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Relative, Absolute, & Mixed References

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1 Relative, Absolute, & Mixed References

2 Relative Reference (Address)
B C D 1 5 2 6 3 4 In C3, =A1+B2 means Display sum of the content of cell which is 2 columns to the left and 2 rows above and the content of cell which is 1 column to the left and 1 row above. When this formula is copied to other cells, the same instruction is copied. E.g., if the formula is copied to D4, it becomes =B2+C3.

3 Absolute Reference (Address)
1 5 2 6 3 4 In C3, =$A$1+B2 means Display the sum of the content of cell which is at A and the content of cell which is 1 column to the left and 1 row above. When this formula is copied to other cells, the same instruction is copied. E.g., if the formula is copied to D4, it becomes =$A$1+C3.

4 Mixed Reference (Address)
B C D 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 In C2, =$A$1+$B2 means Add the content of cell which is at A1 and the content of cell which is in column B and in the same row. When this formula is copied to other cells, the same instruction is copied. E.g., if the formula is copied to C4, it becomes =$A$1+$B4.

5 Mixed Reference (cont.)
A B C D 1 5 2 6 7 8 9 3 4 In B3, =$A$1+B$2 means Add the content of cell which is at A1 and the content of cell which is in the same column and in row 2. When this formula is copied to other cells, the same instruction is copied. E.g., if the formula is copied to C4, it becomes =$A$1+C$2.

6 IF() Function =IF(B2>=70,”Pass”,”Fail”) A B C D E F 1 Name Exam
Grade 2 Adams 87 Pass 3 Benson 92 4 Carson 68 Fail 5 Danson 78 6 =IF(B2>=70,”Pass”,”Fail”)

7 IF() Function Form Example
=IF(condition, value-for-TRUE-case, value-for-FALSE-case) Example Assume: B2 contains semester average Then, in C2, we can have: =IF(B2>=70, “Pass”, “Fail”)

8 VLOOKUP() Function Suppose letter grades for exam scores are assigned as follows: A – 90 or above B – 80 or above, but less than 90 C – 70 or above, but less than 80 D – 60 or above, but less than 70 F – less than 60 Use VLOOKUP() function to assigning letter grade to a score, buy looking up a table.

9 Grade Table Lookup A B C D E F G H 1 Name Exam Grade 2 Adams 87 3
Benson 92 4 Carson 68 5 Danson 78 6 Criteria 7 8 60 9 70 10 80 11 90

10 VLOOKUP() Format For example,
=VLOOKUP( Value to look up, The range of the table, The column number containing the grade) For example, In the preceding case =VLOOKUP(B2, $G$7:$H$11,2)

11 With VLOOKUP(), Remember…
In the VLOOKUP(), the 2nd argument, the range for the lookup table, should be in absolute address. In the lookup table, values to be looked up should be in ascending order (from small to larger).

12 Tax Table Lookup A B C F G H 1 Name Income Tax Rate 2 Adams 18000 0% 3
Benson 85000 15% 4 Carson 28000 10% 5 Danson 31000 6 Erickson 125000 ? 7 8 20,000 9 50,000 10 100,000 20% 11 200,000 30%

13 Your Turn Given the preceding table, look up the Tax Rate for Erickson with the VLOOK() function.

14 HLOOKUP (Horizontal Lookup Table)
C D E F G H 1 Name Exam Grade 2 Adams 87 3 Benson 92 4 Carson 68 5 Danson 78 6 7 8 Criteria 9 60 70 80 90 10 11

15 HLOOKUP() Format For example,
=HLOOKUP( Value to look up, The range of the table, The row number containing the grade) For example, In the preceding case =HLOOKUP(B2, $B$(:$F$10,2)

16 With HLOOKUP(), Remember…
In the HLOOKUP(), the 2nd argument, the range for the lookup table, should be in absolute address. In the lookup table, values to be looked up should be in ascending order (from small to larger) from left to right.

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