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The Renaissance and Reformation

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1 The Renaissance and Reformation
Chapter 11

2 Page 1: Essential Questions
1) What events contributed to the end of the Middle Ages? 2) What was the Renaissance and why did it happen? 3) Would a Protestant Reformation have occurred without Martin Luther? Defend your response.

3 Page 2: Renaissance Art Select your favorite Renaissance artist and draw, label, and illustrate your favorite art piece On the back of your illustration write a 2-3 paragraph short essay introducing your artist, favorite piece of art, and historical significance of your selected sculpture or painting Please use copy paper for this assignment Best work will be proudly displayed on our bulletin board

4 Page 3: Feudalism Chart Copy Feudalism diagram
Be sure to include duties of each social class use arrows indicating duties Substitute the word “Serfs” for “Villeins” on the chart

5 The Great Schism/100 Years War
Page 4: Describe role played by each in bring about an end to The Middle Ages The Crusades The Black Death The Great Schism/100 Years War

6 Page 5: Graphic Organizer: Impact of the Renaissance

7 Page 6: Applying What You Have Learned
Do you think the position of the Catholic Church in Western Europe would have remained unchallenged if the Pope had not decided to sell indulgences? Explain your answer. Length of answer should be 1-2 paragraphs

8 Page 7: Graphic Organizer: The Reformation
Causes of the Reformation Effects of the Reformation Role of Martin Luther


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