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Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA 2017 Parent Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA 2017 Parent Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA 2017 Parent Meeting

2 Agenda Overview of Laker Youth Basketball and LOYTBA
Nya Mason, LOHS Girls Varsity Coach Marshall Cho, LOHS Boys Varsity Coach Key Aspects of Laker Youth Basketball Questions and Answers Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

3 What is Laker Youth Basketball?
A competitive, community-based basketball program for boys and girls in grades 4-8 living in area served by Lake Oswego High School Teams compete in the Three Rivers League (TRL), a league of about 200 teams representing over 20 high schools in the Portland Metro area, as well as tournaments Part of the Lake Oswego Youth Traveling Basketball Association (LOYTBA), a non-profit corporation founded in 1996 to promote competitive youth basketball on both sides of Lake Oswego Operated by the volunteer Laker Youth Board Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

4 Laker Youth Basketball Lakeridge Youth Basketball
LOYTBA Structure LOYTBA TRL Laker Youth Basketball Laker Youth Board Tournaments Lakeside (Dec) TRL Championship (Feb/Mar) Lakeridge Youth Basketball Pacer Youth Board Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

5 2017-18 Laker Youth Board Tom Senf President Mike Maxwell
Coaches Manager Shannon Brauner Communications Ty Lockard Scheduling Scott DeBorde Tournaments Mike Brown Treasurer Jennifer Scheurer Uniforms Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

6 Laker Youth Basketball Snapshot
Competitive, school-based program; grades 4-8, boys and girls : 21 teams, about 200 players Season: early November – early March About 25 practices, games, 4 clinics All practices in LO; many games at LOHS 75%+ weekend games Volunteer coaches grades 4-5; paid head coaches grades 6-8 Teams split evenly grades 4-5; by skill level grades 6-8 LOHS staff runs tryouts, selects teams Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

7 What Does “Competitive” Mean to Us?
Fun through challenge and improvement Develop players for LOHS Must earn spot on a team Score and standings are kept “Real” basketball; rules are enforced (traveling, fouls, etc.) Higher standards for behavior than rec programs Winning is not essential but competing is Attendance expected at all practices and games Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

8 Nya Mason Head Coach Girls Varsity Basketball Lake Oswego High School
Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

9 Girls Fall Clinics Grades 4-8 Tuesdays/Thursdays: Oct. 3 – Nov. 2
Lake Grove Elementary Time TBD Free Non-Laker Youth players welcome Contact Nya Mason for more information Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

10 Marshall Cho Head Coach Boys Varsity Basketball
Lake Oswego High School Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

11 The Season Practices Clinics TRL League Games Tournaments
Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

12 Practices Target 2 per week early Nov. – early Mar. (about 25 total)
Length 90 minutes (occasionally 75) Primary sites: Forest Hills, Lake Grove, Oak Creek, Uplands, River Grove Earliest start 4:30pm; latest finish 9:30pm (usually 9pm) Times, dates, gyms subject to change throughout season Any practices over Thanksgiving, Winter Break optional Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

13 Clinics Sunday evenings at LOJ Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, Nov. 12
Free of charge to Laker Youth players Open to boys and girls Taught by LOHS basketball staff Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

14 TRL League Games 16 games (8 home, 8 away)
Begin early Dec.; end late Feb. Will play league games weekend of Dec Home games played weekends at LOHS (few at LOJ) Away games played weeknights/ weekends in Metro area Standings kept on TRL website Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

15 Tournaments Lakeside Tournament (4 games) TRL Tournament (3-4 games)
Dec. 2-3 (boys); Dec (girls) Played in Lake Oswego (north and south) All Laker Youth teams participate TRL Tournament (3-4 games) Feb (girls); Mar. 3-4 (boys) Played in Lake Oswego and Metro area 4th and/or 5th grade boys could move to girls weekend Combined with league games, base season is games Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

16 Additional Tournaments
Played by teams in grades 6-8 Proposed by coach with input from LYB Participation at team option Costs (entry fees, coach’s expenses) shared by player families Teams in grades 4-5 discouraged from entering Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

17 Coaches Grades 4-5: Volunteer coaches
Grades 6-8: Paid (non-family) head coaches; family members can be assistants LOHS varsity coaches have final say on Laker Youth coaches Coaching requirements Application (including references), interview Background check Online concussion course Interested volunteer coaches contact Mike Maxwell Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

18 Tryouts/Team Formation
2 90-minute tryouts (Oct. 1, 15) Players are expected to attend tryouts LOHS basketball staff conducts tryouts, selects teams (with assistance from paid Laker Youth coaches as needed) Target roster size: 9-10 players (8 or 11 possible under certain circumstances) Grades 4-5: Teams split to be even in aggregate skill level Grades 6-8: Teams organized by skill level (Gold/Silver/Bronze) Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

19 Player Readiness Guidelines
Tool for Parents and LOHS Coaches to Assess Readiness Maturity to participate in competitive basketball Experience on a basketball team Knowledge of basic rules and terminology Ability to make and catch chest pass from feet Ability to dribble to basket and shoot strong hand layup Ability to dribble with strong hand and pivot to protect ball Ability to hit rim consistently from free throw line and closer Understanding of basic defense (stay between basket and opponent) Readiness clinic (grades 4-5) Sunday, Sept. 24 LOJ 6:30-7:45pm Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

20 Rec Alternatives Grades 4-5: LOYBA (Community School)
Grades 6-8: LOJ Basketball (boys pre-holidays, girls Jan.-Feb.) Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

21 Playing Time Grades 4-5: Minimum 16 minutes per game, every game
If 11 players, minimums reduced to 12 and 8 Minimums subject to player attendance and grade-appropriate behavior (effort and focus) Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

22 Code of Conduct TRL rule: all players and spectators must follow
Must read and agree as part of registration Treat all participants with respect Players, coaches, other spectators and last but not least.... Referees and gym monitors have authority to eject coaches and spectators for violations Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

23 Fees Includes: games, about 25 practices, 4 clinics, practice jersey Financial Assistance Available (apply by Sept. 27 at CS) Fees Player Fees (paid at registration via Community Schools) Grades 4-5 Grades 6-8 (includes paid coach) $325 $425 Uniforms (game jersey and shorts)* $50 Shooting Shirt (optional) $25 Tournament Admissions (2 adults, 4 days) $48 Other Potential Expenses (at team option) Local Tournament Entry/Admissions Out-of-Town Tournament ** $50-60 $ *Uniform purchase required. Last season’s uniform may not be used. **Includes player share of entry fee, estimated admissions and coach’s expenses; excludes family expenses. Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

24 Refunds Not selected for team: Full refund
Cancel before team selection: Full refund less $15 admin fee Cancel after team selection, prior to first game: $100 refund Cancel after team selection, after first game: No refund No refunds for games/practices cancelled due to school closures (e.g. due to weather) Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

25 Expected Commitment Winter is basketball season
Winter is school basketball season Laker Youth Basketball should be player’s primary winter sports activity Playing Laker Youth Basketball and another competitive sports program at same time is discouraged Not a part-time program Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

26 Key Dates Sept. 24: Readiness Clinic grades 4-5
Sept. 27: Financial Assistance forms due at Community School Sept. 29: Pre-tryout registration ends; financial assistance complete Oct. 1, 15: Tryouts at LOHS Week of Nov. 6: Practices begin Early Dec. – Late Feb.: TRL league games Dec. 2-3: Lakeside Tournament (boys) Dec. 9-10: Lakeside Tournament (girls) Feb : TRL Tournament (girls) Mar. 3-4: TRL Tournament (boys) Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

27 Next Steps REGISTRATION OPEN: or Community School ( Completed online registration required to participate in tryouts Need more information? Go to Tom Senf at Shannon Brauner at For financial assistance, see registration form or Morgan Jones at Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

28 Questions and Answers Laker Youth Basketball LOYTBA Parent Meeting 2017

29 Thanks for Coming AND GO LAKERS!

30 High School/Youth Interaction
High school players volunteer at youth tryouts, Lakeside Tournament Youth teams hear high school locker room talks High school players attend youth practices Youth teams attend high school practices

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