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The English & Counter- Reformations

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1 The English & Counter- Reformations
Mr. Meester AP European History Pages:

2 Reform in England England underwent reforms in a pattern differing from the rest of Europe. Personal and political decisions by the rulers determined much of the course of the Reformation.

3 Defender of the Faith Luther’s ideas never took hold in England
Henry VIII & Sir Thomas More rebutted Luther and defended the 7 sacraments Henry was rewarded with the title “Defender of the Faith” from Pope Leo X More writes his Response to Luther in 1523

4 The Break with the Pope Henry VIII ( ) married Catherine of Aragon, the widow of his older brother. 1526, Henry became convinced that his inability to produce a legitimate son was because he had violated God’s laws, by marrying his brother’s wife Leviticus 18:16, 20:21 Soon Henry fell in love with Anne Boleyn and decided to annul his marriage to Catherine in order to marry Anne.

5 Clement VII says no! New pope, Clement VII, was under the political control of Charles V (HRE) Efforts to secure the annulment, directed by Cardinal Wolsey ( ) ended in failure. Henry named Thomas Cranmer ( ) archbishop in 1533 Dissolved Henry’s marriage, which permitted him to marry Anne Boleyn in January 1533.

6 The Church of England Henry used Parliament to threaten the pope and eventually to legislate the break with Rome by law. The Act of Annates prevented payments of money to the pope The Act of Restraint of Appeals forbade appeals to be taken to Rome Stopped Catherine from appealing her divorce.

7 The Act of Supremacy The Act of Supremacy declared Henry as the head of the Church of England Subsequent acts enabled Henry to dissolve the monasteries and to seize their land Represented perhaps 25% of the land of England. In 1536, Thomas More was executed for rejecting Henry’s leadership of the English Church.

8 Protestantism? Protestant beliefs and practices made little headway during Henry’s reign He accepted transubstantiation, Enforced celibacy among the clergy The English Church conformed to most medieval (Catholic) practices.

9 Protestant Changes Under Henry VIII’s son, Edward VI ( ), a child of ten at his accession, the English Church adopted Calvinism. Clergy were allowed to marry, communion by the laity expanded, amongst other things Doctrine included justification by faith, the denial of transubstantiation, and only two sacraments. The changes didn’t last… Bloody Mary!

10 The Counter Reformation
The Counter Reformation brought changes to the portion of the Western Church which retained its allegiance to the pope. Efforts to reform the church were given impetus by Luther’s activities.

11 Religious Orders Various religious orders were established to reform the Church. Including new religious orders Theatines (1524) Capuchins (1528) Ursulines (1535) female order Mystics of St. Teresa of Avila

12 The Jesuits Ignatius of Loyola ( ), a former soldier, founded the Society of Jesus in 1540 to lead the attack on Protestantism. Jesuits trained pursuant to ideas found in Ignatius’ Spiritual Exercises Had dedication and determination and became the leaders in the Counter Reformation. In addition to Europe, by the 1540’s Jesuits, including Francies Xavier ( ), traveled to Japan, India, & the Americas as missionaries.

13 The Council of Trent Convened by Paul III and firmly under papal control, the Council of Trent met in three sessions form 1545 to 1563. It reaffirmed many aspects of doctrine including transubstantiation, the seven sacraments, the efficacy of good works for salvation, and the role of saints and priests. It also approved the “Index of Forbidden Books.”

14 Other reforms The sale of Church offices & indulgences were curtailed.
New seminaries for more and better trained clergy were created. This revitalized Catholic peoples By 1550 half of Europe was Protestant, but within 100 years only a fifth of Europe would still be Protestant

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