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Knowledge Collaboration and why is Bill Moult crazy enough to try it?

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Presentation on theme: "Knowledge Collaboration and why is Bill Moult crazy enough to try it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Knowledge Collaboration and why is Bill Moult crazy enough to try it?
What in the world is a Knowledge Collaboration and why is Bill Moult crazy enough to try it? MRC Luncheon, December 14, 2012

2 my role within the company Knowledge Collaborations the MRC
Some Thoughts About… our company, my role within the company Knowledge Collaborations the MRC

3 Taking Advice From the Greats
A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be. - Wayne Gretzky .

4 It was for the kind of company it could be.
When I joined Nielsen, it wasn’t for the kind of company it is. It was for the kind of company it could be.

5 Harvard Business School
Bill Moult Busch Center Why am I with Nielsen’s Media & Advertising Analytics? In addition to Nielsen’s WORLD CLASS MEASUREMENT, we are excited to be building WORLD CLASS ANALYTICS. Carnegie Mellon Wharton Harvard Business School PA NH


7 Evolving the company Client-focused Client Business Partners
What we want to be How we’re going to get there Client-focused Client Business Partners Integrated More Watch-Buy Connections Open Knowledge Collaborations Strategic Strategic Center of Excellence

8 Some Thoughts About Knowledge and then KnowledgeCollaboration


10 Some Thoughts About Knowledge Collaboration…
“Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Alaska Native Ways of Knowing,” Barnhardt and Kawagley, U. of Alaska Fairbanks

11 Rate of Change Grand Canyon Augusta National Golf Club Climate
Consumer Buying Behavior Consumer Media Behavior Slower change Faster change

12 Accelerating Pace of Change in Media
Online video for PC Early mobile video Internet connected TV Internet enabled TV iPad TV apps The most recent 5 years DVD DVR VOD The next 10 years The first 50 years VCR Cable & Satellite TV Broadcast TV

13 A Day in the Life - Boomer
Monday - Morning Mature Professional 51 Frank LOCATION SOCIAL ACTIVITIES MEDIA EMOTION 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM Morning

14 Post-Grad Suburbanite
A Day in the Life - Millenial Monday - Morning Post-Grad Suburbanite 24 Alex LOCATION SOCIAL ACTIVITIES MEDIA EMOTION 7 AM 8 AM 9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM Morning

15 “The future ain’t what it used to be.”
In other words… “The future ain’t what it used to be.” Yogi Berra

16 We let our new analytics team be a guinea pig for Knowledge Management
Last year, we volunteered to be a test for Nielsen We let our new analytics team be a guinea pig for Knowledge Management

17 The guinea pigs are alive, well, and learning
new tricks

18 Early success stories – iKNOW for MAA
The original guinea pig project u iKNOW for MAA Simple framework, relevant content, dedicated resources

19 Decision Orientation – Quick Overview
As presented by Sid Venkatesh Decision Question Answer: Recommendation Info Question I Answer: Conclusion/ Insight Data I Answer: Result Data II Result Info Question II Data III Decision questions have far greater value than the other types of questions.  Decisions involve an action and a choice among alternatives. Information on the other hand, is used to make a decision. The answer to a decision question is a recommendation (or suggestion) about what to do. The answer to an information question is a conclusion (or insight) about what we found. CLIENT VALUE We should educate clients and move them up the value chain to enhance the value of our contribution.

20 Early success stories – Decision Framework

21 Early success stories – Solutions in Practice

22 Early success stories – iKNOW Latino
“We have no end-to-end process for presenting Nielsen’s Watch & Buy capabilities on Latino. This limits our clients’ growth as well as our own.” u Joe Willke & Sabrina Crow Executive Sponsors of iKNOW Latino initiative

23 Thought Leadership for Multi-Cultural America

24 Other Recent Thought Leadership

25 Nielsen’s Knowledge Collaboration

26 Knowledge sharing with priority organizations
Examples of knowledge sharing with priority organizations including ARF Hand articles

27 Nielsen & WARC – A proactive sharing relationship
Title of Presentation

28 Knowledge Collaboration Dream Team

29 Some Thoughts About the MRC…

30 What does Knowledge Management look like
at Conde Nast?


32 How can we retain his knowledge and wisdom?

33 Can this be unforgotten?
Can this reach thousands of people? Can this be unforgotten? Can this leave a professional legacy?

34 Tell us 1-5 of the most important things you’ve learned in your career
Be Unforgotten? Let us capture, produce and share it with our people, the MRC and you

35 Another face we’ll recognize:
Gerry Lukeman

36 Mind the Gap! Perception Reality

37 Thank You!

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