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Describe the regulation of circadian rhythm in humans.

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Presentation on theme: "Describe the regulation of circadian rhythm in humans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Describe the regulation of circadian rhythm in humans.
List three stimuli that can trigger migration. Give two examples of organisms that migrate. List three clues that can be used by animals as compass during migration. List three ways that animals can use to communicate. Give an example of an animal that uses each. Name two reasons why timing of events is significant for animals.

2 Differentiate between logistic and exponential growth.
Explain how the concept of limiting factors applies to population biology. Differentiate between logistic and exponential growth. A population started with 200 individuals. Over the following year the following occurred: Birth = 35 Birth rate: __________ Death = 17 Death rate: __________ Net migration = - 5 Net migration rate: ________ Rate of population change: ____________

3 Explain why many K-selected species tend to predominate in stable, climax communities.
List three types of interspecific relationships. Give an example of each. Give examples of two adaptations of predators and two of prey organisms that make them more successful. What is coevolution? How would that apply to the evolution of viruses and their host? Approximately, how many kilograms of carnivore production can be supported by a field plot containing 2,000 kg of plant material?

4 Explain the causes, consequences and potential solutions of CO2 increase in the atmosphere.
Explain the causes, consequences and potential solutions of eutrophication. Explain what biomagnification is. How does it affect organisms on the various levels of food chains. Explain the effects, consequences and potential solutions to decreased biodiversity.

5 On half of a big paper, draw out the flow of energy in the ecosystem (include GPP, NPP, consumers, decomposers, detritus, cellular respiration and fossilization) On the second half of a big paper, draw out the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, the water cycle and the phosphorous cycle.

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