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Apply to “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”

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Presentation on theme: "Apply to “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Apply to “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”
Poetry Terms Apply to “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”

2 Review: Stanza Iambic Pentameter Meter Rhyme Scheme Personification
Metaphor Simile Figurative Language

3 Review: Stanza- a group of lines (a “paragraph” in poetry)
Iambic Pentameter- 5 pairs of unstressed/stressed syllables (meaning 10 syllables per line) Meter- unit of rhythm in poetry (measured with a poetic foot) Rhyme Scheme- the pattern of rhymes at the end of each line (Ex: ABABCDCDEFEF) Personification- giving non-human things human characteristics Metaphor- comparison not using like or as Simile- comparison using like or as Figurative Language- language not meant to be taken literally

4 Iambic Tetrameter We know what iambic means… And meter…
So Iambic tetrameter is 4 pairs of unstressed/stressed syllables. How many total syllables per line then?

5 Sestet A 6-line stanza Octave An _____-line stanza

6 Alliteration The repetition of the initial letter or sound in two or more words Ex: Crazy cats are commonly cute. Ex: Sam cinched the salmon.

7 Assonance The repetition of an internal vowel sound
Ex: Men sell the wedding bells. Ex: Go mow the lawn.

8 Consonance The repetition of consonant sounds Ex: Pitter patter
Ex: Chuckle, fickle, kick Note: this is different from alliteration in that it has to do with consonant sounds ONLY

9 Imagery Visually descriptive language; used to create a picture or image in the reader’s mind; uses sensory details Ex: He smelled the pungent aroma of fresh ground coffee: crisp, warm, and soothing to his senses.

10 Tone The way the author feels about their written work; conveyed through word choice Can be described as sad, serious, mournful, cheerful, etc. Ex: I want to ask the authorities, what is the big deal? Why do they not control the epidemic? It is eating lives up like a monster. Bonus: what type of figurative language is used above?

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