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September 5, 2017 Turn in the signature sheet for the class.

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Presentation on theme: "September 5, 2017 Turn in the signature sheet for the class."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 5, 2017 Turn in the signature sheet for the class.
Using the desks- over view. “Standing Up to Hate”- reading, discussion, questions. HW- Complete the “History is …” Bumper Sticker Project. Due tomorrow (Wed., Sept. 6).

2 Agenda- September 6 Collect Bumper Stickers. Name on the back.
Map Activity Introduction. Work on the map: due on Wednesday, Sept. 13 (test on the same date). Use the textbook to help with the map. There are many online map games to help you study.

3 September 7, 2017 Remind 101- Sign up for that on your phone.
Map Practice- Web sites on my class websites. Work on the maps. Make sure they are neat and accurate. Bathroom passes. Extra Credit if they are not used.

4 Depth and Complexity- “Standing Up to Hate”
Details: What is important and relevant information in the text? Change Over Time: What changed from the past to the present? What is the reason for change? Big Ideas: What is the MAIN IDEA? What theme does this article connect to? Impact: Why is the this event important? What is the LONG LASTING effect? Unanswered Question: What information do you still need or want?

5 Closing Task- “Standing Up to Hate”
After reading the article, having discussions with your table group, and drawing your own conclusion, write a paragraph for the following question: Why do YOU think that all of this controversy is happening now in regards to the event in Virginia? How does the past (history) play a role in the current situation? Use concrete details to support your thoughts.

6 Agenda- September 9th Grab your Chromebook as you come into class…. Keep it closed. CW- Turn in your map. Make sure your name is on the state side. Turn in your parent signature form. CW- Remembering Important Dates: 9/11 HW- Family Tree, continue to work on it (Due on Friday, September 16 ). Pick up Map Test is Tuesday, September 13

7 Agenda: Sept. 13 Remind 101 Turn in your maps (Name and period on it)
Map Test with Chromebooks. Submit when completed. Work on 9/11 papers (due tomorrow) Read silently if you are done with all CW. HW- Family Tree (due Friday).

8 Agenda- Sept. 11 As you come into class, grab a Chromebook. Table 1 (1-4), Table 2 (5-8), etc. Join Google Classroom Period 7: welztdb CW- How 9/11 Changed America Reminder: Map Test on Wednesday. Map will also be turned in. HW- your Family Tree (Due next Thursday) CW/HW- 9/11 Handouts due on Thursday.

9 Remembering 9/11 and the connection to history.
Today is the 16 th anniversary of a very tragic and historical day. Today we will talk about this event and introduce how historical events shape our society today.





14 What happened on that day?
4 planes were hijacked by al-Qaeda terrorists. The 4 planes crashed. 2 in New York, the World Trade Towers. One into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. The last crashed in a field in Pennsylvania as the passengers tried to fight back (this plane was supposed to hit Congress). Thousands died, many more are dying every year.

15 George Bush Speech- 9/11/01 4

16 Historical Events Shape Our Society
CW- there are a number of events that we are going to discuss that have shaped the way that we live today in the United States. Take 3-4 minutes to see if you can identify any of the dates and name the event that is associated with the date. Discuss with your table and write down your thoughts on the table.

17 January 28, 1986 Challenger explodes killing all 7 astronauts. Christa McAuliffe (a teacher) was also killed.

18 August 15-17, 1969 Woodstock. 3 day concert in a New York field. Anti-war protesting against the Vietnam War. Hippies.

19 October 29, 1929 Stock Market Crash. Black Tuesday. Financial disaster that helped lead to the Great Depression.

20 November 22, 1963 Assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas.

21 December 7, 1941 Japanese attack Naval Fleet in Hawaii (Pearl Harbor). Led to U.S. involvement into WW II.

22 Roosevelt’s- Pearl Harbor Address

23 August 6 and August 9, 1945 United States drops A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Basically ends WW II.

24 December 17, 1903 Kittyhawk, North Carolina. Wright brothers make first air flight.

25 April 4, 1968 Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King killed in Memphis, Tennessee.

26 July 20, 1969 Apollo 11 lands on the moon. Neil Armstrong makes the first steps onto the moon.

27 Question of the day! What makes an event historical? Why do some events stand out more than others?

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