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Successful Interviewing

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1 Successful Interviewing
David McMahon ’69 Associate Director Experiential Education I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt


3 Your preparation for Interviewing
Plan to speak on: What you know about company and/or job position Your motivations Your personality / teamwork Your area(s) of interest What you can contribute Know: 3 reasons why they should make you an offer Get your 3 or 4 key messages out to the Interviewer Prepare your questions for the interviewers I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

4 How Employers “Grade” TAMU Students - 2016

5 Know the Company “If you won’t take the time to review our website before the interview, why should I take the time to interview you?” A&M Recruiter I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

6 What Should Students Research at Company Websites – Priority List
Feedback from Students Employers Company overview 80% 97% Products/Services 56% 77% Career Opportunity 75% 68% Location 46% 45% Financial 15% 13% Division 25% 6%

7 Career Direction What brings that sparkle to your eye or fire in your belly? What are the 3 to 5 things you see yourself doing with your degree for my company? What in my job description excited you, that you see yourself doing? Why are you the best person to fill my job, not just qualified to do my job?

8 Realistic Expectations Needing Improvement
Employers’ Feedback 72% Oral communications 71% Written communications 64% Entitlement attitude 63% Constructive criticism 42% >40 Hour work week 41% Pay for performance 41% Not automatic promotions 26% Professional dress I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

9 What Employers Value When Selecting Full-time Employees
2016 2014 RANK 2012 RANK Personality / Social skills 3.40 2nd Creativity / Problem solving 3.29 3rd GPA / Major 2.56 6th Intern / Co-op experience 2.54 1st GPA / Overall 2.41 5th 4th Leadership in Professional organizations 2.31 Part-time work experience 2.14 8th Leadership in Non-professional organizations 2.06 7th Volunteer experience 1.71 9th Senior design project 1.49 10th Research with faculty 1.30 11th Work abroad experience 1.05 12th 13th Study abroad experience 1.04 2016 SCALE 4 - Very Important 3 – 2 - Important 1 - 0 - Not at All Important

10 What Impressed Employers
Polite and Poised Academically Strong Students were professional and dressed for success. They present themselves well. The candidate knows recent (3-5 years) developments in the company. The candidate shows leadership in their examples with behavioral questions. (Didn’t use the same example for every question) I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

11 What Impresses Employers
Be flexible. Companies have several locations and it can really make or break it if you require one instead of being flexible. The candidates that stood out were the ones that asked questions about the role. Candidate was very successful - expressed interest in a position at our location through a well-written to me … very thoughtful and professional. Most candidates could at least say they had checked our website and could mention a couple of meaningful items from the website.

12 “Opportunities for Improvement” Fall 2016
Many resumes were over 2 pages in length, were not easy to read, did not do a good job of explaining key contributions in each job or leadership position. Some students did not bring a resume (3 out of my 11). Some students were not prepared to answer basic questions, some were not able to smoothly walk me through their resume Encourage research about the company they are applying for – I would say less than half did anything more than read our job posting. Prepare for the interview (research the company) Know thy resume Be prepared to answer situational questions”

13 “Opportunities for Improvement”
I don’t expect the students to know our company inside out, but I do expect them to know the types of products we produce.  With our company, we are not any of the three oil & gas companies that have similar names.  A number of interviewees didn’t know who we are or what we made. Read the job description and ensure that you have good examples of why your experiences make you a good fit for that role.

14 “Opportunities for Improvement”
Students were informed about the company, but need more command of how their job experience and academic work relates to the job opening. Answer the question that was asked and don't ramble or provide too much extra info. Be prepared with thoughtful questions about the company and/or position.

15 “Opportunities for Improvement”
Leverage social media. Most companies are on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and you can learn a lot about current events in that company or industry relatively quickly. Research the company to answer in an educated & unique way: What do you know about the company? Why do you want to work for the company?

16 First Impressions Are Lasting Impressions
Arrive 5-10 minutes early Dress appropriately Watch eye contact, handshake, and body language Don’t chew gum Talk to Interviewer, dis-connect to connect Turn off your cell phone Be honest Relax & be enthusiastic…be yourself … smile !! You are ALWAYS being evaluated. 1. Arrive 15 minutes early 2. Speak directly to the interviewer, and look at the interviewer when he/she is speaking to you. Dry firm handshake. Don’t cross your legs and arms. Smile! 3. Pay attention to the interviewer. Be an active listener and instead of responding with prefabricated answers, gauge their inquiries and adjust your answer accordingly. 4. While you are trying to put yourself in the best light possible, it isn’t necessary to exaggerate or go overboard in trying to impress them. Dishonesty or exaggerated claims are often easily spotted and will immediately disqualify you for the position. 5. Do your research and then let the interviewer know that you did your research by asking intelligent questions. Ask about current company projects that you have read about. Ask for clarification about company policies. 6. Your level of relaxation and enthusiasm will often have to do with your level of preparedness. Having an idea of what they are looking for and what you want will make the interview seem much less intimidating. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

17 Research the Company!!!

18 Content: Types of Questions
Traditional Knowledge of organization and position. Your motivations and self-perceptions. Goals and plans to accomplish them. Situational “What if …” questions give insight into how you go about resolving an issue and how you think on your feet. Behavioral I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

19 Basic Premise of Behavioral Interview Questions
Past (predicts) Future Performance > Performance I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

20 What Makes a Good Employee??
Integrity Ability to work with people Responsibility Judgment Motivation to succeed Work ethic Intelligence Creativity/ enthusiasm Communications skills 10. Technical competence I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

21 General Answer Format STAR Describe the Situation you were in.
Describe the Task you performed. What was your Approach to the problem? What were the Results of your actions? Be prepared for interviewer to probe for further details. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

22 How to Prepare Recall recent situations that show favorable behaviors, or actions, especially involving leadership, teamwork, adaptability, initiative, planning, delegation, innovation, communications, and service. Prepare short descriptions of each situation and be ready to give details if asked. Be ready to describe the situation, your action, and the outcome or result succinctly. Be sure the outcome or result reflects positively on you (even if the result itself was not favorable). I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

23 How to Prepare (cont.) Be prepared to provide examples of occasions when the results were different than expected! Your skill in handling failure as well as success will be probed. Have 3 – 5 ideas of what you want to do with your degree and what you want to do in mid-term and long-term careers. Know the organization’s mission, philosophy and goals as thoroughly as possible. Tell them your goals vs. the company mission. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

24 How to Prepare (cont.) Be specific. Don’t generalize about several events; give a detailed account of one event. Don’t blow-off the informational session before an interview Emphasize your mobility Involvement implies time/priority management Be able to speak to every point on resume

25 What Is Your Career Direction??

26 Skills/Professional Knowledge
Describe how you’ve gone about learning a new skill. Describe a time when you solved a problem. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

27 Teamwork/Collaboration
Interacting with others can be challenging at times. Describe a situation when you wished you had acted differently with someone. Describe the best/worse team of which you have been a member. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

28 Adaptability/Flexibility
Tell me about a difficult situation you recently had to manage. Jobs differ in the extent to which unexpected changes can disrupt daily responsibilities. How do you feel when this happens? Why? Tell me about a time when this happened recently. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

29 Initiative Have you found ways to make your job easier?
Give an example of doing more than is required in your current job/class. Can you think of some projects or ideas that were sold, implemented, or carried out successfully because of your efforts? I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

30 Leadership/Ethics Tell me about a time when you had to make a decision that was unpopular with the group. Describe a situation in which your efforts influenced the actions of others. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

31 Planning & Organizing Work Management
Walk me through yesterday (or last week) and tell me how you planned the day’s (or week’s) activities. Tell me about a time when you had more on you plate than you could handle. How did you get everything accomplished? I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

32 Answer Tips Determine the skills necessary to do the job.
Identify your skills and experience related to the job. Have brief scenarios about how you used those skills, each illustrating a specific activity or task required by the job. Rehearse, don’t memorize scenarios. If possible, give the results in quantifiable terms. Include learning outcomes when results are not favorable. In a group interview, maintain “face time” with all Interviewers. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

33 Bad Answers “Uh, um, hm, hum.” “I have no strengths.”
“I have no weaknesses.” “I am really smart, and people are intimidated by it. That’s my biggest weakness.” “I work too hard.” “I’m a people person.” “This is the only place that interviewed me.” I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

34 Research the Company!!!

35 Example of Interview Guideline for College Hires
A candidate can receive one of three possible scores for each question: 0 – Not fully acceptable 3 – Fully acceptable 9 – Superior All candidates are assumed to be a 0 when the interview begins. The candidate must earn their way up to a 3 or a 9. In other words, they must demonstrate, through their responses to the interview questions, that they are a fully acceptable or superior candidate. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

37 3 Types of Phone Interviews Companies Initiate
First Call Initial contact by company. May leave a message. Be sure voice mail message sounds professional. Short Pre-Screen Exploring availability, interest, and fit? Scheduled Phone Interview In-depth screen. Can last 15 minutes to 1 hour. Schedule during your “prime time” Avoid use of cell phones, due to poor signal. Be prepared to demonstrate connection between your skills and the position. Develop rapport with recruiter and show interest. 1. Arrive 15 minutes early 2. Speak directly to the interviewer, and look at the interviewer when he/she is speaking to you. Dry firm handshake. Don’t cross your legs and arms. Smile! 3. Pay attention to the interviewer. Be an active listener and instead of responding with prefabricated answers, gauge their inquiries and adjust your answer accordingly. 4. While you are trying to put yourself in the best light possible, it isn’t necessary to exaggerate or go overboard in trying to impress them. Dishonesty or exaggerated claims are often easily spotted and will immediately disqualify you for the position. 5. Do your research and then let the interviewer know that you did your research by asking intelligent questions. Ask about current company projects that you have read about. Ask for clarification about company policies. 6. Your level of relaxation and enthusiasm will often have to do with your level of preparedness. Having an idea of what they are looking for and what you want will make the interview seem much less intimidating. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

38 Telephone Interview Preparation
Set the Stage Dress up for interview; increases confidence Have your resume in front of you Keep employer research materials nearby Have notepad to take notes Keep glass of water nearby Tell roommates about important call Turn off TV and other distractions Turn off “call waiting” on phone I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

39 During the Telephone Interview
Speak clearly & enunciate Smile; it carries in your voice Sit straight or stand; it helps voice Don’t ramble - Recruiter will ask for more information, if wanted Ask for a face-to-face interview Don’t interrupt interviewer Show enthusiasm and interest I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

40 What Not To Do Aggie Recruiter - “I did call him around 11 and I think I woke him up and he was pretty rude and seemed he just wanted to get off the phone. He said he was out of town and wouldn't be back for 2 weeks and he would get back with me and then hung up, didn't take down my contact info so not sure how he will get back in touch with me. “ Hiring Manager – “Scratch him off the list, even if he does call back.”

41 What Is Your Career Direction??

42 SKYPE Interviews Look the Part – dress professionally and for the unexpected Check Your Surroundings – open closets, posters, messy desk background Trial Run for Technical Issues – audio, video, WIFI, lighting Eliminate Distractions – pets, roommates, cell phone, other computer programs Practice the Interview – validate the above

43 Asynchronous Interviews (pre-recorded questions, webcam-recorded answers)

44 When Do Companies Conduct Assessments

45 Interview Candidate Evaluations
Enthusiasm? Knowledge of industry & company? Succinct & clear answers? Get their message out? Expression of interest? Any follow-up from candidate? Will this person increase company success? I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

46 Do You Want to Do What the Company Needs Done??

47 Thank You Notes Hiring Managers Survey
15% reject candidate who doesn’t send note 32% will still consider candidate who doesn’t send note, but have a lower opinion of candidate 25% prefer handwritten note 21% seek typed hard copy note 19% want s followed by snail-mail note ( - Aug 2005) I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

48 Ranking of Important Social Etiquette Practices
Feedback from Students Employers Professional Dress % % for interviews RSVP – before event % % Post-interview thank you % % note Post-event thank you note % % I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

49 Beware of Blogs!!!! Student contacted for Interview at off-campus hotel. Job did not exist and was a ruse to arrange a meeting with the Student. Trust your instincts, if you become uncomfortable during interview, leave! 77% Employers checking search engines as part of selection process – is yours professional?? 35% eliminated students based on “findings” I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

50 Multiple Interviews and Offers
1st - Inform other companies that you have a decision deadline – they want to know Anything you can provide to help their decision? When do they expect to make decision? 2nd - Ask 1st company for decision extension based on above if you need one Reasonable time frame vs. your availability Was Company cooperative/understanding? “Several companies replied to my that day and mobilized quickly. A couple more offers are coming in now, some better than others.”

51 Aggie Code of Honor When you sign an employment contract with a firm it is exactly that, a contract. Don’t accept an offer for employment unless you are serious about it and plan to work for them. You should not be looking for other employment once you have signed that contract. It’s OK to ask for a reasonable time extension to consider other jobs. Reneging hurts not only you, but the reputation of all Aggies interviewing now and in the future. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

52 Aggie Code of Honor “We actually found out from our contact that your Aggie was still interviewing after he accepted our offer. That was the reason we sent him an that we were looking forward to see him  in the Summer. These young students need to realize that our industry is a small world, and they should not burn their bridges.” - A&M Recruiter

53 Another What Not To Do…. “After thinking it over I would like (you) to disregard my application I sent this past week out for recruitment for “Big Bank” securities. Looking at my resume again I realize I can do way way better than “Big Bank” and I don't want to settle for less. Please don't take it personally. Thanks for your time. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving holiday.” 26th Forward in 24 hours

54 Top 10 Interview Rules 10. If you spill soup on your tie, don’t lick it off. 9. Send a thank you follow-up note. 8. Evaluate the culture. 7. Answer negative questions before they are asked. 6. When in doubt, mirror the interviewer. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

55 Top 10 Interview Rules (cont.)
5. Never, ever run out of intelligent, informed questions. 4. E4=Energy, Excitement, Enthusiasm, Eagerness 3. See the interviewer’s point of view. 2. Have your “war stories” ready. 1. Do your homework. I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

56 What Matches Your Career Direction??
Interview Success Research the Company!!! What Matches Your Career Direction?? "The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving."  - Albert Einstein I\1 Presentations\Behavioral Interviewing\ Fall JDMc.ppt

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