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Exploiting Research via Standards

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Presentation on theme: "Exploiting Research via Standards"— Presentation transcript:

1 Exploiting Research via Standards
ETSI and TC GRID Exploiting Research via Standards Mike Fisher BT Laurent Vreck ETSI Converging Components, Services, SLA + QoS for Effective Utilities over Network Infrastructure ETSI TC GRID -

2 ETSI TC GRID - VGrids@Work
Introduction ETSI ETSI Specifications TC GRID Standardising GCM Standards for Interoperability Convergence between Computing and Network Collaborative Research and Standards ETSI TC GRID -

3 What is ETSI? Recognized Standards Development Organization
Created in 1988 as an independent, not-for-profit entity Based in Sophia Antipolis 700+ members from 62 countries manufacturers, network operators, service providers, administrations, research bodies and users Relationships with many otherSDOs Freely downloadable specifications! providing a forum in which all key players can contribute: GSM, UMTS, DECT, TETRA, SAT COM, DVB, NGN, VoIP, Wireless Access, Powerline, IP Cablecom, … scope is broadening: not just networks, e.g. TC GRID

4 ETSI Deliverables Several kinds of deliverable to meet market needs
ETSI Technical Report (TR) Information document used for various purposes guaranteeing public availability dynamic content Quick to market Technical Specification (TS) High quality specifications delivered early to market ETSI Standard (ES) High quality standards supported by the ETSI global membership European Standard – telecommunications series (EN) European harmonisation Not always a difficult and time consuming process! depends on the goal and level of consensus needed

5 ETSI TC GRID Terms of Reference
Address issues associated with the convergence between IT and Telecommunications with particular reference to the lack of interoperable Grid solutions in situations which involve contributions from both the IT and Telecom industries Emphasis on … global standards and the validation tools to support these standards NOT trying to duplicate standards development already underway in other bodies Aim is to complement progress being made with more formal standards and test specifications so we can achieve levels of interoperability needed in next generation networks and Grids (or clouds etc…)

6 ETSI and OGF Good cooperation between ETSI and OGF has developed
clear recognition of complementary activities and expertise Memorandum of Understanding Convergence between IT and Telecommunications demands interoperable solutions to ensure that connectivity goes beyond the local network Interest in making selected OGF specifications more robust OGF increasing activity in networking Network Services Interface Working Group (first meeting OGF24)

7 An example – standardising GCM
GridComp project brought GCM into TC GRID Technology used to support Grid Plugtest events Support from several ETSI members (4 required to start work item) INRIA, Alcatel-Lucent, BT, FT-Orange, Huawei, NEC, Nokia-Siemens, Telefonica Submission was presented, discussed, divided into a number of separate specifications, developed and reviewed In June 2008 two specifications were approved for publication GCM Interoperability Deployment (ETSI TS V1.1.1) GCM Interoperabiilty Application Description (ETSI TS V1.1.1) Two additional CGM work items are in progress… “GCM Fractal ADL”, “GCM Management API” … not a trivial exercise, but not too painful! ask Denis Caromel…

8 Standards for Interoperability
Need for open standards in the emerging networked service economy Many efforts to solve technical issues Standards organisations (hundreds of relevant (?) specifications) Collaborative research projects (many prototypes, demonstrators) … but limited coherence and consistency so far Need confidence that standards will assure interoperability Willingness to work together for consensus on basic infrastructure Robust methodology for testing ETSI TC GRID Specialist Task Force Starting work to develop a Testing Framework for Grid standards Builds on experience and expertise in network standards Published: Inventory of ICT Grid Stakeholders (ETSI TS ) Next: ”List of identified ICT Grid interoperability gaps”, “ICT Grid Interoperability Testing Framework” EC funded (DG ENTR)

9 Computing/Network Convergence
Where should computing be done? Fundamental question – studied in different forms for many years… Ubiquitous network connectivity shifts the balance Next generation Grid/Internet platforms/Cloud allow customers to benefit from the expertise of large-scale infrastructure providers Relationship between computing and wide area networks Need for greater control over connectivity by applications Need for greater awareness of applications by networks …to enable managed , secure services with assured levels of reliability and performance

10 Collaborative Research and Standards
Impact on standards is a natural result of collaborative research Difficult to achieve within the constraints of a single project timescales, budget, need for compromise and consensus Need greater coordination Programme-level initiatives, ETPs etc. ETSI (and TC GRID) is very well placed for this community Focus on “the big picture” Ability to address IT and networking convergence Experience in interoperability specification, testing and certification (e.g. GSM/UMTS, DVB, WiMAX, IPv6, Parlay) Global organisation with extensive cooperation agreements Clear IPR policies Formal recognition by the EC One of 3 ESOs

11 Conclusions This workshop is about:
“Converging Components, Services, SLA + QoS for Effective Utilities over Network Infrastructure which implies: Convergence between computing and networking Consensus and open standards for infrastructure to underpin service innovation Research can improve its impact by engaging with standards ETSI (and TC GRID in particular) is a natural forum to develop relevant standards If you are not already – please consider getting involved

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