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Ferminoid Zoayapapaya Maglokovskii

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1 Ferminoid Zoayapapaya Maglokovskii
Historical Background Paradise Lost Ferminoid Zoayapapaya Maglokovskii

2 John Milton Born Dec. 9 1608 – died Nov. 8 1674
1667- Paradise Lost best known work 1620s- Studied to enter a ministerial career in London 1632- Studied many subjects towards his poetic career, including: ancient and modern theology, philosophy, history, politics, literature, and science Married 3 times; Mary Powell (who died in 1652), Katherine Woodcock (who died 1658), and Elizabeth Minshull who he was married to until he died 1654- Blinded by glaucoma, so Paradise Lost was completely dictated to his daughter, Deborah In Paradise Lost, Milton created the words: self-esteem, satanic, and dreary

3 Milton’s Ideology Raised as Protestant with heavy ideas of Puritanism
In 1638 Milton went to Italy, met Galileo and returned to England a year later where he would support Presbyterians in their attempt to reform the church. For more than twenty years, Milton set aside poetry to write political and religious pamphlets for the cause of Puritanism. Milton was split between two ideologies: Humanist : believed that everyone had their own values and the church should be fair and accepting Puritan : believed that the bible was the ultimate guide for humans

4 Milton’s Political Beliefs
( ) The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, arguing the legality and morality of divorce under English law, stemming from a sour marriage After the death of Charles I, Milton published The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates (1649) which supported the view that the people had to right to remove and punish a tyrant.

5 Oliver Cromwell Born April 25,1599 – died September 3, 1658
English military and political leader Farmer, member of Parliament, soldier, military commander, then led his troops to dissolve a parliament, making himself Lord Protector of the Protectorate Invaded Ireland and Scotland Died of Malaria and a combination of organ failures

6 The Protectorate

7 England, Ireland, and Scotland were united under the Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell.
At first there were three branches of government; Lord Protectorate, Parliament, and Council but Cromwell dissolved the other two branches and replaced them with military generals creating a military dictatorship. Puritan legislation with persecution against Anglicans and Catholics, but not Jews or Protestants Cromwell’s son, Richard inherited the position but was not powerful enough to continue it, thus he ended the Protectorate and began the Restoration.

8 Restoration Richard could not control the army
English, Scottish, and Irish monarchy restored under King Charles II Declaration of Breda announced his kingship Very loyalist Cavalier Parliament Titles revoked, theaters reopened, others taken out of power

9 Characteristics of Epic Poetry
There are 3 categories of epic poetry; Ancient (to 500 A.D.) such as The Iliad and Odyssey, Medieval (from B.C.) such as Beowulf and Canterbury Tales, and Modern (from 1500 B.C.) such as Paradise Lost There are common motifs including: lengthy journeys, mythological creatures and heroes, a bevy of characters, and great time spans Free verse and long (thousands of lines) Narratives Utilize many literary devices Parallel to the beliefs of society

10 Bibliography "Cromwell, Oliver ( )." DISCovering Biography. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. Jones College Prep. 27 Jan < "Epic." DISCovering Authors. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. Jones College Prep. 27 Jan < "Milton, John ( )." DISCovering Authors. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. Jones College Prep. 27 Jan < Labriola, Albert C. "John Milton." DISCovering Authors. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, Student Resource Center - Gold. Thomson Gale. Jones College Prep. 27 Jan <

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