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2 MEMORY VERSE: “Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering” (Colossians 3:12).

3 iNTRODUCTION The world we live in today is full of wickedness and evil. The people, both young and old have sold their hearts to Satan and are under his control. He has blind-folded them that they cannot see or understand what Jesus did for them on the cross of Calvary. They are dead in sin and cannot set themselves free. Therefore, they are slaves to Satan and God’s enemies because they break God’s commandments.

4 iNTRODUCTION God is merciful and loving. He does not want any sinner to die in his sin and follow Satan to hell fire. So He sent Jesus to die for our sins and redeem us from the bondage of Satan. Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He committed the work of reconciliation of sinners to God to His followers, the believers.

Colossians 3:5-8; 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 1 John 1:6-8 THE BELIEVER’S RISEN LIFE Colossians 3:1-4,10-17,23,24 BENEFITS OF THE RISEN LIFE Colossians 3:1-4,23,24; Ephesians 2:6

Colossians 3:5-8; 2 Timothy 3:1-5, 1 John 1:6-8 Sinful children disobey the word of God and do not have the fear of God. They curse their parents and never appreciate or show gratitude to them. They are stubborn and rebellious, disobedient to authorities at home, in school and in the church. They join gangs and are destructive in their actions. They steal, tell lies and fight a lot. They dishonour their parents, leaders in the church and have no regard for elders (Isaiah 3:5).

7 Some of them also cause trouble between daddy and mummy and friends.
Point 1 Cont. Some of them also cause trouble between daddy and mummy and friends. They love pleasure more than loving Jesus and His word. They are also greedy and covetous, lazy in doing assignments and house work. They engage themselves in immoral lifestyle. Children who engage themselves in this evil lifestyle will earn God’s wrath and everlasting punishment in hell fire if they do not repent. Shame, failure and rejection will be their portion in the end.

8 To be saved and free from sin you must take the following steps:
Know that Jesus loves you as a person though He hates the bad things you do. (b) Know that you have made Jesus sad. (c) Be sorry for your sins and confess them to Christ. (d) Ask for forgiveness and cleansing in the blood of Jesus. (e) Forsake them and promise Jesus that you will never do them again. (f) Invite Jesus to come and reign in your heart as your Saviour, Friend and Lord. (g) Believe and He will save you. The Holy Spirit will help you to come alive spiritually and you will become a believer. Know that Jesus loves you as a person though He hates the bad things you do.

Colossians 3:1-4,10-17,23,24 A believer is a child who has genuinely and Sincerely repented of his sins and accepted Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. He has been forgiven and Jesus now lives in his heart. The believer’s risen life is the life patterned after Jesus. It is the Christ-like life of the believer(Galatians 2:20). The fruit of the Spirit is seen in him. Such a life is joyful, blameless and pure. It is a loving and radiant life which shines and challenges others to love Jesus and want to come to Him too. The life which was dead in sin, is now being quickened (made alive) by the Spirit of God (Romans 8:11; 6:4; Colossians 3:10).

10 Point 2 Cont. The risen life is such that pleases God and is in the perfect will of God all the time. These qualities of life will be seen in such a child: (a) Merciful, compassionate. Always ready to share happily what he has with the poor. (b) Kindness – will go extra mile to be kind to others even when they may not appreciate him. (c) Forgives and forgets any wrong done to him. (d) Humble and meek -gentle in expressing his view points and never boastful or proud. (e) Restitution – seeks to have and make peace with God and men. (f) Unity/oneness: He is in agreement with other b Brethren. (g) Hates evil practices. (h) Separated from worldly system and other t things that will negatively influence him to go back t o the old life. .

11 (i)He has love for God, Jesus and sinners.
Point 2 Cont. (i)He has love for God, Jesus and sinners. (j) He hides God’s word in his heart, meditates on it and lives by it. (k) He rejoices and praises God all the time. (l) Attends fellowship regularly and takes part in all the activities. (m) He surrenders all he has (money, talents, time) to serve Jesus (Romans 12:1). (n) He preaches the gospel a and shares tracts and christian literature. (o) He is very prayerful like Jesus (Mark 1:35; Luke 6:12). (p) In all he does, he seeks the praise and honour of God a n and not of men. Believers who are living the risen life are overcomers and victors. They live holy and shine as light in the darkness of this world. Preaching the Gospel

12 Things The Risen Life Child Does
Preaching the Gospel Praying Felowshiping Sharing Tracts Fellowshiping Sharing Tracts

Colossians 3:1-4,23,24; Ephesians 2:6 (a) Always in the presence of God, having intimate fellowship with God. (b) Wisdom and understanding heart from God (1 Kings 3:12; Daniel 1:17). (c) Divine protection from attacks of the enemies. (d) Spiritual blessings like sanctification and power of the Holy Spirit. (e) Prosperity, success and fruitfulness (Psalm 1:3). (f) Like Timothy, God will lift him up and promote him in all aspects of his life. (g) Wear crowns in glory, reign and live forever with Jesus in heaven.

14 THOUGHT: I will radiate the glory of Jesus wherever I am.
Conclusion LESSON: The risen life will make saved boys and girls to shine as light in this world of darkness THOUGHT: I will radiate the glory of Jesus wherever I am. Are you living the risen life? Are you completely dead to sin?

15 QUESTIONS Why did God send Jesus to this world? ______________
2. What characterizes the life of a sinful child? _________ _________________________________________________ 3. Who is a believer? How can a sinner become a believer? __________________________________________ 4. Mention five qualities of the bleiever’s risen life _____ 5. Mention the blessings that God will bestow on true believers. _________________________________________


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