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How to Build Instant and Immediate Rapport with Your Prospects

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2 How to Build Instant and Immediate Rapport with Your Prospects
Tom “Big Al” Schreiter

3 Why Success Week? Leaders Success Summit Education Week - Spring 2013
12 Monthly Health Webinars 48 Natural Health Education Seminars

4 Success Week Webinars! Nov. 12-19
Build Instant Rapport with Prospects Social Media for Beginners Social Media to Effectively Build Your Business Easily Share NSP with Others How to Maximize NSP’s Compensation Plan Live Giveaways at the end of this Webinar! Product Promotions


6 All webinar resources can be found at
A phone recording of this webinar is available at PIN (Not a toll-free call)


8 Be sure you type your questions

9 How to Build Instant and Immediate Rapport with Your Prospects
By Tom “Big Al” Schrieter

10 In this NSPWebinar you will learn:
Most prospects make up their mind about you in the first few seconds.  Learn how to open up your prospects minds, get your good information inside your prospects minds, and do it all BEFORE your prospects start the skepticism filter, the salesman alarm, the "too good to be true" and the "What's the catch" conversation inside their heads. We have great information. We just don't want that information to be blocked by our prospects' prejudices, programming, etc. We will cover the exact words to say and how do this so your prospects will trust you, believe you, and thank you for sharing your information.

11 We all say good things, they just don’t believe us
We all say good things, they just don’t believe us. We don’t need more good things to say, we need to learn how to get people to believe the good things we are saying already.

12 Honesty Integrity Best interests-at-heart Sincere

13 Same point-of-view Same background, same beliefs, same preferences

14 Find one fact in the known universe you can agree upon.

15 We all want to live longer.
We want to protect our children from all those germs at school. Bottled water is expensive. Bottled water is heavy to carry home. Losing weight is hard. Arthritis really hurts. Life is stressful. Everyone would love an extra paycheck every month.  

16 Put two facts together!

17 What two facts could we say to help book meetings
What two facts could we say to help book meetings? Example: We all want social time with our friends and a meeting is a great excuse to get together. or ... Getting together with our friends is fun and we love sharing good news.

18 Well, you know how ...

19 There is an old saying ...

20 Most people ...

21 Everybody knows ...

22 Everybody says ...

23 As many of you know ...

24 If ... then ...

25 Questions & Answers


27 US Success Week Promotions (Nov
US Success Week Promotions (Nov ) $2 off, Buy 4 Get 1 Free, Buy 9 Get 3 Free Probiotic Eleven Proactazyme Everflex Skeletal Strength Perfect Eyes Thyroid Activator Magnesium Complex HSN-W Para-Cleanse Bowel Detox

28 Canada Success Week Promotions (Nov
Canada Success Week Promotions (Nov ) $2 off, Buy 4 Get 1 Free, Buy 9 Get 3 Free Probiotic Eleven Garden Essence Everflex with HA Calcium-Magnesium plus Vit. D Perfect Eyes KC-X LBS II HSN-W Para-Pak BWL-BLD

29 Live Giveaway Winners

30 Thank You for Joining US!
Tomorrow: Social Media Part 1: Facebook and Twitter for Beginners

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