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The Korean War.

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1 The Korean War

2 Background At the end of WWII, forces of both the Soviet Union and the United States occupied the peninsula Previously occupied by Japan US and USSR agreed to divide the Korean peninsula. Divided at the 38th parallel This decision was made without consultation of the Korean people.

3 White Board What other nation was divided after WWII?

4 2 Koreas Syngman Rhee (South) -right-wing politician in South Korea after returning from exile in the US he received the unofficial support of the US gov run the South -In 1948 Rhee became the first president of South Korea (ROK). -He became an authoritarian ruler and his political opponents were quickly silenced. -He was keen to unify an independent Korea under his rule Kim Il Sung (North) By 1932 Kim Il-Sung was leader of a guerilla group based in Korea During WWII Kim was forced into exile in the Soviet Union. In 1947 with Soviet help he became communist dictator of North Korea (DPRK). He was convinced that the people in the south wanted to be ruled by his communist regime Goal was to unite the two

5 Discuss Rhee was much like a dictator and did not support full democracy. Why do you thin the US still supported him?

6 Causes By 1950 The US drew down its military in SK
The Korean army was given only light weapons. The NK Army, was heavily equipped with tanks and other armored vehicles by __________ US Fears ______________ turned Communist & ___________ had Atomic weapons, resulted US policy of containment in Asia. The policy primarily non-military, with economic and military aid given to non- communist regimes in Asia.

7 WHITE BOARD: What were the 2 containment policies of the US?

8 Initial Attack 1950, Secretary of State Dean Acheson,, articulated the American policy. US would defend: Japan, the Rykus islands and the Philippines Korea was left out. NK leader felt the US would not intervene and he attempted to unify Korea At dawn on 25th June 1950, the North Koreans launched a surprise attack on South Korea. South Korean forces are pushed to the Pusan

9 Course of the War The U.N. passes a resolution calling for the immediate end of hostilities and the withdrawal of NK back to the 38th Parallel. US military more worried about the security of Europe against the USSR US was worried that a war in Korea could turn into WWIII if ______________ and _______________ got involved. Their decision to help came from considerations of US policy toward Japan and the idea that the security of Japan required a non-hostile Korea.

10 UN Approval of Force Led by the US the UN approved force to push out NK for the South USSR was in the UN but did not participate in the vote General Douglas Mac Arthur would lead the Attack Inchon landing starts pushing NK al the way near the Chinese Border

11 White Board W0UQ
Based on the video 1. What was the battle compared to? 2. What was the importance of the landing? 3. What were some of the technologies seen the battle.

12 Chinese intervention MacArthur had bombed bridges near Manchuria
Truman stopped him, afraid of hitting Manchuria(China) Clear orders were given to not attack China or cross the Yalu River MacArthur wanted to bomb them to stop men and supplies from coming into Korea China wanted North Korea to be a buffer state

13 The Chinese attack and the Stalemate
US crossed the 38th Parallel( previously stated they wouldn’t) Chinese feared they would might cross Yalu river By ,000 Chinese troops attack The war becomes a bloody stalemate until 1953

14 Mac Arthur Fired Mac Arthur wanted to use Atomic bombs against China
President Truman refused Mac Arthur went to the media and complained about the president Truman relieved him from his post.

15 Discuss Why were Truman's fears in using Atomic weapons against China?

16 Outcome of the War Eisenhower was president at this time
An armistice was agreed upon There is now a demilitarized zone(38th parallel), watched by ROK, KPA, and the US There is no peace treaty but the war has ended There is tension between the 2 nations to this day.

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