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The Primary Library: Supporting Reading at Our Lady’s Convent School

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1 The Primary Library: Supporting Reading at Our Lady’s Convent School

2 Environment Provides a positive, welcoming environment in which pupils can find books that they want to read Bright colours Bean bags Easy to access resources: Infant / reception reading material in Kinder Boxes Shorter easily accessible titles on Spinner Stands Fiction for more confident readers arranged alphabetically by author surname on shelves Non – Fiction divided into Infant Non-Fiction and Junior Non Fiction

3 Resources Wide range of age appropriate stock
Regular ‘weeding’ of stock by Qualified Librarian Regular intake of new up to date stock

4 Accessibility Open every lunch time for pupils to read / exchange books Weekly Library Lessons with qualified Librarian for issue and return of books, book appreciation and quiet reading Supports individual and independent reading Shared reading experiences Encourage pupils to make own choice of reading material – Pupils can borrow up to 2 books at a time

5 Reading Experiences Shared reading
Pre-School visit the Library each week for a ‘Story Time Session’ with Year 6 Library Monitors Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 visit the Library each week for ‘Story Time’ with the Librarian Years 3, 4 and 5 focus on a specific author as part of Library Scheme of Work – Group Reading Experience ‘Reading Cloud’ allows pupils to share reading experiences and recommendations

6 Reading Experiences Author Visits Bi-Annual Author Visit
Encourages pupils to read more widely, as well as providing an understanding of the creative process. Makes the writing process, books, and authors themselves accessible and real to pupils.

7 Making Choices: Independent / Individual Reading
All years visit Library weekly to choose individual reading material to read at home Qualified Librarian to assist pupils in making reading choices Year 5 and 6 take part in ‘Read for my School’ National reading competition encouraging pupils to explore new genres and be ‘Reading Champions.’ Time set aside in Library Lessons for this independent reading

8 Alternative Formats ‘Read for my School’ offers pupils opportunity to read books online. This can be done during Library Lessons or at home ‘The Reading Cloud’ : Pupils can access this either in school or from home. Online shared reading experience: Allows pupils to recommend resources to friends and to write or video online book reviews

9 Helping parents to support reading at home
Reading Cloud allows parents to: View the book choices your child is making Enjoy your child's online book reviews Participate in parent group discussions Enjoy reading and writing challenges with your children Access various online resources including eBooks and resources to develop their own reading ability if required Find "Hints & Tips" from experts to support your child's reading progress

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