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Image1 Field Data Digital Image File Name 34327

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1 Image1 Field Data Digital Image File Name 34327 Source Call Number ART Box B433 no.57 (size S) Source Creator Bell, Robert Anning, , artist. Source Title [Design for full-page illustration to The tempest, act 4, scene 1] [graphic] / R. An. Bell. Source Created or Published [1900?] Digital Image Type FSL collection HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Bell, Robert Anning, , artist. Title (Hamnet) [Design for full-page illustration to The tempest, act 4, scene 1] [graphic] / R. An. Bell. Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [1900?] Physical Description (Hamnet) 1 drawing : pen and ink ; image 191 x 129 mm. Subject (Hamnet) Shakespeare, William, Tempest. Act 4. Scene 1, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Ariel (Fictitious character : Shakespeare), depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Book illustrations -- 20th century. Subject (Hamnet) Drawings -- 20th century. Subject (Hamnet) Shakespeare, William, Characters -- Ariel, depicted. Associated Name (Hamnet) Shakespeare, William, Notes (Hamnet) Date based on Bell's own dating of some of his other drawings for The tempest. Notes (Hamnet) Depicts Ariel hanging fine garments on a clothesline. Notes (Hamnet) This drawing was done for Bell's decorated edition of Shakespeare's Tempest, published by Freemantle & Co. in For a copy of the published work see: PR Sh.Col. Notes (Hamnet) Title devised by cataloger. Call Number (Hamnet) ART Box B433 no.57 (size S)

2 Image1 Field Data Digital Image File Name 35666 Source Call Number ART Box A933 no.30 (size L) Source Creator Austen, John, artist. Source Title Hamlet [a set of 121 original drawings] [graphic] / John Austen. Source Created or Published [not after 1922] Digital Image Type FSL collection HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Austen, John, artist. Title (Hamnet) Hamlet [a set of 121 original drawings] [graphic] / John Austen. Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [not after 1922] Physical Description (Hamnet) 121 drawings on 57 sheets : pen and ink ; images 400 x 445 mm. or smaller, on sheets 472 x 460 mm. or smaller. Subject (Hamnet) Shakespeare, William, Characters, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Title pages -- 20th century. Subject (Hamnet) Book illustrations -- 20th century. Subject (Hamnet) Drawings -- 20th century. Notes (Hamnet) Collection includes designs for decorative marginalia, full or half-page illustrations of characters or scenes from the play, illustrated title pages for individual acts and scenes, and four different main title page designs. Notes (Hamnet) Drawings for an edition of Hamlet by William Shakespeare, published by Selwyn and Blount, London, Numbers each have 5 small drawings mounted on one backing. Many drawings are signed "John Austen", some "J.A." Drawings vary widely in size. Call Number (Hamnet) ART Box A933 no.30 (size L)

3 Image1 Field Data Digital Image File Name 7604 Source Call Number STC copy 1 Bd.w. STC copy 1 Source Creator Topsell, Edward, ? Source Title The historie of serpents. Source Created or Published 1608 Physical Description detail, page 119 Digital Image Type FSL collection HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Topsell, Edward, ? Title (Hamnet) Historie of serpents Title (Hamnet) Second booke of living creatures Title (Hamnet) The historie of serpents. Or, The second booke of liuing creatures: wherein is contained their diuine, naturall, and morall descriptions, with their liuely figures, names, conditions, kindes and natures of all venemous beasts: with their seuerall poysons and antidotes; their deepe hatred to mankind, and the wonderfull worke of God in their creation, and destruction. Necessary and profitable to all sortes of men: collected out of diuine Scriptures, fathers, phylosophers, physitians, and poets: amplified with sundry accidentall histories, hierogliphicks, epigrams, emblems, and ænigmaticall obseruations. By Edvvard Topsell. Title (Hamnet) Historie of serpents. Or, The second booke of living creatures Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) London : Publisher (Hamnet) printed by William Jaggard, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) 1608. Physical Description (Hamnet) [12], 315, [9] p. : ill. (woodcuts) ; 2⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Zoology -- Pre-Linnean works -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Annotations (Provenance) rbprov DFo Subject (Hamnet) Printed waste (Binding) rbbin DFo Subject (Hamnet) Reptiles -- Early works to 1800. Associated Name (Hamnet) Harmsworth, R. Leicester Sir, (Robert Leicester), , former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Smedley, William T. (William Thomas), b. 1851, former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Huth Library, former owner. Notes (Hamnet) First word of title is xylographic. Notes (Hamnet) Leaves 2E3,4 are in two settings: 2E3v line 18 has either (1) "waters, as in a Boate." or (2) "in a boate." (STC). Notes (Hamnet) The first leaf is blank. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-V⁶ 2A-2H⁶. Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S122051 Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 24124 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Smedley.2. Lacking blank. 2E3,4 in setting 2. With: Topsell, E. The historie of foure-footed beastes. London, Rebound, previously in calf; all edges gilt. Provenance: armorial bookplate of Frances Mary Richardson Currer; bookplate of the Huth library; bookplate of W.T. Smedley (motto "forward") Call Number (Hamnet) STC Copy 1 Bd. w. STC Copy 1

4 Image1 Field Data Digital Image File Name 64813 Source Call Number STC 11090 Source Title The life and death of Griffin Flood informer. Whose cunning courses, churlish manners, and troublesome informations, molested a number of plaine dealing people in this city of London. Wherein is also declared the murther of Iohn Chipperford Vintner, for w Source Created or Published 1623 Physical Description [A2v] Digital Image Type FSL collection HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Title (Hamnet) The life and death of Griffin Flood informer. Whose cunning courses, churlish manners, and troublesome informations, molested a number of plaine dealing people in this city of London. Wherein is also declared the murther of Iohn Chipperford Vintner, for which fact the said Griffin Flood was pressed to death the 18. day of Ianuary last past. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) London : Publisher (Hamnet) printed [by G. Eld] for I. T[rundle?] and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible without New-Gate [by J. Wright], Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) 1623. Physical Description (Hamnet) [48] p. : ill. (woodcut) ; 4⁰. Associated Name (Hamnet) Flood, Griffin, d Associated Name (Hamnet) Chipperford, John. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-C⁸. Notes (Hamnet) Printer's name from and publisher's and vendor's names conjectured by STC. Notes (Hamnet) With woodcut illustration on leaf A1v. Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 11090 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S117181 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Brown calfskin binding, gold tooled and signed by Sangorski & Sutcliffe, London. Imperfect: lacking A1; sig. A2(t.p.) in facsimile Call Number (Hamnet) STC 11090

5 Image1 Field Data Digital Image File Name 7796 Source Call Number q Source Title Amadis de Gaula (Spanish romance). Book 9. English. Source Created or Published 1693 Physical Description image on first leaf of knight on horseback Digital Image Type FSL collection HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Amadís de Gaula (Spanish romance). Uniform Title (Hamnet) Amadís de Gaula (Spanish romance). Book 9. English. Title (Hamnet) Most excellent and famous history of the most renowned Knight of the Burning Sword Title (Hamnet) The most excellent and famous history of the most renowned knight, Amadis of Greece, surnam'd, the Knight of the Burning Sword, son to Lisvart of Greece, and the fair Onoloria of Trebisond. Representing his education in the court of King Magadan, his conquering of the defended mountain, his combat with his grandfather the Emperor Esplandian, his killing Frandalon the Ciclops, and falling in love with Lucella, daughter to Alpatracy King of Sicily, his arrival in the isle of Argenes, where he put an end to the enchantments of Queen Zirfea, his assisting his great-grandfather King Amadis in the island of the great Siclades, and in respect to him taking on himself the name of Amadis of Greece: together with the high and noble enterprizes of his cozen Lucencio, Gradamart son to the King of the Giants island, Birmartes son to the King of Spain, and many other noble knights and gallant ladies: all no less useful, than pleasant. Humbly addrest to the beauties of Great Brittain. By a person of quallity. Licensed according to order. Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [London] : Publisher (Hamnet) Printed for J. Deacon at the Angel in Guilt-Spur-Street without Newgate, and J. Blare at the Looking-Glass on London Bridge, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) 1693. Physical Description (Hamnet) [8], 220 p. : ill. (woodcut) ; 4⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Booksellers advertisements. rbgenr Subject (Hamnet) Romances, Spanish -- Translations into English -- Early works to 1800. Associated Name (Hamnet) Huth Library, former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Person of quality, tr. Notes (Hamnet) A translation in English of book 7 of the French translation by Nicolas de Herberay of 'Amadís de Gaula' (corresponding to book 9 of the original). Notes (Hamnet) First leaf bears woodcut illustration of knight on horseback on recto. Notes (Hamnet) With advertisements on leaf [A]4. Notes (Hamnet) Running title reads: 'The most excellent and famous history of the most renowned Knight of the Burning Sword'. Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) R230734 Citations (Hamnet) Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), M2877 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Straight-grain morocco binding, with gold tooing and gilt edges, signed by Riviere. Provenance: bookplate of Huth library Call Number (Hamnet) q

6 Image1 Field Data Digital Image File Name 64109 Source Call Number STC 5874 Source Title The country-mans recreation, or the art of planting, graffing, and gardening, in three bookes. The first declaring divers wayes of planting, and graffing also how to cleanse your grafts and cions, how to helpe barren and sicke trees, how to kill wor Source Created or Published 1640 Physical Description p. 38 Digital Image Type FSL collection HAMNET CATALOG RECORD --- Uniform Title (Hamnet) Perfite platforme of a hoppe garden. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Short instruction verie profitable and necessarie for all those that delight in gardening. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Booke of the art and maner, howe to plante and graffe all sortes of trees. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Expert gardener. Title (Hamnet) The country-mans recreation, or the art of planting, graffing, and gardening, in three bookes. The first declaring divers wayes of planting, and graffing ... also how to cleanse your grafts and cions, how to helpe barren and sicke trees, how to kill wormes and vermin and to preserve and keepe fruit, how to plant and proyne your vines, and to gather and presse your grape ... how to make your cider and perry ... The second treateth of the hop-garden, with necessary instructions for the making and the maintenance thereof ... Whereunto is added, the expert gardener, containing divers necessary and rare secrets belonging to that art ... Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) London : Publisher (Hamnet) Printed by B. Allsop and T. Favvcet for Michael Young, and are to be sold at his shop in Bedford-street in Coven-garden neere the New Exchange, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) 1640. Physical Description (Hamnet) [16], 127, [1]; [2], 54 p. : ill. ; 4⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Gardening -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Grafting -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Hops -- Early works to 1800. Associated Name (Hamnet) Stirling Maxwell, William, , former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Scot, Reginald, 1538?-1599. Associated Name (Hamnet) Mascall, Leonard, d Notes (Hamnet) The expert gardener appears separately on UMI reel 1098. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-S⁴, ²A-G⁴. Notes (Hamnet) Book 1 is an anonymous reprint of "A booke of the art and maner, howe to plante and graffe all sortes of trees" by Leonard Mascall. Book 2 is an anonymous reprint of "A perfite platforme of a hoppe garden" by Reginald Scot, with separate dated title page; pagination and register are continuous. Book 3 is a reissue of "The expert gardener: or, A treatise containing certaine necessary, secret, and ordinary knowledges in grafting and gardening" (STC 11562) with its original title page with imprint "London, printed by Richard Herne, 1640". This last work is an enlarged version of "A short instruction verie profitable and necessarie for all those that delight in gardening". Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 5874 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S108874 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Green morocco binding, with crests stamped in blind on covers.T.p. cropped at foot, with date supplied in ms.; ²E2 from another copy. Provenance: bookplate of William Stirling-Maxwell Call Number (Hamnet) STC 5874

7 Image1 Field Data Digital Image File Name 64119 Source Call Number STC 5874 Source Title The country-mans recreation, or the art of planting, graffing, and gardening, in three bookes. The first declaring divers wayes of planting, and graffing also how to cleanse your grafts and cions, how to helpe barren and sicke trees, how to kill wor Source Created or Published 1640 Physical Description p. 48 Digital Image Type FSL collection HAMNET CATALOG RECORD --- Uniform Title (Hamnet) Perfite platforme of a hoppe garden. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Short instruction verie profitable and necessarie for all those that delight in gardening. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Booke of the art and maner, howe to plante and graffe all sortes of trees. Uniform Title (Hamnet) Expert gardener. Title (Hamnet) The country-mans recreation, or the art of planting, graffing, and gardening, in three bookes. The first declaring divers wayes of planting, and graffing ... also how to cleanse your grafts and cions, how to helpe barren and sicke trees, how to kill wormes and vermin and to preserve and keepe fruit, how to plant and proyne your vines, and to gather and presse your grape ... how to make your cider and perry ... The second treateth of the hop-garden, with necessary instructions for the making and the maintenance thereof ... Whereunto is added, the expert gardener, containing divers necessary and rare secrets belonging to that art ... Place of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) London : Publisher (Hamnet) Printed by B. Allsop and T. Favvcet for Michael Young, and are to be sold at his shop in Bedford-street in Coven-garden neere the New Exchange, Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) 1640. Physical Description (Hamnet) [16], 127, [1]; [2], 54 p. : ill. ; 4⁰. Subject (Hamnet) Gardening -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Grafting -- Early works to 1800. Subject (Hamnet) Hops -- Early works to 1800. Associated Name (Hamnet) Stirling Maxwell, William, , former owner. Associated Name (Hamnet) Scot, Reginald, 1538?-1599. Associated Name (Hamnet) Mascall, Leonard, d Notes (Hamnet) The expert gardener appears separately on UMI reel 1098. Notes (Hamnet) Signatures: A-S⁴, ²A-G⁴. Notes (Hamnet) Book 1 is an anonymous reprint of "A booke of the art and maner, howe to plante and graffe all sortes of trees" by Leonard Mascall. Book 2 is an anonymous reprint of "A perfite platforme of a hoppe garden" by Reginald Scot, with separate dated title page; pagination and register are continuous. Book 3 is a reissue of "The expert gardener: or, A treatise containing certaine necessary, secret, and ordinary knowledges in grafting and gardening" (STC 11562) with its original title page with imprint "London, printed by Richard Herne, 1640". This last work is an enlarged version of "A short instruction verie profitable and necessarie for all those that delight in gardening". Citations (Hamnet) STC (2nd ed.), 5874 Citations (Hamnet) ESTC (RLIN) S108874 Folger Holdings Notes (Hamnet) Green morocco binding, with crests stamped in blind on covers.T.p. cropped at foot, with date supplied in ms.; ²E2 from another copy. Provenance: bookplate of William Stirling-Maxwell Call Number (Hamnet) STC 5874

8 Image1 Field Data Digital Image File Name 34251 Source Call Number ART Box A933 no.13 (size S) Source Creator Austen, John, artist. Source Title Hamlet [a set of 121 original drawings] [graphic] / John Austen. Source Created or Published [not after 1922] Digital Image Type FSL collection HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Austen, John, artist. Title (Hamnet) Hamlet [a set of 121 original drawings] [graphic] / John Austen. Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [not after 1922] Physical Description (Hamnet) 121 drawings on 57 sheets : pen and ink ; images 400 x 445 mm. or smaller, on sheets 472 x 460 mm. or smaller. Subject (Hamnet) Shakespeare, William, Characters, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Shakespeare, William, Hamlet, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Title pages -- 20th century. Subject (Hamnet) Book illustrations -- 20th century. Subject (Hamnet) Drawings -- 20th century. Notes (Hamnet) Collection includes designs for decorative marginalia, full or half-page illustrations of characters or scenes from the play, illustrated title pages for individual acts and scenes, and four different main title page designs. Notes (Hamnet) Drawings for an edition of Hamlet by William Shakespeare, published by Selwyn and Blount, London, Numbers each have 5 small drawings mounted on one backing. Many drawings are signed "John Austen", some "J.A." Drawings vary widely in size. Call Number (Hamnet) ART Box A933 no.13 (size S)

9 Image1 Field Data Digital Image File Name 36320 Source Call Number ART Box R469 no.3 (size L) Source Creator Rhead, Louis, , artist. Source Title [Masthead illustrations for Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare] [graphic] / [Louis Rhead]. Source Created or Published [not after 1918] Digital Image Type FSL collection HAMNET CATALOG RECORD ___ Creator (Hamnet) Rhead, Louis, , artist. Title (Hamnet) [Masthead illustrations for Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare] [graphic] / [Louis Rhead]. Date of Creation or Publ. (Hamnet) [not after 1918] Physical Description (Hamnet) 3 drawings : pen and ink, images 165 x 343 mm. or smaller. Subject (Hamnet) Shakespeare, William, Characters -- Titania, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Shakespeare, William, Midsummer night's dream, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Shakespeare, William, Tempest, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Titania (Fictitious character), depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Book illustrations -- 20th century. Subject (Hamnet) Drawings -- 20th century. Subject (Hamnet) Shakespeare, William, Characters -- Bottom, depicted. Subject (Hamnet) Bottom (Fictitious character), depicted. Associated Name (Hamnet) Lamb, Charles, Notes (Hamnet) For a microfilm copy of the Folger's entire collection of Rhead original illustrations for Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare, see reel 1 of Film Fo Notes (Hamnet) Masthead designs for the contents, preface, and list of illustrations for an edition of Lamb's Tales, copyrighted No.3 illustrates a sleeping fairy, no.4 depicts Titania and Bottom, and no.5 shows five maidens before the sea with a line from Ariel's song from the Tempest written above. Notes (Hamnet) Provenance: Items were purchased by the Folgers from Arthur H. Clark Co. of Cleveland in November of Formerly ART Inv. 441 (Cs. 1007). Notes (Hamnet) Title devised by cataloger. Call Number (Hamnet) ART Box R469 no.3 (size L)

10 Image1 Field Data Digital Image File Name 31401 Source Call Number GT509.V4 1590a Cage Source Creator Vecellio, Cesare, ca Source Title Degli habiti antichi et moderni di diuerse parti del mondo libri due Source Created or Published 1590 Physical Description page 131 recto (Venetian lady holding a fan). Digital Image Type FSL collection

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