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Champion Clean Technology

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1 Champion Clean Technology

2 +12 V Single Output for 300W power
Champion Clean Tech Product Performances

3 Calculated Efficiency Champion Clean Tech Product Performances
Multiple Outputs for 300W Champion Clean Tech Product Performances

4 90 92 90 Hold-Up Time ~ 24mS with 220uF
SLS CM6901/1A + ZVS-Like PFC CM6565 Demonstration 300 W +12V, -12V, +12(AUX), Fan Single Output Power Supply Hold-Up Time ~ 24mS with 220uF Fan is not a necessary item for Power Supply! No Load Consumption ~ 200mW!

5 All Applications for 90+ efficiency
SRC/LLC + SR (SLS) CM6901/1A fits All Applications for 90+ efficiency Universal Topology for all applications: Desk Top LCD TV Server AC Adapter Consumer Electronics From 150W to 1500W

6 SLS (SRC/LLC + SR) Summary fr1 CM6900/1/1A PWM Region 296V 380V LLC
Optimal Design is SLS Operating Frequency Range from ~ 25Khz to ~ 150Khz Full Load to Light Load (Even no Load) Vin from 260V to 380V SLS (SRC/LLC + SR) Summary fr1 Positive feedback region! FM Modulation Region 50Khz 100Khz CM6900/1/1A PWM Region @ Full Load & Vin = 380V SR duty cycle ~ 50% Half Bridge/Full Bridge Gate duty cycle ~ 50% ZVS and ZCS fsw ~ 52Khz @ Light Load & Vin = 380V fsw stops ~ 100Khz by Light Load PWMing (for all switches!) ZVS or about ZVS fsw ~ 100Khz @ Hold-Up Time, Vin drops ~ 296V SR duty cycle 50% reduces when fsw is below fr1 while Primary Side Gate Drive remains ~ 50% (SR Ideal Diode PWMing for SR Switches only!) ZVS 30Khz < fsw < 80Khz 296V 380V Why SLS? Why not LLC? Why not fsw = fr1? Ask this question: “If it is ZCS, how it ZVS?” It is an important question! I2 x R is more important than f x C x Full Load Hold-Up Time is longer and 380V Bulk Cap is smaller Time Domain AC Analysis should be used. Transformer is smaller. Lm can be 2 mH. Line Ripple can be reduced. Output Ripple Current can reduced. LLC SRC

7 Frequency Analysis Errors Actual Possible Hold-Up Time
and Actual Possible Hold-Up Time fr1 Modulation Region Actual FM Modulation Region FM Gain is 380/260 = 1.461 Gain is 380/301 = 1.259 260V 380V 380V 301V Hold-Up Time ~ 24mS With 300W

8 It reduces Transformer Size
SRC/LLC + SR (SLS) vs. LLC It reduces Transformer Size Transformer size is much smaller and it does not need Litz Wire FM frequency range is reduced by patented 2 PWMing modes SR works both SRC region and LLC region SR behaves like an ideal diode at LLC region 4. Optimal-Balanced-Total Efficiency ~ 90% supported by CMC patented topology (90, 92, 90) Hold up time (20mS) with Reasonable Bulk Cap value supported by CMC patented topology

9 SIZE It all relates to Clean Tech and Efficiency! SRC/LLC + SR (SLS)
Smaller Transformer and No Litz Wire SLS No Litz Wire Optimal Frequency Range between 40Khz to 100Khz for full load to light load Vin from 280V to 390V LLC Needs Litz Wire Lm goes down! Frequency forced up! SLS 200W LLC 200W That is WHY! SRC 150W LLC 150W Lm = 4mH Lm = 1mH LLC 300W SRC 300W Lm = 600uH Size Matters! Power Density Frequency Range SIZE matters! Lm = 4mH It all relates to Clean Tech and Efficiency! LLC 600W SRC 600W Lm = 4mH Lm = 300uH LLC 1200W SRC 1200W Lm = 4mH Lm = 150uH

10 96+ SLS (SRC/ LLC + SR) CM6901/1A Transformer can handle more Power
Lm ↑ and Ilm ↓ Transformer can handle more Power

11 Positive feedback region!
Problem with Pure SRC Cannot Cross fr1 Size Matters! Power Density Frequency Range fr1 Positive feedback region! Pure SRC Operating Region FM Modulation Region ŋ, efficiency light load full load Question here. Can we Narrow the FM Modulation Range? Cross fr1 to work both sides with SR?

12 It reduces the frequency range
Light Load PWMing It reduces the frequency range Size Matters! Power Density Frequency Range SIZE matters! FM Modulation Region Stop the frequency going up by Light Load Good Efficiency FM Modulation Region Without Light Load Bad Efficiency fr1 Positive feedback region! CM6900/1/1A PWM Region Pure SRC Operating Region Frequency Region can be reduced and Efficiency goes up at light load!

13 Hold-Up Time vs. Efficiency Positive feedback region!
Trade Off @ full Load Gain is 380/202.9 = 1.872 Good Hold-Up Time But Bad Efficiency FM Modulation Region 380V 202.9V Bad Hold-Up Time But Good Efficiency FM Modulation Region 380V 326V Gain is 380/326 = 1.165 fr1 Positive feedback region! Pure SRC Operating Region We want both High Efficiency & Good Hold-Up Time But How??

14 CMC patented topology fr1 fr1 CM6901/1A: (Patented)
Without Increasing Transformer Size Work both SRC + LLC + SR (SLS) Hold up time (20mS) supported by CMC patented topology CM6901/1A: (Patented) Working both SRC and LLC region with SR reduces Bulk Cap and increases Hold-Up Time fr1 fr1 SRC Operating Region LLC Operating Region LLC Operating Region SRC FM Modulation Region

15 96+ SLS (SRC/ LLC + SR) CM6901/1A Transformer can handle more Power
Lm ↑ and Ilm ↓ Transformer can handle more Power SLS: SR Ideal Diode PWMing Open Loop No Sensing Resistor As the result, Higher Efficiency!

16 To avoid saturation, fsw(LLC) > = 2 x fsw(SLS)
SLS (SRC/LLC + SR) 96+ SLS (SRC/LLC+ SR) CM6901/1A LLC Lm = 600uH LLC FM Modulation Region Lm = 1000uH fr1 = 139Khz SLS SRC + LLC + SR FM Modulation Region fr1 = 43.93Khz CM6901/1A is a SLS (SRC/LLC + SR) controller (patented) CM6901/1A can handle more power due to larger Lm CM6901/1A has the higher efficiency: Lm is larger so frequency is much lower! CM6900/1/1A has SR so efficiency goes up more! SRC 200W LLC 200W That is WHY! To avoid saturation, fsw(LLC) > = 2 x fsw(SLS)

17 Loop Gain 0.5 e.g. 100K e.g. There is an output pole which is formed by 1/(2 x πx Rload x Cout). It does not show at Loop Gain. GMfeao x ZGMfeao’s Zero ~ 10/(2 x πx Rload x Cout)

18 Design Resonant Tank Key Parameters
fsw ~ 1.2 x fr1 fr1 ~ 42Khz for ATX Power Supply Size Q=(1/R) x (Lr/Cr)**0.5 for fr1 only 0.3 < Q < 0.5 (Optimal Design) K = Lm/Lr1 K > 10 (Optimal Design) ζ=1/(2 x Q) fr1=1/(2 x πx Lr x Cr) Rload primary = Rload secondary x n2 x 8 /π2 Imax = 2Vi/(πx Rlp) Vmax = 2Vi x Q/Pi

19 SR Ideal Diode PWMing Light Load PWMing
SLS CM6901/1A FM Modulation SR Ideal Diode PWMing Light Load PWMing SLS CM6901/1A Design Tool

20 Optimal-Balanced-Total Efficiency: supported by CMC patented topology
supported by CMC patented topology CM6901/1A: (Patented SLS Controller) FM + 2 PWMings: SR Ideal Diode PWMing (for SR Switches only!) Light Load PWMing (for all Switches) Synchronous Rectification (SR) in both SRC/LLC regions ZVS-Like PFC: CM6565/CM6502/CM6802SB75 (Patented) Interleaved PFC: 2 phases drop to 1 phase, PFCmaster operating at Light Load ZVS-Like: 380V drops to 342V at Light Load

21 Higher Efficiency without additional cost Pin to Pin Compatible with…
CM6568/CM6808 Family 16 Pin ZVS-Like PFC 35 V BiCMOS Process Coming Very Soon More Goodies …… Turbo Speed PFC Higher Efficiency without additional cost CM6568/CM6808 Secrets Pin to Pin Compatible with… CM6568S to replace CM6502S CM6808S to replace CM6802S

22 ZVS-Like Interleaved PFC
Champion ZVS-Like PFCs for Highest Efficiency High Power High Efficiency Total 90+ CM6901/1A SRC/LLC + SR (SLS) CM6565CRM ZVS-Like Interleaved PFC Highest Efficiency Total 90+ CM6901/1A SRC/LLC + SR (SLS) CM6502S ZVS-Like single PFC High Power & High Efficiency Total 90+ CM6901/1A SRC/LLC + SR (SLS) CM6568 ZVS-Like Single PFC Cost Effective & High Efficiency Cost Effective High Efficiency CM6568 Q2 2009

23 Champion Clean Technology = SLS + ZVS-Like PFC Everyone's 90+
Summary Champion Clean Tech = SLS + ZVS-Like PFC = Everyone’s 90+ CM6901/1A + ZVS-Like PFC can meet EPA 80+ Gold/Climate Saver 4 : SLS + ZVS-Like PFC One Universal Topology (SLS + ZVS-Like PFC) fits for all: Server, AC Adapter, LCD TV, Desk Top, and Consumer Electronics Size Smaller: SLS: Smaller Transformer with lower fsw and higher ŋ The highest Efficiency : Full Load Efficiency: SLS: CM6901/1A (SR Ideal Diode PWMing) Enables SR Working At LLC Region SLS: With full load, it can cross fr1 to LLC and Efficiency goes Vin = 390V! Light Load Efficiency: Light Load PWMing Stops frequency going up fsw < 100Khz even at no load Champion ZVS-Like PFC W Power Supply Results Hold-Up ~ 24 mS with 300W ATX Power Supply Design Champion Clean Technology = SLS + ZVS-Like PFC Everyone's 90+ Champion Clean Technology is more than Green

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