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“i have decided to love”

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1 “i have decided to love”
MLK Week Seven

2 ______________________________________________________________
Week ______________________________________________________________ I'm not saying I’m gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world. – Tupac Shakur May 8, Monday – Continue discussions from last week May 10, Wednesday – Read, View & Listen: Winder and Comandante Ramona; Breedlove 2016; hooks 1994 (Love as the Practice of Freedom); Lorde 1984 Optional: Shakir, on change… Turn In Wednesday: (1) word; and, (2) Fourth of Five Assignments

3 1. Leah, Hannah, Arwa, Kiana, Anupram, Ben
2. Sophie, Trent, Raf, Darby, Jordyn, Nala 3. Mal, Alice, Brian, Conor, Patricia, Alex 4. Evan, Havanna, Riti, Kimmie, Adriana, Olivia 5. Sara, Sarina, Drew, Floyd, Victoria

4 and now for a brief interlude on healthcare dollars ---- or ----
Neoliberal Economics meets Human Illness policies/ideologies profits privatization Insulin for Diabetes deregulation Anti-inflmmatory drugs free trade Anti-cancer drugs market pricing Anti-viral drug for Hepatitis C where is the love ?

5 Profit Margin (net income) = revenue – costs. Expressed as %.
Profit Margins of pharmaceutical companies 64% Sanofi (France pharmaceutical) Insulin for Diabetes 51% Taro Pharmaceutical Industries, Israel Dermatology generics 45% United Therapeutics, Baltimore, MD, U.S. High Blood Pressure 44% Gilead Sciences, Seattle, WA, U.S. Hepatitis C 38% Amgen (California biopharmaceutical) Rheumatoid Arthritis 28% Roche Holding (Switzerland pharmaceutical) Cancer 26% AbbVie (Illinois pharmaceutical) Rheumatoid Arthritis 25% Johnson & Johnson Rheumatoid Arthritis 24% Pfizer (New York pharmaceutical) Pneumonia Vaccine 24% Bristol-Myers Squibb Cancer 16% Merck (New Jersey pharmaceutical) Asthma 14% Novartis (Switzerland healthcare) Cancer


7 “nonviolence requires stepping outside the habits of seeing life as a zero-sum game and into the willingness to uphold the humanity of those with whom we disagree, aiming for solutions that truly work for all. when the person or group being challenged can be confident that their humanity and ultimate well-being are cared for, that, in itself, increases the chances of an effective outcome.”

8 “The psychology of violence emerges from dehumanizing others, whereas nonviolence rests on a radical, and ultimately positive, view of our fellow humans, even those who act in harmful ways. The psychology of violence stems from separation, whereas nonviolence is rooted in an uncompromising awareness of our interconnectedness, which leads us to a profound and unwavering commitment to resist injustice without harming anyone.”

9 “The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house
“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change.” Audre Lorde, 1984 Who are the ‘masters’? What are their tools?

10 back to our regularly scheduled class and
non violent actions for social change that reflect a love ethic…

11 Martin Luther King, Jr. – Six Steps of Social Change
Information gathering Education Personal Commitment Discussion / Negotiation Direct Action Reconciliation

12 Martin Luther King, Jr. – Six Principles of Nonviolence
Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people Nonviolence seeks to win friendship & understanding Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice not people Nonviolence holds that suffering can educate & transform Nonviolence chooses love instead of hate Nonviolence believes that the universe is on the side of justice

13 Gandhi’s principled nonviolence begins with self-change
connect personal with political feel your own power

14 Interlude |||| Breathing Awareness
“I can enact self-change and self-love today and everyday.”

15 bell hooks, 1994 “Without an ethic of love shaping the direction of our political vision and our radical aspirations, we are often seduced, in one way or the other, into continued allegiance to systems of domination – imperialism, sexism, racism, classism. “I conclude that many of us are motivated to move against domination solely when we feel our self-interest directly threatened. Often then, the longing is not for a collective transformation of society, an end to politics of domination, but rather simply for an end to what we feel is hurting us. This is why we desperately need an ethic of love to intervene in our self—centered longing for change. “Until we are all able to accept the interlocking, interdependent nature of systems of domination and recognize specific ways each system in maintained, we will continue to act in ways that undermine our individual quest for freedom and collective liberation struggle.”

16 Words Like Love Tanaya Winder
what do we make of a world obsessed with trying to take and transform, until what is natural becomes unnatural. who would believe earth's tears would gather in salty whirlpools gravitating towards each other's weight or that an Age of Doubt came from wanting Too much wishing upon stars shaken into silence. When the unlikely occurs: earth splits herself open from the inside birds fall from skies a presage to the Age of Silence where intoxicated glaciers stealth slowly, radiating across the land in unforgiving rivers, the troubled waters that eventually cover up our names Words Like Love Tanaya Winder

17 Revolutionary Law on Women
1. Women, regardless of their race, creed, color or political affiliation, have the right to participate in the revolutionary struggle in a way determined by their desire and capacity. 2. Women have the right to work and receive a just salary. 3. Women have the right to decide the number of children they will have and care for. 4. Women have the right to participate in the affairs of the community and hold positions of authority if they are freely and democratically elected. 5. Women and their children have the right to primary attention in matters of health and nutrition. 6. Women have the right to an education. 7. Women have the right to choose their partner, and are not to be forced into marriage. 8. Women shall not be beaten or physically mistreated by their family members or by strangers. Rape and attempted rape will be severely punished. 9. Women will be able to occupy positions of leadership in the organization and hold military ranks in the revolutionary armed forces. 10. Women will have all the rights and obligations elaborated in the Revolutionary Laws and regulations. Revolutionary Law on Women Comandante Ramona


19 Monty Python’s Flying Circus, 1970
Ministry of Silly Walks Sketch


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