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1 Renounce 2 Reveal 1 Renounce v2 secret, shameful ways deception distorting the Word of God 5a preaching ourselves cf 2:17 peddle the.

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3 1 Renounce 2 Reveal

4 1 Renounce v2 secret, shameful ways deception distorting the Word of God 5a preaching ourselves cf 2:17 peddle the word of God for profit

5 2 Reveal a) Light shone out - Creation Incarnation b) Light shines in - conversion Setting forth the truth plainly consistent conscience preaching Jesus Christ as LORD ourselves as servants c) Light shines through


7 We are but not thlib-omenoi stenocho-roumenoi apo-roumenoi
ex-apo-roumenoi diok-omenoi enkata-leip-omenoi kataball-omenoi apoll-oumenoi

8 We are but not hard-pressed crushed perplexed in despair persecuted
abandoned struck down destroyed

9 We always carry around in our body
the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus May also be revealed in our body

10 For we who are alive Are always being given over to death For Jesus’ sake So that his life May be revealed in our mortal body So then, death is at work in us, But life is at work in you


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