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Internet of Things (IoT)

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1 Internet of Things (IoT)
Security Threats Matthew Murray

2 Description The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

3 Types of devices Routers Refrigerators Thermostats Security Cameras
Home Assistants (Amazon Eco, Google Home) Wearable Technology/Implanted Devices (Apple Watch) Lights Locks Automobiles

4 Security Issues Many IOT devices are severely lacking in the security department. Most lack basic security, and many utilize outdated firmware. Human Error (use of default usernames and passwords). Allows hackers to quickly and easily gain access to system.

5 Threats DDoS Attacks Physical/Real World Ransomeware
DDoS attack on DYN caused internet outages across the country. Physical/Real World Ransomeware

6 DDoS Attacks October 21, 2016 a large scale DDoS attack on DYN servers cause large internet outages across the United States. Many of the devices in the botnet were IOT devices such as home routers and security cameras Access was gained through the use of default login credentials.

7 Physical Real World Home Invasions Medical Devices
By hacking IOT devices an individual could easily shut down security cameras, open door locks, and deactivate any other internet based home security features. This allows them to easily gain access to your house, car, etc. Medical Devices Some medical implant devices, such as pacemakers, have the ability to connect to Wi- Fi.

8 Ransomware Hackers use the classic approach when it comes to utilizing ransomware attacks on IOT devices (I.E. Locking the device and requiring payment to unlock). For many devices this isn’t a big issue because IOT data is usually stored in the cloud and devices can easily be reset. This can become an issue with medical IOT devices such as drug pumps and pacemakers. Will typically be used for timed attacks when devices cannot be easily reset.

9 How to be better protected
Don’t use default login credentials Update firmware often. Don’t connect devices to the internet that don’t need to be connected (Personal Opinion)

10 Sources

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