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Dispersal of plant In the name of god the compassionate the merciful

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1 Dispersal of plant In the name of god the compassionate the merciful
By Behnam Behtari

2 Dispersal importance Dispersal plays a fundamental role in the life-history of plants, affecting their biology, ecology, dynamics and genetics seed dispersal, may enable a population to reduce the threat of extinction dispersal is the main limiting factor in determining the success of restoration.

3 Type of Dispersal Autochory (self dispersal)
Allochory (dispersal via a vector) Atelochory (transport and dispersal are impeded)

4 Autochory Barochory (transport via gravity)
Blastochory (dispersal via runners) Ballochory (self seeder) -Zooballochory (impetus provided by animals) -Anemoballochory (impetus provided by wind) -Hydoballochory (impetus provided by water) -Autoballochory (propulsion mechanisms based on sap pressure or drying)

5 Aeloropus littoralis (blastochory)

6 Allochory Anemochory (transport via wind)
Hydrochory (transport in water) Zoochory (dispersal via animals) Hemerochory (dispersal by man)

7 Anemochory (transport via wind)
-Chamaechory (Even propagules blown by wind across the ground surface possess morphological adaptation) -Meteochory (transport in air for small seeds) -Boleochory (transport started by wind, further dispersal assured by other mechanisms)

8 Hydrochory (tranporte in water)
-Nautochory (transport by movement in the sea) -Bythisochory (drifting in flowing water) -Ombrochory (transport via rain drops)

9 Zoochory(dispersal via animal)
-Omithochory, myrmechory, etc. -Epichory (transport by attachment of propagules to animals) -Endochory (transport of propagules during passage through the gut) -Stomatochory (transport in the mouth) Dysochory (transport of accidentally ingested propagules)

10 To facilitate dispersal, the cocklebur(Xanthium strumarium) fruit is covered with hooks to attach to the fur of animals that brush against the plant.

11 The aguacatillo (Ocotea tenera) tree fruits change colors to attract birds to ingest them. The birds then disperse the seeds to another site. The transportation of seeds inside an animal is called endozoochory.

12 Whitebark pines hold their cones upward to prevent the seeds from falling out and to attract Clark’s nutcrackers to extract them.

13 Hemerochory (dispersal by man)
-Ethelochory (deliberate dispersal) -Speirochory (dispersal due to accidental dispersal with seeds) -Agochory (unintentional dispersal)

14 Methodology Monitoring methods Geostatistical methods
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15 Autocorrelation Nearest Neighbor Analysis:
The average of the distances from all possible pairs of nearest neighbors is compared to that of a theoretical random pattern. There are two popular indices for measuring spatial autocorrelation in a point distribution: Geary’s Ratio and Moran’s I. Both indices measure spatial autocorrelation for interval or ratio attribute data.


17 Seed Bank Vegetation

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