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2017 HMIS Data Standards Update
Riverside County Department of Public Social Services 2017 HMIS Data Standards Update M I S
Agenda 2017 HMIS Data Standards Update Introduction
1. Universal Data Elements 2. Program Specific Data Elements 3. Annual Assessments 4. Updated Workflows 5. Reports 6. Data Sharing Q & A Resources
Highlight of Changes 13 Annual Assessment Collection Point 1
3.6 Gender 7 4.1 Housing Status 2 3.10 Project Start Date 14 HMIS RHY Export - CSV 6.1 8 4.3 Non-Cash Benefits 9 Disability Related Elements 3 3.12 Destination 15 HMIS SSVF Export - CSV 6.1 4 3.20 Housing Move-in Date 10 4.12 Contact 16 ESG CAPER 17 APR Export – CSV 6.1 5 3.8 Disabling Condition 11 RHY Data Elements 18 Updated workflows/ workgroups/intake forms 6 3.917 Living Situation 12 VA Data Elements
2004 2010 2014 2017 HMIS Data Standards Timeline Published Growth
HMIS Data & Technical Standards were first published by HUD Published 2004 HUD updated the HMIS data Standards primarily to reflect data collection requirements for HP and RRH Growth 2010 HUD collaborated with its Federal partners to update and release the 2014 HMIS Data Standards Collaboration 2014 2017 HMIS Data Standards effective October 1st, 2017 Moving Forward 2017
Universal Data Elements
1 Universal Data Elements
Gender 6 Element 3.6 New wording for response options: Female Male
01 Element 3.6 New wording for response options: Female Male Trans Female (MTF or Male to Female) – “Clients who live or identify as women, even though they were assigned male at birth” Trans Male (FTM or Female to Male) – “Clients who live or identify as man, even though they were assigned female at birth” Gender Non-Conforming (i.e. not exclusively male or female) – “Clients who do not identify exclusively as male or female” Client doesn’t know Client refused
Project Start Date 7 Element 3.10
01 Element 3.10 Project Entry Date is being renamed to Project Start Date: This semantics change is meant to better reflect the real world when collecting data for Permanent Housing projects Recognizes that a Permanent Housing project typically begins serving a client prior to placing that client in housing (i.e. admittance vs. moving in) Makes more sense when thought of in conjunction with tweaks to “Housing Move In” element (More on this in later slides…) This change should NOT affect your understanding of when clients “enter” other, non-PH project types (i.e. Street outreach is still at first contact; ES/ SH/ TH is still first night in bed/ residence, etc.)
Project Start Date Project Start Date
8 01 Overview Project Start Date Permanent Supportive Housing/ Rapid Rehousing Street Outreach The date following application that the client was admitted into the project. Date of first contact with the client Transitional Housing Homeless Prevention/ Services Only Date the client moves into the residential project (i.e. first night in residence) The date the client first began working with the project and generally received the first provision of service Emergency Shelter Night the client first stayed in the shelter
Project Start Date Meet the Criteria Desire to be Housed
01 9 Permanent Supportive Housing/Rapid Rehousing To be admitted indicates the following factors have been met: Meet the Criteria Information provided by the client or from the referral indicates they meet the criteria for admission Desire to be Housed The client has indicated they want to be housed in this project; and Access to Services The client is able to access services and housing through the project. The expectation is the project has a housing opening (on-site, site-based, or scattered-site subsidy) or expects to have one in a reasonably short amount of time.
Destination 01 10 Element 3.12 Response option reworded for clarity:
//Permanent housing for formerly homeless persons (such as: CoC project; or HUD legacy programs; or HOPWA PH)// now reads //Permanent housing (other than RRH) for formerly homeless persons// New response option added: // Rental by client, with RRH or equivalent subsidy//
Destination 01 11 Element 3.12 Temporary Situations
Place not meant for habitation Emergency shelter, including hotel or motel paid for with emergency shelter voucher Safe Haven Moved from one HOPWA funded project to HOPWA TH Transitional housing for homeless persons (including homeless youth) Hotel or motel paid for without emergency shelter voucher Residential project or halfway house with no homeless criteria Staying or living with family, temporary tenure (room, apartment, or house)
Destination 12 01 Element 3.12 Temporary Situations Continued…
Staying or living with family, temporary tenure (room, apartment, or house) Staying or living with friends, temporary tenure (room, apartment, or house) Psychiatric hospital or other psychiatric facility Substance abuse treatment facility or detox center Hospital or other residential nonpsychiatric medical facility Jail, prison, or juvenile detention facility Foster care home or foster care group home Long-term care facility or nursing home
Destination 13 01 Element 3.12 Other Situations Deceased Other
No exit interview completed Client doesn't know Client refused Data not collected
Destination 14 01 Element 3.12 Permanent Situations
Rental by client, with RRH or equivalent subsidy Moved from one HOPWA funded project to HOPWA PH Permanent housing (other than RRH) for formerly homeless persons Rental by client, with GPD TIP housing subsidy Rental by client, with VASH housing subsidy Rental by client, with other ongoing housing subsidy Owned by client, with ongoing housing subsidy Rental by client, no ongoing housing subsidy Owned by client, no ongoing housing subsidy Staying or living with family, permanent tenure Staying or living with friends, permanent tenure
Housing Move-In Date 15 01 Element 3.20
Reworded: this data element used to be for RRH only and called “Residential Move-in Date”: Category changed from program specific to universal Number changed from 4.17 to 3.20 Now applies to all Permanent Housing Project Types Vendors have been instructed to replicate all of the former project “entry” dates for PH projects to this element (to go live 10/1/17) Moving forward, this element is intended to collect the date that a client occupies housing (all PH, including RRH, will be collecting this element the same way)
Housing Move-In Date 16 01 Element 3.20 Continued:
For RRH projects only, a Housing Move-in Date must be entered regardless of whether or not the RRH project is providing the rental assistance for the unit. For example, is an RRH project provides supportive services, but is not providing the rental assistance for the unit, a Housing Move-In Date must still be entered to differentiate RRH clients in housing from those still experiencing homelessness.
Housing Move-In Date 17 01 Element 3.20 Continued:
For PSH projects, clients who are receiving pre-housing placement services but are ultimately housed by another project or subsidy source should be exited from the PH project to the appropriate permanent Destination. If the client exits the permanent housing project for a different housing opportunity without physically moving into a housing unit associated with the project, do not enter a housing move-in date, simply exit the client and record the exit destination.
Housing Move-In Date 18 01 Element 3.20 Continued:
For purposes of the Housing Inventory Count and other point-in- time reporting, households with a Project Start date which do not have a Housing move-in date at the point in time of the report must be excluded from counts of persons in permanent housing.
Rapid Re-Housing Project Start, Housing Move-In Date, and Mapping 2016 2016 Project Entry Date Residential Move-In Date
Rapid Re-Housing 20 01 Project Start, Housing Move-In Date, and Mapping 2016 2016 2017 2017 Project Start Date Project Entry Date Housing Move-In Date Residential Move-In Date
All other PH 21 01 Project Start, Housing Move-In Date, and Mapping 2016 2016 2017 2017 Project Entry Date (Date of Occupancy) Project Start Date (Client Admitted) Housing Move-In Date (Date of Occupancy)
Disabling Condition 22 01 Element 3.8
A disabling condition is one or more of the following: A physical, mental, or emotional impairment, including an impairment caused by alcohol or drug abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder, or brain injury that: Is expected to be long-continuing or of indefinite duration; Substantially impedes the individual's ability to live independently; and Could be improved by the provision of more suitable housing conditions.
Disabling Condition 23 01 Element 3.8
A developmental disability, as defined in section 102 of the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act of (42 U.S.C ); or The disease of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) or any condition arising from the etiologic agency for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV).
Disabling Condition 24 01 Element 3.8
HUD changed the way Disabling Condition is collected and stored in HMIS HUD changed the requirement from a one-to-one relationship between client and disabling condition to a one-to-one relationship between enrollment and disabling condition This means a client may have a different disabling condition response for different programs It is now collected on the Universal Data Assessment rather than the client record
Disabling Condition 25 01 Element 3.8
Regardless of the response to Disabling Condition, if a client reports they have a physical disability, developmental disability, chronic health condition, HIV/AIDS, mental health problem and/ or substance abuse issue (data elements 4.5 – 4.10) that meets the criteria for disabling condition – Data response for this data field should be “Yes.” This will be recorded as a data issue on the HUD Data Quality Report if the values do not match.
Living Situation 27 01 Element 3.917
Response option reworded for clarity: // Rental by client, with other ongoing housing subsidy// now reads //Rental by client, with other housing subsidy (including RRH)// // Permanent housing for formerly homeless persons (such as: CoC project; or HUD legacy programs; or HOPWA PH) // now reads //Permanent housing (other than RRH) for formerly homeless persons// New response option added:
Living Situation 28 01 Element 3.917 Homeless Situation
Place not meant for habitation (e.g., a vehicle, an abandoned building, bus/train/subway station/airport or anywhere outside) Emergency shelter, including hotel or motel paid for with emergency shelter voucher Safe Haven Interim Housing Institutional Situation Foster care home or foster care group home Hospital or other residential non-psychiatric medical facility Jail, prison, or juvenile detention facility Long-term care facility or nursing home Psychiatric hospital or other psychiatric facility Substance abuse treatment facility or detox center
Living Situation 29 01 Element 3.917
Transitional and Permanent Housing Situation Hotel or motel paid for without emergency shelter voucher Owned by client, no ongoing housing subsidy Owned by client, with ongoing housing subsidy Permanent housing (other than RRH) for formerly homeless persons Rental by client, no ongoing housing subsidy Rental by client, with VASH subsidy Rental by client, with GPD TIP subsidy Rental by client, with other ongoing housing subsidy (including RRH) Residential project or halfway house with no homeless criteria Staying or living in a family member’s room, apartment, or house Staying or living in a friend’s room, apartment, or house Transitional housing for homeless persons (including homeless youth) Client doesn’t know Client refused
Program Specific Data Elements
2 Program Specific Data Elements
Housing Status 31 01 Element 4.1 Retired Completely removed
(This was only collected by PATH)
Non-Cash Benefits 32 01 Element 4.3 Response option removed:
//Section 8, public housing, or other ongoing rental assistance // and // Temporary rental assistance // Response option remaining: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) TANF Child Care services TANF transportation services Other TANF-funded services Other Source
Disability-Related Elements
33 01 Element 4.5 – 4.10 Removed following dependencies from all elements: Documentation of disability and severity on file? Client current receiving services/treatment for this disability? Only one response required now: Is expected to be long-continuing or of indefinite duration and substantially impedes the individual's ability to live independently Removed the PATH-only, “If yes, how confirmed” dependencies from 4.9 (Mental Health Problem) and 4.10 (Substance Abuse) 4.5 Physical Disability 4.6 Developmental Disability 4.7 Chronic Health Condition 4.8 HIV/AIDS 4.9 Mental Health Problem 4.10 Substance Abuse
Contacts 34 01 Element 4.12 Changed field 2 name and corresponding responses from: Location of Contact Place not meant for habitation Service setting, non-residential Service setting, residential Changed responses to: : Staying on Streets, ES, or SH No Yes Worker unable to determine
RHY 35 01 Common Data Elements and Individual Federal Partner Program Elements R1 – Referral Source (Formerly 4.34) Response options were streamlined and decreased to reduce data collection burden R13 – Family Critical Issues (Formely 4.33 Young Persons Critical issues) Response options were streamlined and decreased to reduce data collection burden R17 – Project Completion Status (formerly 4.37) Response options were streamlined and decreased to reduce data collection burden R18 –Counseling (New) Collect at project exit. All projects except Street Outreach
RHY 36 01 Common Data Elements and Individual Federal Partner Program Elements RHY continued… R19 – Safe and Appropriate Exit (New) – Collect at project exit R20 - Aftercare Plans (formerly 4.36) data collection stage changed from Project Exit to Post Exit (180 days)
VA 37 01 Common Data Elements and Individual Federal Partner Program Elements Veterans Assessment – The veteran Assessment is now connected to the client record. The most recent veteran assessment information will default during client intake. HMIS users should verify if all information is accurate and update if needed V6 VAMC Station Number – Now choose #605 (Loma Linda) from drop-down menu V8 VASH Voucher Tracking (New) to be collected at project entry, update and project exit V9 HUD-VASH Exit Information (New) to be collected at project exit
3 Annual Assessments
When the Data Are Collected
Data Collection Review 39 01 October 1st, 2017 Data Element Data Collection About When the Data Are Collected All Clients HoH Only HoH and Other Adults Adults Clients Only Record Creation Project Start At Occurrence At Update Annual Assessment At Exit 3.1 Name X 3.2 Social Security Number 3.3 Date of Birth 3.4 Race 3.5 Ethnicity 3.6 Gender 3.7 Veteran Status 3.8 Disabling Condition 3.10 Project Start Date 3.11 Project Exit Date 3.12 Destination 3.15 Relationship to Head of Household 3.16 Client Location
When the Data Are Collected
Data Collection Review 40 01 October 1st, 2017 Data Element Data Collection About When the Data Are Collected All Clients HoH Only HoH and Other Adults Adults Clients Only Record Creation Project Start At Occurrence At Update Annual Assessment At Exit 3.20 Housing Move-in Date X 3.917 Living Situation 4.2 Income and Sources 4.3 Non-Cash Benefits 4.4 Health Insurance 4.5 Physical Disability 4.6 Developmental Disability 4.7 Chronic Health Condition 4.8 HIV/AIDS 4.9 Mental Health Problem 4.10 Substance Abuse 4.11 Domestic Violence 4.12 Contact 4.13 Date of Engagement 4.14 Bed-Night Date 4.18 Housing Assessment Disposition
Annual Assessments 41 01 October 1st, 2017
Annual Assessment must be completed no more than 30 days before or after the anniversary date of the HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD’S Project Start Date, regardless of the project start date of household members. The annual assessment must include updating both the head of households record and any other family members at the same time.
4 Updated Workflows
Updated Workflows 43 01 October 1st, 2017
HMIS consolidated into two workflows and workgroups: Riverside: HMIS Programs All Projects use Riverside: RHY Programs Operation SafeHouse projects Note: Updated intake forms will be available on the DPSS website Monday, October 2nd, 2017.
5 Reports
Reports 45 01 October 1st, 2017 HMIS SSVF Export - CSV 6.1
HMIS RHY Export - CSV 6.1 The CoC – APR and ESG – CAPER will be submitted to HUD in the Sage HMIS Reporting Repository via CSV export ESG CAPER (Coming Soon) APR Export – CSV 6.1 (Coming Soon)
6 HMIS Data Sharing
HMIS Data Sharing Coming Soon Current sharing agreement: 3.1 Name
3.2 Social Security Number 3.3 Date of Birth 3.4 Race 3.5 Ethnicity 3.6 Gender 3.7 Veteran Status 3.15 Relationship to Head of Household
HMIS Data Sharing 47 01 Coming Soon New Current sharing agreement:
3.1 Name 3.2 Social Security Number 3.3 Date of Birth 3.4 Race 3.5 Ethnicity 3.6 Gender 3.7 Veteran Status 3.15 Relationship to Head of Household 3.10 Project Start Date 3.11 Project Exit Date 3.20 Housing Move-In Date Enrollment History: Project and Organization
Any questions?
Resources Data Standards Manuals and HMIS Support
The HMIS Data Standards Manual is designed to help HMIS users understand the data elements that are required in an HMIS. 2017 HMIS Data Standards Manual 2017 Program-Specific HMIS Data Manuals Program-Specific HMIS Data Manuals provide data collection and reporting requirements guidance specific to the Program. Phone (951)
Resources Data Standards Manuals and HMIS Support Document Name
Intended Audience Contents HMIS Data Standards Dictionary HMIS Vendors & HMIS Lead Agencies The Dictionary provides the detailed information required for system programming of each HMIS element and the responses required for an HMIS software. It delineates data collection requirements, system logic, and contains the XML and CSV tables and numbers. It also includes critical information about data collection stages, federal partner data collection required elements, and metadata data elements HMIS Data Standards Manual HMIS Lead Agencies & HMIS Users The manual provides data collection instructions for the Project Descriptor Data Elements, Universal Data Elements, and the common Program Specific Data Elements. It contains information on project setup, client-level data collection requirements, and detailed descriptions of each data element.
Resources Data Standards Manuals and HMIS Support Document Name
Intended Audience Federal Partner Contents PATH Program HMIS Manual •HMIS Lead Agencies • HMIS Users • Grantees U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration The manual assists in project set up for all Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) program component projects: Street Outreach and Services Only. RHY Program HMIS Manual • HMIS Lead Agencies • HMIS Users • Grantees U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Administration for Children and Families Family and Youth Service Bureau The manual assists in project set up for all Runaway and Homeless Youth program component projects: Basic Center Program, Street Outreach Program, Transitional Living Program, and Maternity Group Homes.
Resources Data Standards Manuals and HMIS Support Document Name
Intended Audience Federal Partner Contents CoC Program HMIS Manual • HMIS Lead Agencies • HMIS Users • Grantees U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs The manual assists in project set up of all Continuum of Care (CoC) Program component projects: Transitional Housing, Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid ReHousing, and Services Only. Information aligns with the CoC Program Interim Rule ESG Program HMIS Manual • HMIS Lead Agencies • HMIS Users • Recipients • Subrecipients The manual assists in project set up of all Emergency Solution Grant (ESG) Program component projects: Emergency Shelter (night by night and entry/exit), Street Outreach, Rapid Re- Housing and Homelessness Prevention. Information aligns with the ESG Program Interim Rule
Resources Data Standards Manuals and HMIS Support Document Name
Intended Audience Federal Partner Contents VA Program HMIS Manual HMIS Lead Agencies • HMIS Users • Grantees Department of Veterans Affairs This manual assists in projects set up for the Veteran’s homeless programs. Programs on HMIS include: SSVF and GPD programs of the VA.
Resources Data Standard Manual’s and HMIS Support
This presentation uses the following resources: 2017 HMIS Data Standards Manual (PDF) You can download the resources mentioned at the following URL: Or for additional resources go to the HMIS website at:
H M Thank You I See you next time, have a nice day S
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