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John Muir Writer who petitioned the US Congress

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1 John Muir Writer who petitioned the US Congress
and the general public to set aside large tracts of land for ALL US citizens to enjoy. John Muir did this through writing, descriptively, vividly, poetically, and passionately of the features that could be found in lands that had not yet been spoiled by the commercialism that had earlier ruined Niagara Falls.

2 John Muir When John Muir returned to Yosemite, he found it being trashed, taken advantage of, For the sake of commercialism. He began a campaign to rid the land of these commercial adventurists and convinced Teddy Roosevelt Not only to set Yosemite valley as a National park but to expand it to include the areas that were being ruined by farming and sheep ranching.

3 Teddy Roosevelt It took only 3 nights under the stars in Yosemite for Teddy Roosevelt to commit himself to becoming a protector of our National forests, wetlands, endangered species and creator of National Parks.

4 Teddy Roosevelt Created 5 national parks, Created and signed into law the Antiquities Act. He used the Antiquities Act to create 18 National Monuments (including the Grand Canyon). He set aside 51 Federal Bird sanctuary, 4 game refuges, and set aside more than 100 million acres of National Forests.

5 Rachel Carson A marine biologist, she gained fame in writing books that the general public could read and enjoy( The Sea Around US and The Edge of the Sea). Because of her fame as a writer, when she wrote “Silent Spring”, it was widely read by not just the general public but by members of congress as well.

6 Rachel Carson SILENT SPRING – was the first time anyone had challenged the chemical, farming, and ranching industry and their indiscriminate use of a synthetic pesticide called DDT. Her Study of DDT introduced the idea of “bio-magnification” to the public and to policy makers.

7 Rachel Carson BIOMAGNIFICATION- Producers sprayed with DDT
Primary consumers consume DDT DDT is passed to secondary Consumers. DDT is passed up to Tertiary consumers. The amount being passed gets greater as you go UP the energy pyramid.

8 Rachel Carson Gives testimony to congress. Others on University campuses stage ,”Sit-ins” which are lead by conservation minded faculty and students.

9 Gaylord Nelson Is a US congressman. With the help of a national coordinator DENNIS HAYES he stages the largest sit in recorded at the time. EARTH DAY.

10 EARTH DAY April 22, 1970 This movement lead to the formation of
The EPA which enacted the CWA CAA And the Endangered Species Act

11 Earth Day goes Global Dennis Hayes organizes the first global recognition of Earth Day April 22, 1990 mobilizing 200 million people in 141 countries and lifting environmental issues onto the world stage. Earth Day 1990 gave a huge boost to recycling efforts worldwide and helped pave the way for the first (1992) United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro.

12 Earth Day goes Global President Bill Clinton awarded Senator Gaylord Nelson the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1995—the highest honor given to civilians in the United States—for his role as Earth Day founder.

13 Project assignment 1 biome with 10 creatures that evolved Or
2 biomes with 5 creatures each

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