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Australian aborigines and Australian Animals

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Presentation on theme: "Australian aborigines and Australian Animals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Australian aborigines and Australian Animals

2 MAIN POINTS : Who Animals lives in Australian Forest .
How can the Australian Aborigines Adaptation with Australian Animals . How Australian Aborigines benefited od Australian Animals .

3 What are the Animals lives in Australian Forest .
the most Animals live in Australian forest is Birds , there is many kind of Birds like a :

WHITE-HEADED PIGEON And there is more kind of Birds .


6 There are also animals like a Koalas , Echidna , Australian Pelican , Dusky Dolphin .
62% of all Australian bird 
23% of all Australian reptile 
30% of all Australian frog 
39% of all Australian marsupial 
18% of all Australian butterfly

7 When People live with something to centuries they adaptation themselves to lives together in peace . such as Australian Aborigines and Australian Animals , they lives in one Environment and since centuries ، but they managed lives together .

8 How Australian Aborigines benefited of Australian Animals ?
- They used they meet to eat and they Blood to drink . - They used the Animals skins and bone to industry . - And used the whole Animals to transport from one Place to another .

9 THE End Feel free to Ask

10 In conclusion I have told you about main Points they are :-
Who Animals lives in Australian Forest . How can the Australian Aborigines Adaptation with Australian Animals . How Australian Aborigines benefited od Australian Animals .

11 Thank you for Coming .

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