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Facet Joint Dysfunction

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Presentation on theme: "Facet Joint Dysfunction"— Presentation transcript:

1 Facet Joint Dysfunction

2 Normal Anatomy Upper to lower – horizontal to vertical
Surrounded by fibrous capsule Highly innervated Source of nociceptive input Source of sensory input from mechanoreceptors

3 Pathophysiology Joint surface and/or capsular tissue
Surrounding muscle spasm Facet joint hypertrophy over time Capsular thickening Osteophyte formation

4 Mechanism of Injury Traumatic Degenerative Fracture (Emergency)
Dislocation (Emergency) WAD Degenerative Spondylosis

5 Mechanism of Injury Traumatic Degenerative Fracture (Emergency)
Dislocation (Emergency) WAD Degenerative Spondylosis

6 Associated Pathologies
WAD Cervical Spondylosis Cervical Radiculopathy

7 Subjective Insidious/trauma Ipsilateral neck pain Referral pattern
Dull ache with sharp pain on movement Morning stiffness No neural generally

8 Objective ROM reduced and painful Pain and stiffness segmental testing
Compression - Extension, contralateral rotation and ipsilateral side flexion Capsular stress - Flexion, ipsilateral rotation and contralateral side flexion Pain and stiffness segmental testing Increased tone surrounding musculature

9 Special Tests PA Segmental Mobility Extension Rotation

10 Further Investigation
MRI Diagnostic injections CT Scan Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT)

11 Management Nearly always conservative Traumatic responds quickly
Settle inflammation, allow healing process Degenerative slower Change stress through area

12 Conservative - Management
Pain Relief NSAID’s, Ice or Heat, Massage Restore ROM – Cervical AND Thoracic Cervical Rotation, Extension, Thoracic Extension and Rotation Soft Tissue, Joint Mobilisations, stretches Restore Normal Muscle Activation Deep cervical flexors, Deep cervical Extensors, Scapular upward rotators and posterior tilt Restore Normal Dynamic Stability and Proprioception

13 Plan B - Management Injection Surgical
Intra-articular facet joint injections Medial branch nerve blocks Surgical Radiofrequency neurotomy considered if medial branch nerve block is successful

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