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My Observations One week to go….

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1 My Observations One week to go…

2 Essay #1 Poetry Analysis For high scores…you used
Introductions answered the entire question- it asked to compare or contrast the two poems Thesis statements included mention of literary devices In body paragraphs, you used literary devices and excerpts from poem to make your support You commented on the use of the devices in order to explain how the author “makes his point” Your conclusion makes a comment about the topic.

3 Essay #1 Poetry Analysis For high scores, you need to…
When you read the poem, choose 3 LITERARY DEVICES that help you explain the prompt. Write them as notes and annotate!! Use TRANSITIONS in your paragraphs!! This is a common fault of writers AND A PLUS to those who use them! FIND IRONY! You know that most pieces the college board chooses has irony! Find it and comment on it. WHERE’S THE SHIFT? You have analyzed many poems and see that shift is an important device. Look for STRUCTURE/SYNTAX! Use this as part of your analysis, and it’s easy to see.

4 Essay #2 Prose Analysis For high scores…you
Answered the ENTIRE PROMPT in your THESIS. Chose LITERARY DEVICES and related it to the prompt. Used TEXTUAL SUPPORT and commented on how the author related it to the character Wrote solid, long body paragraphs that follow AP style analysis Your conclusion makes a comment about the topic.

5 Essay #2 Prose Analysis For high scores, you need to…
Answer the ENITIRE PROMPT in your THESIS. PICK LITERARY TERMS THAT ANSWER THE PROMPT. Choose 3 and annotate. Read the prompt to find out what ELEMENT (s) OF LITERATURE is being “displayed” (see list later) and write about it!!! Look for STRUCTURE/SYNTAX! Use this as part of your analysis, if you can locate one.

6 Elements of Poetry All roads lead to IRONY, POV, and TONE!!

7 Elements of Prose/Literature
Characterization- point of view, protagonist/antagonist, conflict Setting rural, city, effect on character, effect on conflict, effect on plot Conflict internal, external- human v. society or nature, human v. human Diction implies tone, which implies meaning. Look for obvious verbs, adjectives, or figurative language Imagery! It should be there… (figurative language) Author’s purpose- try to figure out what it is…and comment Symbol!

8 Essay #3 Open-Ended For high scores, you need to…
Answer the ENITIRE PROMPT in your THESIS. Remember most prompts ask for the implication of the work as a whole (=THEME) PICK LITERARY TERMS THAT ANSWER THE PROMPT. C Look for STRUCTURE/SYNTAX! Use this as part of your analysis, if you can locate one.

9 All roads lead to… IRONY TONE and POINT OF VIEW

10 Attempt a poem… Who is the Speaker? What is the poet’s Intention?
What are the Poet’s tools (that he or she used)? Use textual support and for each piece of support, comment on how that text explains your point

11 Essay 2- Prose Analysis On the top or bottom of your paper, write: POV
Tone Irony

12 Literary Analysis Who is the narrator (point of view)? What elements support this?] Tone- how does the author build the dominant tone? Irony- is there anything ironic about the piece? It’s FICTION! What elements of fiction (tools) did the author use (literary elements)? Are they connected to pov, tone, or irony? Where can you find answers to the prompt (question) in the piece? What is the INTENTION of the excerpt? Use textual support and for each piece of support, comment on how that text explains your point

13 “Cherry Bomb” 2010 Test B What other elements can we attribute to each of the MAJORS?
POV- Tone Irony

14 Open-ended essay Figure out what the prompt is exactly asking (how many things to include in your thesis) Choose a novel or play of literary merit (text) Think (prewrite) of elements of literature that will answer the question and explain the text Write every paragraph using the tools for WRITING WELL- topic sentence, textual support (details to prove your point), commentary on the text Long paragraphs that are detailed!

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