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Past and Future Tense Verbs

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1 Past and Future Tense Verbs
Grammar Unit 7 Lesson 4 Past and Future Tense Verbs

2 Past Tense Use the past tense to express an action or a condition that was started and completed in the past. Examples: The track meet went well. Nan set a new school records for the shot put. The sprinters ran like antelopes. The coach praised the hurdlers.

3 Remember… Nearly all regular and irregular verbs (except be)have just one past-tense form, such as climbed or ran. The verb be has two past tense forms: was and were

4 Future Tense Use the future tense to express an action or a condition that will occur in the future. You form the future tense of any verb by using the auziliary verb shall or will with the base form.(I shall study; you will go) Examples: Robby will order the supplies. I will pack the car in the morning.

5 Three other ways to express future tense…
1. Use going to with the present tense of be and the base form of a verb. Robby is going to order the supplies. 2. Use about to with the present tense of be and the base form of a verb. Robby is about to order the supplies. 3. use the present tense with an adverb or an adverb phrase that shows future time. Robby leaves tomorrow. Robby arrives on tomorrow’s train.

6 Exercise Identify the italicized verb tense by writing present, past, or future.
I think a lot about the farm we used to visit. Every day, we played in the farmyard. I liked to kick up the red dust in the road. I still look at old aluminum windmills with great fondness. She grew up there and was used to it. She probably just saw a dirty old house, a bunch of skinny chickens, and some broken down fences. I understand that, of course. In my mind’s eye, though, I will always picture that farm as a refuge from ordinary, everyday, city things.

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