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Intro to Beowulf.

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1 Intro to Beowulf

2 Origins of Beowulf Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language.
Actually, this writer should be called an editor because the poem had a long oral tradition and finally came to rest as what we know as Beowulf. The original poem didn’t have a title, modern editors gave the poem its name.

3 More About the Editor The “writer” was obviously well-read and conscious of his role as a poet. This is a Christian writer balancing his faith with very Pagan themes. We know that the editor is Christian because the only literate people of the time were those from the church.

4 Old English Old English was spoken in the Middle Ages from about 6th century to 11th century. It all changed in 1066…

5 Transformation of the English Language
In 1066, William the Conqueror successfully invaded England, bringing his Norman French language with him; the nobility began to speak French, and gradually Old English evolved into Middle English ( ): “Whan that Aprill, with his shoures soote/The droghte of March hath perced to the roote” (Chaucer) Modern English has been spoken since the Renaissance – What English does Shakespeare write in? Old, Middle, or Modern?

6 Manuscript There is only one surviving Beowulf manuscript and it dates from late 10th century. This manuscript was damaged in a fire in 1731 that destroyed many other medieval manuscripts.

7 Original Beowulf Manuscript (Note the burn marks on the top and sides)

8 Setting Beowulf is recognized as a hallmark of English literature, yet its heroes and its setting are not English. The poem is set in two places: the first half on a Danish island and the second half in Beowulf’s homeland (an island off the SE coast of Sweden).

9 Setting Time of Beowulf Europe today

10 Tidbit! Interesting Fact:
J.R.R. Tolkein (The Lord of the Rings Trilogy) was a learned Beowulf scholar. He played a huge part in getting Beowulf accepted as classic literature. It influences all of his writing.

11 Epic Poetry Beowulf is written in the epic tradition, meaning it is a story “larger than life.” A hero is often on a “quest” and the supernatural guides him. Epics champion bravery, loyalty, and devotion to community.

12 The Epic An epic… Is a long story in poem form Has a hero
Is the story of the hero’s travels and his fights with monsters, gods, and bad guys Was originally sung Jumps right into the plot –in medias res

13 The Epic Warrior Has “Larger than life” qualities,
Is a natural leader of others Is not emotionally connected to his followers. Is appealing to the opposite sex, but is rarely in a committed relationship Defeats monsters and/or fights for gods

14 Common Modern Epics Evaluate a story you’ve read or seen as an epic story. Here are a few that may be familiar Dante’s Divine Comedy The Odyssey Robin Hood Lord of the Rings Star Wars (Who is the Hero?) The Matrix Batman Begins

15 Literary Devices Allusion: Biblical, Germanic oral tradition, Norse myth and legend, historical Anglo-Saxon kings Alliteration: (eg. Scyld’s strong son) Kenning: a compound (usually two words, often hyphenated) that employs figurative language in place of a more concrete single-word noun. Bone-house = body Whale-road = sea Ring-giver = lord

16 Terms to Know “scop” –story-teller “thane” –warrior “mead” –beer “mead-hall” –bar/gathering place “wyrd” –fate

17 NAMES Beowulf’s father– Ecgtheow
In most cases, the son is named after the father Don Donald (son of Don) McDonald (son of son of Don) McDonaldson (son of son of son of Don) Proves Beowulf is own individual with own powers and abilities (and more important than his father) Beo– Bear Bears are known as Great Protectors in Norse mythology Strong Wulf– Wolf Wolves are also great protectors, but are also cunning and speedy

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