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DZ11 Qweisma.

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Presentation on theme: "DZ11 Qweisma."— Presentation transcript:

1 DZ11 Qweisma

2 Introduction - Current System
DZ11 is divided into 12 district Water Source: Ø600mm from Al-Qwesima reservoir which has an elevation of 984. Number of customers: 35,000 customers Number of persons as per CDM study : 8.1 persons/customer Network received from GIS department and updated through meetings with Miyahuna operation and maintenance concerned personnel as well as extensive site visits to verify the elevations, boundaries, critical areas …etc.

3 Population District No. of Customers Population 11A 2,566 20,785 11B
4,557 36,912 11C 1,418 11,486 11D 526 4,261 11E 6,763 54,780 11F 882 7,144 11G 1,334 10,805 11H 5,962 48,292 11I 3,264 26,438 11J 3,263 26,430 11K 360 2,916 11L 4,166 33,745 Total 35,061 283,994

4 Entrance District Elevation
Min. and Max. Elevations District H.P. L.P.(All) Difference Entrance District Elevation 11A 946 906 40 940 11B 934 840 94 912 11C 928 859 69 921 11D 903 874 29 11E 925 861 64 915 11F 941 914 27 938 11G 933 896 37 929 11H 930 826 104 924 11I 948 885 63 11J 854 67 901 11K 961 33 11L 860 61 900 Reservoir Elevation: 984 meters Reservoir height: 8.5m

5 Hydraulic Analysis C(Roughness Coefficient) Zone 1 Total 141,183
Base consumption l/c/d 20% NRW C(Roughness Coefficient) Ex. DI PE & New pipes Zone 1 District Population Avg. Demand (m³/d) Peak Demand (m³/d) 11B 36,912 5,537 11074 11C 11,486 1,723 3446 11D 4,261 639 1278 11E 54,780 8,217 16434 11L 33,745 5,062 10123 Total 141,183 21,177 42,355 Ex Steel and Galv

6 Hydraulic Analysis Total 142,811 21,422 42,843 Zone 2 11A 20,785 3,118
District Population Avg. Demand (m³/d) Peak Demand (m³/d) 11A 20,785 3,118 6235 11F 7,144 1,072 2143 11G 10,805 1,621 3242 11H 48,292 7,244 14488 11I 26,438 3,966 7932 11J 26,430 3,965 7929 11K 2,916 437 875 Total 142,811 21,422 42,843 Zone 2

7 Main Feeders - Existing

8 Schematic - Existing Schematic - Existing

9 Hydraulic Model – Zone 1

10 Hydraulic Model Results - Zone 1
Pressure District Percentages < 1 Percentage 1<P<5 Percentages 5<P<7 Percentage P >7 11B 75 25 11C 16 84 11D 100 11E 83 17 11L 80 20 All DZ 72% 28% 0%

11 Hydraulic Model – Zone 2

12 Hydraulic Model Results - Zone 2
Pressure District Percentages < 1 Percentage 1<P<5 Percentages 5<P<7 Percentages >7 11A 100 11F 86 14 11G 11H 88 12 11I 11J 11K 17 83 All DZ 89% 11%

13 Proposed System The proposed solutions include: Split DZ
Modify Districts’ Boundary Spilt Districts Add main Feeders Network Reinforcement Add PRVs and District Meters

14 DZ11-Zone 1

15 DZ11-Zone 2

16 Main Feeders - Proposed
Proposed Main Feeders – Zone 1 Proposed Main Feeders – Zone 2

17 Schematic - Proposed Schematic - Proposed

18 District B

19 District C

20 District E

21 District L

22 Zone 1 Hydraulic Model – Peak Demand

23 Zone 1 Hydraulic Model – Peak Demand
Pressure District Percentages < 1 Percentage 1<P<5 Percentages 5<P<7 Percentages>7 11B 96 4 11C 100 11D 11E 99 1 11L All DZ 0% 98% 2%

24 Zone 1 Hydraulic Model – Avg. Demand

25 Zone 1 Hydraulic Model – Avg. Demand
Pressure District Percentages < 1 Percentage 1<P<5 Percentages 5<P<7 Percentages >7 11B 89 11 11C 55 45 11D 50 11E 93 6 1 11L 100 All DZ 0% 89% 11%

26 Zone 1 Hydraulic Model – Night Flow

27 Zone 1 Hydraulic Model – Night Flow
Pressure District Percentages < 1 Percentage 1<P<5 Percentages 5<P<7 Percentages >7 11B 99 1 11C 100 11D 11E 98 11L 3 97 All DZ 0.5% 98% 1%

28 PRV Settings for Zone 1 District Peak Flow Average Flow Night Flow
From (bars) To (bars) Flow (m³/d) BC&D 6.4 3.5 15,768 6.9 2.0 7,899 7.1 1,580 E2 7.0 6,875 7.5 0.5 3,438 7.7 688 E1 7.2 3.0 9,559 7.6 1.0 4,779 7.8 956 L 8.0 10,122 8.9 2.5 5,061 9.3 1,012 B2 4.5 4,665 5.2 1.5 1,780 5.9 356 C2 4.6 1,367 683 137

District Diameter Length (m) Main Line Zone 1 600 1430 E1 300 750 B2 200 500 Total 2,700

District New BCD B2 C2 E1 E2 L Total 6

31 Zone 2 Hydraulic Model – Peak Demand

32 Zone 2 Hydraulic Model – Peak Demand
Pressure District Percentages < 1 Percentage 1<P<5 Percentages 5<P<7 Percentages >7 A 100 F G H 13 83 I 79 21 J 57 34 9 K All DZ 1% 70% 24% 6%

33 Zone 2 Hydraulic Model – Avg Demand

34 Zone 2 Hydraulic Model – Avg Demand
Pressure District Percentages < 1 Percentage 1<P<5 Percentages 5<P<7 Percentages >7 A 97 3 F 100 G 74 26 H 93 7 I 87 13 J 65 29 2 K All DZ 0% 75% 22% 1%

35 Zone 2 Hydraulic Model – Night Flow

36 Zone 2 Hydraulic Model – Night Flow
Pressure District Percentages < 1 Percentage 1<P<5 Percentages 5<P<7 Percentages >7 A 93 7 F 100 G 78 22 H 37 57 I 4 33 63 J 1 71 20 8 K All DZ 3% 63% 20% 15%

37 PRV Settings for Zone 2 District Peak Flow Average Flow Night Flow
From (bars) To (bars) Flow (m³/d) F 4.1 1.0 2,144 5.1 1,072 5.4 214 AG&F 4.0 2.5 9,477 5.0 2.0 4,739 5.3 948 H 5.8 3.5 14,488 7.3 3.0 7,244 7.8 1,449 K 875 4.9 437 5.2 87 J Inactive 7,866 7.6 3,979 8.2 833 I 4.2 7,935 4.5 3,968 794

District Diameter Length (m) H 400 1100 300 530 I 1540 Total 3,200

District Replace New A,G F H I J  √ K Total  2 4

40 Percentages 5<P<7
District J District Percentages < 1 Percentage 1<P<5 Percentages 5<P<7 Percentages >7 J (ALL) 57 34 9 J1 & J2 81 16 3

41 District J

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