tasks are performed; reporting is accessible to support program/project activities as needed.

13 CSA Principles, Cont. Principle CSA-3: Metrics derived from configuration status accounting information are used to evaluate and improve CM process effectiveness.

14 The main use of ECP/RFV Tracking Log is:
Knowledge Review The main use of ECP/RFV Tracking Log is: To determine the level of severity of non-compliance To support and participate in the FCAs and PCAs To provide monthly PARS and DAES assessments To provide a tracking system of CCM activities

15 CME204 Engineering Change Proposal Review
Roles in ECP/RFV Tracking Log

16 ECP/RFV Tracking Logs: DCMA Engineering Role
DCMA’s Engineering Role in ECP/RFV Tracking Log is to: Develop and maintain for CCM document reviews Log CCM disposition recommendations

17 ECP/RFV Tracking Logs: DCMA Engineering Role, Cont.
DCMA’s Engineering Role in ECP/RFV Tracking Log is to: Provide comments to capture details of CCM reviews and the justification for recommendations Identify CCM documents for validation

18 ECP/RFV Tracking Logs: Government Program Office (GPO) and supplier Roles
The CSA CM function is performed by Government Program Offices (GPOs) and suppliers. Their logs keep track of: CM documentation CCM documentation Configuration Audit (CA) documentation

19 DCMA’s ECP/RFV Tracking Log data may be used for:
Knowledge Review DCMA’s ECP/RFV Tracking Log data may be used for: Verifying design authorization for subsuppliers Providing PAR input of surveillance activities Maintaining the validity of the data stored in CSA Identifying CCM documents for validation

20 CME204 Engineering Change Proposal Review
Acquisition Lifecycle CM Documentation

21 ECP/RFV Tracking Log: Acquisition Lifecycle CM Documentation
Graphic of Acquisition Lifecycle timeline starting with enabling science and technology and initial capabilities document. Then the Material Solution Analysis (Material development decision) with a draft of the capability development document. Next is the technology maturation and risk reduction with final draft of capability development document. The Engineering and Manufacturing and Development with the Critical Design Review and Capabilities Production Document and a Production Readiness Review. Production and Deployment with Full Rate Production Decision and Full Deployment Decision and Physical Configuration Audit. Initial Operation Capability occurs before Operations and Support, Sustainment, and Disposal. SFR The Supplier shall provide configuration documentation to support each Technical Review (EIA 649-1, para ). The following technical reviews formally establish configuration baselines: The Functional Baseline is established at the System Functional Review (SFR) The Allocated Baseline is established at the Preliminary Design Review (PDR) The initial Product Baseline is established at the Critical Design Review (CDR) Graphic of acronym legend. CDD Capability Development Document, CDR Critical Design Review, CPD Capabilities Production Document, FCA Functional Configuration Audit, FDD Full Deployment Decision, FRPD, Full Rate Production Decision, ICD Initial Capabilities Document, IOC Initial Operational Capability, PCA Physical Configuration Audit, PMB Performance Measurement Baseline, PRR Production Readiness Review, S&T Science and Technology, SFR System Functional Review.

22 ECP/RFV Tracking Log: Acquisition Life Cycle CM Documentation, MSA and TMRR Phase
Acquisition Phase Typical Information Sources Typical Output Material Solution Analysis (MSA) Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction (TMRR) Mission needs statements Baseline performance/cost/schedule goals System Requirements documents for alternative configurations Preliminary System Performance Specifications for selected configuration Engineering change proposals or contract change proposals, as applicable Current revision of each document CDCA and approval status for each document

23 ECP/RFV Tracking Log: Acquisition Life Cycle CM Documentation, EMD Phase
Acquisition Phase Typical Information Sources Typical Output Engineering and Manufacturing Development (EMD) System performance specification CI performance/detailed specifications Engineering drawings and associated list CAD files Test plans/procedures and results Audit plans, reports, and certifications Engineering change proposals Request for deviation NORS Engineering orders, change notices, etc. Installation and as-built verification Removal and re-installation CDCA Release & approval status of each document Current baselines Baselines as of any prior date As-designed configuration, current and as of any prior date As-built configuration, current up to time of delivery, and any prior date As-delivered configuration Status of ECPs, RFDs in process by supplier, by Government Effectivity and incorporation status of approved ECPs, RFDs, including retrofit effectivity Test and certification requirements to be completed prior to milestones such as reviews, demonstration, test, trials, delivery Verification and audit status and action items

24 ECP/RFV Tracking Log: Acquisition Life Cycle CM Documentation, P&D Phase
Acquisition Phase Typical Information Sources Typical Output Production and Deployment (P&D) All development Phase Items System CI location by S/N Support equipment and software Spares Installation of spares, replacements by maintenance action Trainers Training material Operating and Maintenance Manuals, IPBs CI Delivery dates and warranty data Shelf life or Operating limits on components with limited life or limited activations, etc. Operational History Verification/Validation of retrofit Instructions, Retrofit Kits Incorporation of retrofit kits All Development Phase Items Current configuration of all Systems/CIs in all locations (As-modified/AS-maintained) Required and on-board configuration of all Support Equipment, Spares, Trainers, Training, Manuals, Software, Facilities needed to operate and maintain all systems/CIs at all sites As-designed configuration, current and as of any prior date As-built configuration, current up to time of delivery, and any prior date As-delivered configuration Status of ECPs, RFDs in process by supplier, by Government Effectivity and incorporation status of approved ECPs, RFDs, including retrofit effectivity Test and certification requirements to be completed prior to milestones such as reviews, demonstration, test, trials, delivery Verification and audit status and action items

25 ECP/RFV Tracking Log: Acquisition Life Cycle CM Documentation, O&S Phase
Acquisition Phase Typical Information Sources Typical Output Operation and Support (O&S) All Production and Deployment Phase Items All Productions and Deployment Phase Items

26 CME204 Engineering Change Proposal Review
DCMA’s ECP/RFV Tracking Log Format

27 DCMA’s ECP/RFV Tracking Log Format
DCMA’s ECP/RFV Tracking Log format requirements are documented in DCMA- INST 217 and DCMA- INST 1207: Reference the mandatory CCM data fields table printed from the virtual component. Column Letter A CSA Field Name Row Number Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description A unique sequential number for identifying each field row and Configuration Change Management (CCM) document in the CSA log. Column Letter B CSA Field Name Date of DCMA Disposition Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description The date DCMA issues the dispositioned CCM document to the Contractor. Column Letter C CSA Field Name DCMA Disposition Decision Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description The type of disposition, or disposition recommendation assigned by the CCM document (“Concurrence,” “Non-concurrence,” “Approval,” or “Disapproval”). If the document was deferred for additional research or received but never dispositioned, enter “None” and add an explanation in the Comment field. Column Letter D CSA Field Name DCMA CMO Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description Name of the DCMA Contract Management Office (CMO) associated with the disposition record. Column Letter E CSA Field Name DCMA CMO DODAAC Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description The DCMA CMO Department of Defense Activity Address Code (DoDAAC) associated with the disposition record. Column Letter F CSA Field Name Contract Number Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description The Contract number applicable to the CCM document. If the CMO is not involved in the CCM process, enter: “N/A”. Column Letter G CSA Field Name ECP Classification Type Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description The ECP document classification. Column Letter H CSA Field Name ECP Document Number Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description The ECP identifier assigned by the Contractor. Column Letter I CSA Field Name ECP Document Title Brief Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description The ECP descriptive title. Column Letter J* CSA Field Name Delegated? (Yes, No, Portion, N/A) Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description Identify whether the ECP evaluation and disposition is part of delegation. Column Letter K* CSA Field Name Delegated To Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description The DCMA CMO DoDAAC to which the delegation was issued. If the entry does not address delegations, leave it blank. Column Letter L* CSA Field Name Delegated From Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description The DCMA CMO DoDAAC issuing the delegation. If the entry does not address delegations, leave it blank. Column Letter M* CSA Field Name Delegation Date Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description The date the delegation was accepted. If the entry does not address delegations, leave it blank.

28 DCMA’s ECP/RFV Tracking Log Format, Cont.
Format Requirements: Location, format and placement of mandatory CCM fields is flexible Contain additional data fields as determined necessary Physically separate from other CSA type systems Table 1. ECP/RFV Tracking Log Minimum Required Fields column letters, ECP/RFV Tracking Log Field Names, and ECP/RFV Tracking Log Field Description Column Letter N CSA Field Name Comments Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description Enter comments, as necessary. Column Letter O CSA Field Name Row Affected Item Nomenclature Configuration Status Accounting Nomenclature for the affected nonconforming NSN or contractor part number. Column Letter P CSA Field Name Verification Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) The date the DCMA CMO confirmed the ECP or RFV document description/content or confirmed that the repair described in the RFV will produce the desired results (Format MM/DD/YYYY). Column Letter Q CSA Field Name Distribution Date Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description Date the ECP/RFV document was transferred to the ACO. Column Letter R CSA Field Name ACO seeks consideration Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description Record decision by ACO to seek or not seek consideration, (Yes or No). Column Letter S CSA Field Name Type and Amount of Consideration Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description Record the type and amount of consideration achieved from contractor. Column Letter T CSA Field Name Comments Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) Field Description Enter

29 DCMA’s ECP/RFV Tracking Log Format, Cont.
DCMA ECP/RFV Sample Log Example 2 ECP/RFV Tracking Logs include the following information column A row number, column B Determination/Recommendation Date, Column C ECP/VECP/RFV Determination Decision Recommendation, Column D Date received, Column E DCMA CMO, Column G Contract number, Column H Contractor name, Column I CAGE code, Column J Document Type: ECP, VECP or RFV, Column K ECP/VECP/RFV Classification type, Column L ECP/VECP/RFV Document number, Column M

30 Knowledge Review Attributes of the ECP/RFV Tracking Log include: (Select all that apply.) Mandatory CCM data fields Format of mandatory fields are predetermined Additional data fields can be added as needed Some information only applicable to RFV

31 Think About… Consider the following questions:
What additional fields for the ECP/RFV Tracking Log would improve your situation? Now take 2 minutes to share your thoughts with the person next to you. Finally, as a class, let’s share our ideas about additional fields that could improve the ECP/RFV Tracking Log.

32 Introduction to Engineering Change Proposal/Request For Variance (ECP/RFV) Logs

33 Summary The ECP/RFV Tracking Log is a DCMA CCM function combining the records of engineers and Quality Assurance Specialists (QASs) for review and processing of both ECPs/RFVs for better visibility of all CCM activities among teammates.

34 Summary What did you know about the ECP/RFV tracking log when you arrived? What did you want to know? What did you learn?

35 Questions?

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