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Harmonized models for the Digital World: CIDOC CRM and extensions

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1 Harmonized models for the Digital World: CIDOC CRM and extensions
CIDOC CRM Family Harmonized models for the Digital World: CIDOC CRM and extensions Martin Dörr Center for Cultural Informatics, Institute of Computer Science Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas Nuremberg, Germany May 19, 2015

2 Standards, Mapping and Data Transformation
Making Standards The good with standards is there are so many! When you have a standard, You need to transform to the standard You need to renew and adapt the standard You need to transform to the renewed standards Why not just transform data? There are too many transformations, you need a standard

3 CIDOC,CRM and SIG CIDOC is the International Committee for Documentation of ICOM the International Council of Museums CIDOC CRM is the Conceptual Reference Model of CIDOC CIDOC CRM SIG is the CIDOC CRM Special Interest Group founded Aug as Working Group of CIDOC; open to non-ICOM members. Membership is by organisation and a representative, to develop the CIDOC CRM as ISO standard for information integration of cultural-historical data across institutions, to act as forum for dissemination and development of good practice of documentation for publication and global integration of cultural-historical data, to act as forum to foster adequate technology compatible with CIDOC recommendations

4 The CRM Supports Science and Humanities
Phases of the scholarly/scientific process: collecting and organizing evidence (observation and primary sources) connecting facts via the things involved interpreting facts – contextualizing and hypothesis building (dependency & impact) presenting results - publication Problem: Billions of facts, artefacts and documents possibly shed light on the past in unexpected contexts across all disciplines and sciences The CIDOC CRM (ISO21127:2006,2014) is made for integrating and connecting evidential data and derived facts It contains the most basic relationships to describe of what happened in the past at a human scale, i.e., people and things meeting in space-time, parts and wholes, use, influence and reference. more detailed kinds of discourse require extensions…

5 Metadata Are Not Enough!
Type: Text Title: Protocol of Proceedings of Crimea Conference Title.Subtitle: II. Declaration of Liberated Europe Date: February 11, 1945 Creator: The Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom The President of the United States of America Publisher: State Department Subject: Postwar division of Europe and Japan Metadata Documents “The following declaration has been approved: The Premier of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and the President of the United States of America have consulted with each other in the common interests of the people of their countries and those of liberated Europe. They jointly declare their mutual agreement to concert… ….and to ensure that Germany will never again be able to disturb the peace of the world…… “ About…

6 Finding Aids Do Not Integrate
Type: Image Title: Allied Leaders at Yalta Date: Publisher: United Press International (UPI) Source: The Bettmann Archive Copyright: Corbis References: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin Photos, Persons Metadata About…

7 Explicit Events, Object Identity, Symmetry
E52 Time-Span E53 Place E39 Actor February 1945 P82 at some time within P7 took place at P11 participated in E7 Activity “Crimea Conference” E38 Image E39 Actor P86 falls within P67 is referred to by E65 Creation Event * E39 Actor E31 Document “Yalta Agreement” P14 performed P81 ongoing throughout P94 has created E52 Time-Span the documents the world !

8 Top-level classes useful for integration
E55 Types refer to / refine E28 Conceptual Objects E41 Appellations E39 Actors refer to / identify E18 Physical Thing participate in affect or / refer to location E2 Temporal Entities E52 Time-Spans E53 Places at within

9 Temporal Entity: Main Properties
E2 Temporal Entity Properties: P4 has time-span (is time-span of): E52 Time-Span E4 Period Properties: P7 took place at (witnessed): E53 Place P9 consists of (forms part of): E4 Period E5 Event Properties: P12 occurred in the presence of (was present at): E77 Persistent Item P11 had participant (participated in): E39 Actor E7 Activity Properties: P14 carried out by (performed): E39 Actor P20 had specific purpose (was purpose of): E5 Event P21 had general purpose (was purpose of): E55 Type P16 used specific object (was used for): E70 Thing P125 used object of type (was type of object used in) E55 Type IsA IsA IsA

10 CRM: “What happened (to…) ?”
Example: (inferred from inscription…)

11 The CRM becomes an open “family of models”
Extending the CRM The CRM standardizes only stable concepts for information sharing. local extensions are encouraged for subjective concepts and local practices using the CRM starts with 1 property and does not restrict data to CRM We have now created a modular structure Maintaining a core so that all extensions are (property) specializations All more detailed facts can be reached by querying core concepts For being interoperable, no more restriction of data to a “core vocabulary”! What is “core” is not historical, not community domination, but the dynamic result of applying functional principles. CRM is an open invitation to extend it by sharing, respecting and evolving common concepts: The CRM becomes an open “family of models”

12 Outcome: CRM compatible Extensions
FRBRoo: modelling the new library practice of IFLA (approved) a causal model of intellectual creation and derivation how to identify intellectual content the thing and the word: integrating museum and library perspectives PRESSoo: modelling journals and serials (approved) CRMInf: who said that? – from data to knowledge (under review) integrating data with their scholarly justification being validated with scholarly annotations

13 Outcome: CRM compatible Extensions
CRMsci: a Scientific Observation model (under review) generalizes over INSPIRE, OBOE, SEEK, Darwin Core generalizes concepts of units of matter and their “(physical) genesis” introduces concept of observation and data evaluation validated in archeology, biodiversity and geology CRMarchaeo/CRMBA: an Excavation model (under review) introduces concepts of stratigraphy and excavation being validated by archaeological records

14 Outcome: CRM compatible Extensions
CRMgeo: a Spatiotemporal model (to be reviewed) integrates CRM with OGC standards a complete model of phenomena occupying spacetime (consistent with modern physics) integrates geometry- and semantics-derived topological relations core concepts being integrated into CRM CRMdig: a model of Digitization processes (to be reviewed) validated in European & US projects, to be adapted to CRMsci ….give us your extension for review and approval !

15 CIDOC CRM extension suite
Conceptual Reference Model (CRM) CRM Few concepts, high recall Event Thing happened at Actor was present at FRBRoo Special concepts, high precision CRMSci CRMInf CRMGeo PRESSoo CRMArcheo CRMDig

16 “do you have a translation of…?”
FRBROO : “who’s idea was that?” “do you have a translation of…?”

17 The Externalization A Causal Interpretation of FRBR
Creation E12 Production E28 Conceptual Object F28 Expression Creation F3 Manifestation Production Type F32 Carrier Production Event R4 carriers provided by (comprises carriers of) R28 produced (was produced by) R19 created a realization of (was realised through) R17 created (was created by) E24 Physical Man-Made Thing F1 Work E84 Information Carrier F2 Expression R18 created (was created by) R7 is example of (has example) R9 is realised in (realises) F15 Complex Work F14 Individual Work F22 Self Contained Expression F23 Expression Fragment F4 Manifestation Singleton F5 Item here it becomes real!

18 F22 Self-Contained Expression
Performing Arts : An “Added Value” Chain F15 Complex Work “Henry IV ” Idea R10 has member (is member of) R10 has member (is member of) F16 Container Work R10 has member (is member of) F15 Complex Work “Henry IV part 1 ” Idea F15 Complex Work “Henry IV part 2 ” Idea F21 Recording Work “Henry IV part 1 ” Idea of recording F20 Performance Work “Henry IV part 1 ” Idea of mise-en-scene R2 is derivative of (has derivative) F15 Complex Work “Henry IV part 1 ” Idea Adaptation R22 realised (was realised through) R19 created a realisation of (was realised through) F29 Recording Event Recording Performance 25/12/07 action R19 created a realisation of (was realised through) F28 Expression Creation Adaptation of Henry IV part 1 action F28 Expression Creation Henry IV part 1 mise-en-scene action R20 recorded (was recorded though) F31 Performance Performance 25/12/07 action R13 is realised in (realises) R12 is realised in (realises) R9 is realised in (realises) R21 created (was created by) R17 created (was created by) R17 created (was created by) R25 performed (was performed in) F25 Performance Plan Henry IV part 1 “mise-en-scène” guidelines F26 Recording Henry IV part 1 Play 25/12/07 DVD F22 Self-Contained Expression Henry IV part 1 Adaptation Text R14 incorporates (is incorporated in) R14 incorporates (is incorporated in)

19 CRMinf : “why is it true that?”

20 The Three Sources of Scientific Knowledge
has belief time E13 Attribute Assignment E52 Time-Span is Belief Value resulted in or confirms Belief (True, False, Unknown) Here is CRMInf: that Argumentation Proposition relates to is about E1 CRM Entity Inference Making Belief Adoption E1 CRM Entity Observation Here is any Information System Data Evaluation Simulation Here is CRMSci ! CRMSci: Knowledge from observation, data evaluation and (computer)simulation (engineered from OBOE, SEEK, INSPIRE Darwin Core etc) property CRM Entity CRMSci Entity IsA CRMInf Entity

21 Modelling my Beliefs in Evolutions A, B and C
E39 Actor Stephen I5 Inference Making Evolution Decision I2 Belief Stephen’s Belief in Evolution A of Misc 4 P14 carried out by J2 concluded that J1 used as premise J3 applies J4 that J5 holds to be I2 Belief BM Belief in Spatial Relations of Misc 4 I3 Inference Logic Catalogue Text Rules I4 Proposition Set was written after I6 Belief Value True J4 that J5 holds to be I4 Proposition Set is left of main margin I6 Belief Value True Hans Sloane collection inventory entry

22 “what have you seen there?” “how did you calculate that?”
CRMsci “what have you seen there?” “how did you calculate that?”

23 t S Scanning and 3D Model Creation as Meetings Museum It-Lab 3D model
coherence volume of rendering coherence volume of mesh-creation mesh-data 2nd Computer scanner scan-data 1st Computer museum object operator coherence volume of acquisition S Museum It-Lab

24 What means“Finding”: the Encounter Event
E7 Activity S19 Encounter Event Scope Note: Activities of S4 Observation (substance) where an E39 Actor encounters an instance of E18 Physical Thing of a kind relevant for the mission of the observation or regarded as potentially relevant for some community (identity). This observation produces knowledge about the existence of the respective thing at a particular place in or on surrounding matter. This knowledge may be new to the group of people the actor belongs to. In that case we would talk about a discovery. E16 Measurement S4 Observation S21 Measurement S19 Encounter Event O21 has found at O19 has found object E53 Place E18 Physical Thing E92 Spacetime Volume S20 / E26 Physical Feature O22 partly or completely contains O23 is defined by E25 Man-Made Feature E27 Site S22 Segment of Matter property CRM Entity IsA CRMSci Entity

25 Biodiversity App: “Occurrence Discourse”
E52 Time-Span 11/10/2009 E53 Place Haifa Bay E21 Person S. Faulwetter P4 has timespan P10 falls within P14 carried out by BC14 Ecosystem Environment Haifa Bay Ecosystem No P7 took place at S19 Encounter Event urn:catalog:IOL:POLY:Sphaerosyllis -levantina-ALA-IL-7-Oct.2009 P2 has type BT7 Ecosystem Type sandy - muddy sediments O32 has found object BC38 Biotic Element Sphaero-levantina-003 P125 used object of type BT11 Equipment Type WA265/SS214 P127 has broader term BT11 Equipment Type Van Veen Grab

26 CRMArcheo / CRMBA: “what was here before?”

27 AP13 has stratigraphic relation
CRMarcheo: Excavation is Observation A1 Excavation Process Unit A1 Excavation Process Unit AP4 created surface . S1 with stratigraphic method AP4 created surface . S2 with spit method Here it is a visualization of what we mean by Stratigraphic Unit A7Embedding A3 Stratigraphic Interface A2 Stratigraphic Deposit Unit AP7 produced AP7 produced A4 Stratigraphic Genesis AP13 has stratigraphic relation “after” A4 Stratigraphic Genesis

28 Example: Embedding “positioning” “a state, a refinement of position”
A1 Excavation Process Unit E5 Event P9 consists of S16 State “positioning” S19 Encounter Event AP17 is found by “a state, a refinement of position” AP15 has found object A7 Embedding AP18 is embedding of AP20 is embedding at AP19 is embedding in E18 Physical Thing E53Place A2 Stratigraphic Volume Unit “the Physical Object has a position at least up to the point of discovery” “reference space that is relative to the Context Stuff”

29 A Competitor: The PROV-O Ontology
prov:wasDerivedFrom prov:value Literal prov:alternateOf prov:Entity prov:wasAttributedTo prov:specializationOf prov:Agent prov:actedOnBehalfOf prov:wasInvalidatedBy prov:wasStartedBy prov:wasEndedBy prov:wasAssociatedWith prov:used prov:wasGeneratedBy prov:Person prov:Organization prov:startedAtTime prov:Activity dateTime prov:SoftwareAgent prov:endedAtTime prov:wasInformedBy property Generalization

30 Conclusions The CIDOC CRM with its extensions allows to create
global networks of integrated knowledge about human history, its evidence and scientific observation regardless discipline and in surprising detail,.. (CRMSci is currently the most powerful generic e-Science ontology) ….and you can add more detail. But remember: KR technology (RDF) is made for data with potentially global relations. and The CRM does not tell you what to document! With 4 CRM properties only you can already describe a story!

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