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How can learning portfolios facilitate lifelong learning?

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1 How can learning portfolios facilitate lifelong learning?
Kamilla Nylund Institutet för Miljömedicin Karolinska Institutet

2 Background “Each professional has the duty to keep their competencies on an appropriate level during their professional life… …develop a range of competencies and generic skills beyond the direct skills related to their clinical work, such as lifelong learning skills to keep up and maintain knowledge and skills.


4 AIM To explore the effectiveness of E-portfolios on learning from a faculty and student perspective. Lifelong learning and professional competence Facilitators and barriers

5 Effectiveness relies on careful implementation
E-portfolios must be well anchored among all involved from leaders & faculty to students. E-portfolios must be embedded in the curriculum The portfolio must be well-motivated, valued and easy to use Dedicated leaders, technical support staff & faculty Educational/organizational change.

6 Self-efficacy, motivation & metacognitive skills.
The quality of goal setting, challenging reflective activities, formative feedback Ongoing support to students Feedback to students, between students and reflection skills The learning environment – students sense of being in control

7 Conclusion Well executed E-learning portfolios is a promising tool in facilitating deeper learning, lifelong learning and professional development. Perceived educational value, technological problems affect motivation and the use of portfolios.

8 Thank you! Kamilla Nylund

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