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Chapter 2 Organizing the Data

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1 Chapter 2 Organizing the Data

2 Introduction Learn how to show variable relationship through diagrams
Thematically cover graphs and maps Understand the importance of using appropriate data in representing variables Become comfortable in applying graphical representation within various types of analyses (e.g., bivariate and multivariate)

3 Frequency Distributions of Nominal Data
Formulas and statistical techniques used by social researchers to: Organize raw data Test hypotheses Raw data is often difficult to synthesize Most common types of distributions are: Frequency Percentage Combination

4 Conventions for Building Tables
Title of distribution explains contents Variable(s) in table Shows data distribution Use column headings Relevant columns are totaled Footnotes added if needed

5 Nominal Data and Distributions
Frequency distribution of nominal data consists of two columns: Left column has characteristics (e.g., Response of Child) Right column has frequency (f) Responses of Young Boys to Removal of Toy Response of Child f Cry 25 Express Anger 15 Withdraw 5 Ply with another toy N=50

6 Comparing Distributions
Comparisons clarify and add information Response to Removal of Toy by Gender of Child Gender of Child Response of Child Male Female Cry 25 14 Express Anger 15 1 Withdraw 5 2 Play with another toy 8 Total 50

7 Proportions and Percentages
Proportions - Compares the number of cases in a given category with the total size of the distribution Most prefer percentages to show relative size. Percentage – The frequency per 100 cases Formula for proportion Formula for percentage

8 Illustration: Gender of Students Majoring in CJ(f)
Criminal Justice Majors Gender College A College B Male 879 119 Female 473 64 Total 1,352 183

9 Illustration: Gender of Students Majoring in CJ (f and %)
Criminal Justice Majors College A College B Gender f % Male 879 65 119 Female 473 35 64 Total 1,352 100 183

10 Rates Rates usually preferred by social researchers
Rate – comparison between actual and potential cases Base terms in rates may vary

11 Some Common Rate Calculations
Suppose 500 births occur among 4,000 women of childbearing age. This would be a rate of 125 live births for every 1,000 women of childbearing age. Suppose 562 suicides occur in a state with 4.6 million residents. The suicide rate would be 12.2 suicides per 100,000 residents.

12 Rate of Change Compare the same population at two points in time
time 2f – time1f time 1f Year Theft Rate1 % Change 2005 120.3 2006 127.4 5.9% 2007 116.8 -8.3% 2008 107.4 -8.0% 2009 98.7 -8.1% 2010 94.6 -4.2% (100)* A negative sign signifies a reduction A positive sign signifies an increase 1Source: National Crime Victimization Survey

13 Ordinal/Interval Data and Distributions
Attitudes Toward Televised Trials F Slightly Favorable 9 Somewhat Unfavorable 7 Strongly Favorable 10 Slightly Unfavorable 6 Strongly Unfavorable 12 Somewhat Favorable 21 Total 65 Incorrect Attitudes Toward Televised Trials F Strongly Favorable 10 Somewhat Favorable 21 Slightly Favorable 9 Slightly Unfavorable 6 Somewhat Unfavorable 7 Strongly Unfavorable 12 Total 65 Correct Must go from highest (at the top) to lowest (at the bottom).

14 Frequency Distribution of Final-Examination Grades for 71 Students
99 85 2 71 4 57 98 1 84 70 9 56 97 83 69 3 55 96 82 68 5 54 95 81 67 53 94 80 66 52 93 79 8 65 51 92 78 64 50 91 77 63 N = 71 90 76 62 89 75 61 88 74 60 87 73 59 86 72 58 Hard to see any patterns.

15 Grouped Frequency Distributions of Interval Data
Grouped frequency distribution used to clarify presentation of data. Categories or groups referred to a class intervals Class interval size determined by the number of values

16 Grouped Frequency Distributions of Interval Data
Grouped Frequency Distribution of Final-Examination Grades for 71 Students Class Interval f % 95-99 3 4.23 90-94 2 2.82 85-89 4 5.63 80-84 7 9.86 75-79 12 16.90 70-74 17 23.94 65-69 60-64 5 7.04 55-59 50-54 71 100 Results are more easily shown/displayed

17 Constructing Class Intervals
Categories must be mutually exclusive and exhaustive Designed to reveal or emphasize patterns Possible to have too few or too many groups – blurs the data Class intervals have a midpoint Dealing with decimal data M exclusive – Every case can only be placed in one, and only one, category M exhaustive – All cases are able to be put into a category

18 Flexible Class Intervals
Income Category F % $100,000 and above 16,886 21.9 $75,000-$99,999 10,471 13.5 $50,000-$74,000 15,754 20.3 $40,000-$49,999 7488 9.7 $30,000-$39,999 7996 10.3 $20,000-$29,999 8169 10.6 $15,000-$19,999 3709 4.8 $10,000-$14,999 2890 3.7 $5000-$9999 2024 2.6 Under $5000 2031 N = 77688

19 Cumulative Distributions
Cumulative frequencies involve the total number of cases having a given score or a score that is lower Cumulative frequency shown as cf cf obtained by the sum of frequencies in that category plus all lower category frequencies Cumulative percentage – percentage of cases having any score or a lower score Only find CF/C% IF data is at least ordinal. Cannot do it for nominal data.

20 Grouped Frequency Distributions of Interval Data
Grouped Frequency Distribution of Final-Examination Grades for 71 Students Class Interval f % 95-99 3 4.23 90-94 2 2.82 85-89 4 5.63 80-84 7 9.86 75-79 12 16.90 70-74 17 23.94 65-69 60-64 5 7.04 55-59 50-54 71 100 Results are more easily shown/displayed

21 Grouped Frequency Distributions of Interval Data
Grouped Frequency Distribution of Final-Examination Grades for 71 Students Class Interval f Cf % C% 95-99 3 71 4.23 100 90-94 2 68 2.82 95.76 85-89 4 66 5.63 92.94 80-84 7 62 9.86 87.31 75-79 12 55 16.90 77.45 70-74 17 43 23.94 60.55 65-69 26 36.31 60-64 5 14 7.04 19.71 55-59 9 12.67 50-54 Results are more easily shown/displayed

22 Cross-Tabulations Frequency distributions are limited
Sometimes we want to know how is one variable (usually the dependent variable) distributed across another (usually the independent variable) Cross-tabulations meet this need as they allow us to consider two or more dimensions of data.

23 Cross-tab Cross-Tabulation of Seat Belt Use by Gender
Frequency Distribution of Seat Belt Use Use of Seat Belts f % All the time 499 50.1 Most of the time 176 17.7 Some of the time 124 12.4 Seldom 83 8.3 Never 115 11.5 Total 997 100 Cross-Tabulation of Seat Belt Use by Gender Gender of Respondents Use of Seat Belts Male Female Total All the time 144 355 499 Most of the time 66 110 176 Some of the time 58 124 Seldom 39 44 83 Never 60 55 115 367 630 997

24 What Type to Choose? There are three sets of percentages
Total Row Column All are correct, mathematically speaking Total percentages may be misleading Row and column percentages come down to which is more relevant to the purpose of the analysis

25 Cross-tab Formulas Formula for total percents
Formula for row percents Formula for column percents

26 Victim-Offender Relationship
Cross Tabulations – Victim-Offender Relationship by Gender of Victim for Homicides in US for 2005 (With Row%) Victim-Offender Relationship Gender Intimate Intimate % Family Family % Other Other % Total Total % Male 617 1,310 11,235 13,161 Female 1,470 639 1,421 3,531 2,087 1,949 12,656 16,692

27 Victim-Offender Relationship
Cross Tabulations – Victim-Offender Relationship by Gender of Victim for Homicides in US for 2005 (With Row%) Victim-Offender Relationship Gender Intimate Intimate % Family Family % Other Other % Total Total % Male 617 4.7% 1,310 10.0% 11,235 85.4% 13,161 100% Female 1,470 41.6% 639 18.1% 1,421 40.2% 3,531 2,087 12.5% 1,949 11.7% 12,656 75.8% 16,692

28 Cross Tabulations – Victim-Offender Relationship by Gender of Victim for Homicides in US for 2005 (With Column%) Victim-Offender Relationship Male Female Total Intimate 617 1,470 2,087 Family 1,310 639 1,949 Acquaintance 7,237 998 8,235 Stranger 3,998 423 4,421 13,161 3,531 16,692

29 Cross Tabulations – Victim-Offender Relationship by Gender of Victim for Homicides in US for 2005 (With Column%) Victim-Offender Relationship Male Female Total Intimate 617 1,470 2,087 4.7% 41.6% 12.5% Family 1,310 639 1,949 10.0% 18.1% 11.7% Acquaintance 7,237 998 8,235 55.0% 28.3% 49.3% Stranger 3,998 423 4,421 30.4% 12.0% 26.5% 13,161 3,531 16,692 100%

30 Graphic Presentations
Graphs are useful tools to emphasize certain aspects of data. Many prefer graphs to tables. Types of graphs include: Pie charts, bar graphs, frequency polygons, line charts, and maps

31 Pie Charts Pie chart – a circular chart whose pieces add up to 100%.
Especially good for nominal data. Possible to highlight or “explode” certain pieces for emphasis


33 Exploded Pie Chart

34 Bar Graphs and Histograms
Represent frequency distribution plot of: Categories/variables on one axis Responses as bars on another axis Bar length represents category frequency Bar graphs used primarily for discrete variables Histograms used to show continuity along a scale

35 Bar Graph

36 Histogram of Distribution of Children in Little Rock Community Survey
Y axis represents the percentage of number of respondents X axis represnts number of children of respondents ie, 35% of respondents have 0 or 1 children, 15% have 2 or 3 children, etc

37 Frequency Polygons Best suited to emphasize continuity rather than differences Frequency distribution of a single variable Used for: Continuous data Interval data Ratio data Continuous data = count data, # of arrests. Typically, has no limit

38 Frequency Polygon Example
Commonly done with homicide rates, etc

39 Line Charts Generally show change (trends) temporally
Show trends in: One variable Plotting two or more variables Similar to polygons, but not enclosed on the right margin

40 Number of Adolescents (< 18 y/o)
Using for the First Time by Month

41 Maps Growing in popularity due to geo-coding and geo-mapping
Unparalleled method for exploring geographical patterns in data For instance, a map of the U.S. Helps show which area has more or less points

42 Example of mapping within criminal justice research

43 Shape of a Distribution
Kurtosis Leptokurtic Platykurtic Mesokurtic Skewness Negative Positive Normal Curve

44 Kurtosis Leptokurtic Platykurtic Mesokurtic
Some Variation in Kurtosis among Symmetrical Distributions

45 Skewness Negatively skewed Positively skewed Symmetrical (Normal)
Three Distributions Representing Direction of Skewness

46 Summary Organizing raw data is critical
Data can be summarized using frequency distributions. Comparisons of groups possible through proportions, percentages and rates. Cross-tabs allow dimensional (and more) analysis Graphic presentations: help to emphasize findings make data more accessible to consumers of research help researchers identify trends

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