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AGM – October 7 2016.

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1 AGM – October

2 Industry Review What is the status of the Industry review?
Industry review completed in August - SSNZ is awaiting five key decisions (November) Membership database (SAANZ) Saleable national product (SAANZ) Shared services (NZSIF, SAANZ, WGNZ) SSNZ membership requirement (SAANZ) SSNZ event entry management (SAANZ) Outcome will shape SSNZ strategy and structure.

3 FIS Funding breakdown FIS distributes two pots of funding to NSAs;
Basic Distribution (CHF 5 million) Special Distribution (CHF 2 million - 8 million) Special Distribution is based on FIS financial result in preceding year; FIS World Championship income FIS Sponsorship (events, FIS, programmes) IOC Winter Olympic Games distribution Same formula is applied to both funding pots.

4 FIS Funding breakdown (2)
Historic formula; 12.5% divided amongst full member nations 87.5% based on participants at WSC (alpine and cross country) New formula (from 1 July 2016); 21.875% based on participants at WSC 43.75% based on event organisation 21.875% based on FIS registered athletes

5 FIS Funding breakdown (3)
FIS divides NSA allocations into shares; Basic Share 12.75% of CHF 5 million = CHF 625’000 73 full member nations get 1 share = CHF 8’562 WSC Participants 21.875% of CHF 5 million = CHF 1’093’750 WSC (alpine and X-C) 1 share per athlete = CHF 1’071

6 FIS Funding breakdown (4)
Events organisation 43.75% of CHF 5 million = CHF 2’187’500 5’973 races - AL, CC, FS, NC, SB, SJ (FIS level+) Total of 1’100 points allocated to events 1 share per point = 1’989 (NZL = 24 points)

7 FIS Funding breakdown (5)
FIS Registered Athletes 21.875% of CHF 5 million = CHF 1’093’750 33’370 FIS registered athletes 1 point per gender and discipline applied 1 share per point = CHF 1’712 (NZL = 7 points) AL, FS, SB (both genders), CC (one gender) (CHF) 2014/15 FIS income 2015/16 2016/17 FIS Income FIS General 47’253 30’228 73’637 FIS Special 67’330 37’500 113,311 FIS Total 114’583 67’728 186,948

8 FIS Funding breakdown (6)
According to the FIS Statutes, the financial funds are provided exclusively for the activities of the National Ski Association in the organisation, development and promotion of Skiing and Snowboarding, whereby the decision in terms of the allocation and use of the Financial Support and Special Distribution belongs to the National Ski Association itself.  Internally, funds are allocated to disciplines based on strategic objectives, their prioritisation and affordability. Expenditure by discipline is managed by the Sport Manager.

9 Membership With the loss of the SNZ community funding what work has been done with the ski areas and clubs to increase membership? Ski areas – important focus of industry review Seasons pass holders Competitive snow sports programmes SSNZ membership required for events No specific work with clubs to grow membership

10 Membership – Question 2 Why do alpine members need to be members of a club but freeski and snowboard athletes don’t? FIS mandates that alpine and cross country members need to be a member of a club affiliated to the NSA (mirrored in our Constitution). Traditional club structures don’t exist for FS and SB (i.e. programmes are generally run by ski areas). FIS don’t impose a club membership requirement.

11 Membership – Question 2 (2)
FIS is not the only international body that governs, sanctions and runs events in FS and SB. AFP = Association of Freeski Professionals WST = World Snowboard Tour TTR = Ticket to Ride These organisations have significantly larger memberships than FIS for some disciplines. Only need to join FIS to compete in FIS World Cups and compete at Winter Olympic Games.

12 Budget Could we please see the budget for the coming financial year v actual from the past year? Actual from past year presented in Annual report. Board agreed to operate business as usual through domestic season (Sport NZ Transitional support). Development and Corporate budgets were based on 2015/16 actuals with unnecessary expenditure removed (e.g. FIS Autumn meeting).

13 Budget (2) HP have budgeted a $50k loss in 2016/17 due to the high cost of Olympic Qualification events (loss will be offset against the 2017/18 HP Budget). Budget from December 2016 to June 2017 will be set after the Industry review outcome is known. The aim of the Board and management is to live within budget and maintain our reserve.

14 Budget – Question 2 Could we see the actual income that is going to be received from each code broken down? The only income received that is specific to a code comes from membership and Adaptive programme (e.g. Halberg Disability Sport Foundation). Gaming, Community and Charitable Trust funding is applied to a specific purpose and could be for any code (e.g. alpine timing equipment, alpine national championships, adaptive equipment). .

15 Budget – Question 2 (2) One off grants (e.g. IOC Solidarity funding) are allocated against an initiative (e.g. Alpine Coach and Athlete Development). The Sport NZ Community Sport funding received is generic and is internally allocated against strategic priorities. All HPSNZ funding is allocated against the cost of supporting ‘carded athletes’.

16 Budget – Question 2 (3) The Adaptive programme receives $12,000 per annum from Halberg Disability Sport Foundation. Membership income YTD is as follows; Discipline Members (1088) M/ship Income Adaptive (20%) 214 (+8) $8,480 Alpine (54%) 591 (-84) $18,060 Cross Country (0.5%) 6 (-4) $200 Freeski (15.5%) 169 (+79) $7,660 Snowboard (10%) 108 (+8) $5,020 Clubs 10 $2,000

17 Staffing With regards to employment of staff on individual codes, are the costs associated fully covered, from the fixed income that we receive, for that code? No staff members costs are fully covered from income that is specifically received from that code (e.g. membership, Halberg, DSNZ). All staff positions (and codes) are supported by other revenue streams (e.g. Sport NZ, FIS).

18 How is this handled by the office, for each code?
Public Relations How is this handled by the office, for each code? SSNZ has one staff member (0.75FTE) that works across all codes on social media and member communications. Alex Kerr works with event organisers to get information about events to post and share.

19 Transparency Is it the Boards intention to make SSNZ Board Meeting Minutes available via its website to financial members ensuring transparency, accountability, accurate reporting and open clear communication with the wider membership? Yes.

20 AGM – 07 OCTOBER 2016

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