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Stanley Chow Portraits: Research (

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1 Stanley Chow Portraits: Research (
1. What is your favourite portrait by Stanley Chow? Explain why you like it. 2. Look at a range of portraits, what makes them unique? How would you describe his style? Copy and paste some images here and label them. The are a cartoon style however they are unique because no others cartoons look like them. Therefore you know it is his work because of the exaggeration of the facial features. He uses different shades however doesn’t shade them together. His work is quite blocky but still looks effective. He uses quite bold colours to make it found out. All of his features on his pictures are the same e.g. eyes, eyebrows and mouth. I like Stanley Chow’s picture of Maleficent because I enjoyed the film. Also he has only used a limited amount of colours but still made it look effective by shading. I like how he has included the crow within the photo to! 3. Which celebrity will you chose? Copy and paste some ideas here: These need to be photographs of your chosen celebrity. (Head only).

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