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Peer evaluation as an evaluation tool:

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1 Peer evaluation as an evaluation tool:
Residents perceptions and attitudes Cedra Ghossoub M.D Marouan Zoghbi M.D Saint Joseph University Lebanon

2 Background Education by objectives needs tools to measure attainment Tools=examination “Examinations are formidable even to the best prepared, for the greatest fool may ask more than the wisest man can answer” Charles Caleb Colton

3 Background Educational assessment is the systematic process of documenting data on the knowledge, skills and attitudes

4 Background Labeling someone as having achieved the goal is a complex situation What would you take as evidence of achievement?

5 What is active learning?
an approach to education in which students engage the material they study through reading, writing, talking, listening, and reflecting. Active learning stands in contrast to "standard" modes of education in which teachers do most of the talking and students are passive

6 What is a peer? a person who is equal to another in abilities, qualifications, age, background, and social status.


8 Assessment Summative Formative

9 Students work to pass not to know, they do pass but they don’t know Thomas Huxley

10 Objectives Explore medical residents perceptions about peer evaluation
Evaluate the acceptability level of this kind of evaluation in a sample of Lebanese residents

11 Material & Methods Cross sectional
Residents At Hotel Dieu de France University center – Beirut All specialties

12 M&M Questionnaire No Validated measure found in Litterature
Written in compliance with Harvard University Program on survey research recommendations Literature review : Medline and google scholar Pilot study

13 M&M Questionnaire Introduction Part I Part II Objectives
Confidentiality Part I Past experience with peer evaluation Perceptions about peer evaluation (5 points Likert scale) Attitudes toward peer evaluation (5 points Likert scale) Part II Social and demographic variables

14 M&M Questionnaire Self administered Mean administration time: 5min
Paper form for the residents in the hospital during the study period for others

15 M&M statistics Principal component analysis for data reduction
Factor extraction Descriptive analysis Alpha 5% Student for means and Chi2 for distributions SPSS 21

16 Results Response rate : 44% Age : 27 years (24-31)
Sexe ratio: women/men 55%/44%

17 results 46% had been evaluated by a peer:
34% after request from a superior 10% after self request 40% have already evaluated one 45% report using this method in their evaluation

18 73% would accept to be evaluated by a peer
72% would accept to evaluate their peers

19 73% Peer evaluation is an active learning method
84% : stimulate critical thinking 77%: enhances motivation to learn 83%: improve negotiation and discussion skills 73% : peer evaluation is an improvement in medical education 54%: create professional links between residents

20 Barriers reported 6%: afraid from others criticism
10%: additional workload 15%: inefficient evaluation tool

21 Principal component analysis
3 main dimensions > 3 scores Score1: acceptability (6 variables) Score 2: applicability (3 variables) Score 3: barriers (2 variables)

22 Score Mean Max 95% CI Acceptability 23.87 30 23.03 24.69 Applicability 1.25 15 1.02 1.5 Barriers 4.74 10 4.41 5.07

23 Acceptability score Positive correlation with specialty : Psychiatry
Anesthesia Pathology

24 Applicability score Higher in men Higher in some specialties:
Pathology Anesthesia Psychiatry Pediatrics Surgery Higher in residents with past experience

25 Discussion Peer evaluation is an accepted method
Divergent results in literature Dolmans et al. 1998 Cultural influence Sommative or sanctional use of the method Durham, 2005 Benefit of peer evaluation has been documented in other paramedical schools Cannella 2009 Can target difficult to evaluate competences Professionalism Pawlina,2005 Rees,2005 collaboration Cannella,2009

26 Discussion Peer vs Tutor
Peers are considered in a better position to feedback Possibility of responders bias

27 Perspectives Increase the sample size
Include student from other universities Develop standardized tools to measure residents attitude for better comparability Repeat the measure after implementation with new barriers expected

28 Perfect happiness for student and teacher will come with the abolition of examinations, which are stumbling-blocks and rocks of offence in the pathway of true students Sir William Osler

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