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Overview of Hazard Mitigation Planning

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1 Overview of Hazard Mitigation Planning
June 8, 2012 Marilyn Hilliard

2 Housekeeping Attendees will be muted to reduce background noise
To increase efficiency and so that we can end on time Use “Raise Hand” icon if you want to speak Use “Q&A” feature to ask a question Please do NOT put your phone on “hold”; it plays the hold music for everyone else on the call. If you have to step away, please mute your phone or hang up and rejoin the call later. Use icons to tell the speaker to slow down, speed up, or to indicate “agree” or “disagree” Please participate! <<<MUTE EVERYONE>>>

3 Questions? Q & A will be open for 10 minutes at the end of the session
Use the “Raise Hand” feature to address the class verbally <<Open Post-Training Poll>>

4 Agenda Purpose of Mitigation Planning
FEMA’s Role in Mitigation Planning FEMA Mitigation Planning Requirements Additional Mitigation Planning Resources

5 What is Mitigation Planning?
Thinking ahead to make your community safer Reduce or eliminate the need to respond and recover Hazard mitigation is any sustained action taken to reduce or eliminate the long‐term risk to human life and property from hazards (44 CFR 201.2). Hazard mitigation activities may be implemented prior to, during, or after an event. However, it has been demonstrated that hazard mitigation is most effective when based on an inclusive, comprehensive, long‐term plan that is developed before a disaster occurs. – Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide Photo credit: USGS, Wood, 2005

6 Why Mitigation Planning?
Understand hazards and associated risks Take steps to make community disaster resilient Safer community FEMA Grant eligibility Community Government Products and Services Tax Base Healthy Economically Sound Vibrant Safe Community

7 Mitigation in Your Community
Take a moment to think about your community Does your community have a mitigation plan? Is it a stand-alone plan or a group of jurisdictions? Were you or your agency involved in the plan’s development? Should you or your agency be involved when the plan is updated? Is your agency responsible for implementing parts of the mitigation plan? How could you contribute to implementing the plan?

8 Mitigation Planning and FEMA
FEMA provides incentives for mitigation planning in the form of grants to implement mitigation projects Annual grant programs Post-disaster grants Grant applications are coordinated through state emergency management offices.

9 Annual Grant Programs Grant cycles open each June and close in December Pre-Disaster Mitigation All hazards; National competition Flood Mitigation Assistance, Repetitive Flood Claims, Severe Repetitive Loss Flood hazard only; NFIP insured properties

10 Post Federally Declared Disaster
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) A percentage of the money spent on disaster recovery; Grant program administered differently by each state Public Assistance (406 Mitigation) Mitigation Plan not required; Additional money available to upgrade infrastructure to avoid damage in future events

11 Planning Requirements
To access FEMA mitigation grants your community must complete a mitigation plan that meets 44 CFR Section 201.6 Local Mitigation Plan Review Guide – Effective October 1, 2012 Planning Process Risk Assessment Mitigation Strategy 5 Year Update

12 The Mitigation Plan The Planning Process The Risk Assessment
The Mitigation Strategy Implement FLOOD WILDFIRE EARTHQUAKE

13 Mitigation in Your Community
Take another moment to think about your community How could you contribute to the mitigation plan? (Some suggested roles) Facilitate the planning process Coordinate with other agencies Provide hazard or risk assessment information Implement mitigation activities Improve your agencies programs

14 Mitigation Planning and You
Find your community's mitigation plan Read the plan Contact the mitigation planning lead Attend the next planning meeting Assist in implementing actions

15 Additional Resources Additional Trainings
STARR G318 Workshop, July 24 – August 1 IS Mitigation Planning for Local and Tribal Communities Online training: Local Mitigation Planning Handbook A resource for local plan developers. Draft coming out in June 2012 Hazard Mitigation: Integrating Best Practices into Planning American Planning Association, Planning Advisory Service Report FEMA Mitigation Planning Website

16 Additional Resources FEMA Hazard Mitigation Assistance –
Region I State Hazard Mitigation Planning Contacts: Connecticut – Diane Ifkovic Maine – JoAnn Mooney Massachusetts – Richard Zingarelli New Hampshire – Lance Harbour Rhode Island – Emily Pysh Vermont – Raymond Doherty

17 Additional Resources Region V State Hazard Mitigation Planning Contacts: Illinois – Jared Owen Indiana – Manuela Johnson Michigan –Mike Sobocinski Minnesota – Jim McClosky Ohio – Dean Ervin Wisconsin –Roxanne Gray Region VII State Hazard Mitigation Planning Contacts: Iowa – Mathew Noble Kansas – Brad Moeller Missouri – Grant Fitzgerald Nebraska – Sheila Hascall

18 Questions?

19 Regional Contacts Region I Mitigation Planning Contacts:
Nan Johnson: Massachusetts; Rhode Island; Vermont Phone: Brigitte Ndikum-Nyada: Connecticut; Maine; New Hampshire Phone: Marilyn Hilliard, Senior Planner Phone:

20 Regional Contacts Region V Mitigation Planning Contacts:
Zerek Schwartz: Illinois Phone: Tambrete Phillips: Indiana Phone: Richard Foody: Michigan Phone: Morgan Holloway: Minnesota Phone: Duane Castaldi: Ohio Phone: Megan Hart: Wisconsin Phone: Tom Smith, Mitigation Division Phone:

21 Regional Contacts Region VII Mitigation Planning contacts:
Joe Chandler, FEMA Region VII Phone: Melissa Janssen Hazard Mitigation Branch Chief Phone:

22 Thank you!

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