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Marketing Report 2015.

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1 Marketing Report 2015

2 Introduction The following data is gathered from inquiry calls/visits, contact forms, applications, and SSRS reports. Recruitment activities, purchased media, website traffic, and other promotional and marketing efforts help drive students to our website and other points of contact. Information is used to track what kinds of advertising prompts action for various audiences.

3 Traditional Admissions Recruitment Events
Admissions reps have concluded their fall travels to college fairs in their state territories. Next steps include visiting local high schools during application week and planning campus visitation (Veteran’s day) on November 11, 2015 where over 100 prospective students will be visiting.

4 1st Time Contacts to Traditional Admissions: Oct 2015
First time contacts came to UMO as a result of meeting admissions representatives while at college fairs throughout the month of October. Their travels took them to fairs in NC, VA, SC, MD, DC and FL.

5 How Trad Admissions Prospects Contacted UMO: Oct 2015
Prospective traditional students made contact with UMO via info cards provided to them by admissions reps at college fairs, as well as via applications, athletic questionnaires, ACT/SAT scores sent to UMO, visitation day replies, and various other contact formats.

6 Curriculum Interest of Trad Applicants: Oct 2015
Most prospective traditional students with interest in UMO have not decided on their academic major. The graph below shows the large number of undecided, and those with interest in some of our programs, in broad categories. Agriculture, education, biology, business and RLS showed high on the list.

7 Applications to UMO: Oct 2015
In the month of October 2015, UMO received 595 applications to all locations. Over 300 went to traditional admissions, 66 went to online undergraduate programs, 49 went to Evening College, and 37 went to graduate online programs. The graph below demonstrates the location of choice by applicants.

8 Nontraditional Recruitment Activities
Admissions representatives and other location staff complete recruitment activities in their communities to help generate leads for enrollment. These visits include presentations to employee groups, table presence at career fairs and expos, chamber of commerce events, board memberships, community college transfer fairs and classroom presentations, parades and festival presence and many others depending on the region of location. See graph on next page for this activity for October.

9 Nontrad Recruitment Activities: October 2015
The Wilmington and Washington locations celebrated anniversaries recently, so their recruitment activities were centered around their home locations. There were 83 planned recruitment activities for all locations.

10 1st Time Nontrad Contacts
There were 321 unique first time contacts to nontraditional locations in October HCM, CJC and ECE, business management and general studies were the most frequently cited programs.

11 1st Time Contacts to Nontrad Locations: Twelve Month Summary
There were 3,823 first time contacts made to UMO nontrad locations from November 2014 through October The graph below demonstrates how contacts come to UMO in a year’s time. August, of course, is the best month, with July and May also providing high contact numbers.

12 Top Information Sources for Nontraditional Prospects: Evening College
The most popular source of information for Evening College contacts was Hobson’s Nontrad marketing program, followed by word of mouth, tv, radio and billboard ads. The graph below demonstrates the variety of source information. Most EC prospects made their first contact via an application or .

13 Source Information for Jacksonville: October 2015
First time contacts to the Jacksonville location found their info via word of mouth, billboards, Hobson’s nontrad marketing program, tv, radio, website and at college fairs. They used contact forms and applications to show their interest.

14 Source Info for New Bern Programs: October 2015
First time contacts to the New Bern location got their information via word of mouth, radio and tv ads and various other sources. They made contact with UMO via online applications.

15 Source Info for 1st Time Contacts to Online Programs: October 2015
First time contacts to online programs mentioned word of mouth, radio ads, career fairs/expos and billboards. They made their contact with the online admissions representatives via applications and messages.

16 Source Info for 1st Time Contacts to RTP: October 2015
First time contacts to the RTP location mentioned admissions presentations, billboards, college fairs, word of mouth and Hobson’s nontrad marketing program. They communicated their interest via an application.

17 Source Info to SJ Location: October 2015
Most SJ prospects receive their info about UMO via the base education office; however, radio, tv, and magazine ads were also mentioned. They made contact with UMO via an application.

18 Sources of Info for 1st Time Contacts to Washington: October 2015
Prospects contacting Washington for the first time indicated that word of mouth, Hobson’s nontrad, billboards, radio and TV ads helped them to get info about UMO.

19 Info Sources of 1st Time Contacts to Wilmington: October 2015
Wilmington prospects got their information via Hobson’s nontrad marketing program, word of mouth, tv and radio ads, and other sources. They made their contact with UMO via applications, phone calls, contact forms and walk in meetings.

20 800 UMO Phone Calls In October 2015, there were 187 phone calls received at all the location phone numbers. The average call length was 3.5 minutes, and 59% of the calls were handled by the central switchboard.

21 Web Analytics Traffic to came via search engines like Google, direct traffic to the site and referrals from other websites. Google continues to drive the most traffic to

22 Cappex Outreach to Traditional Students
The Cappex campaign, which is an outreach online program that messages traditional students to introduce them to UMO, reached out to over 140,778 new students in October students became inquiries to UMO via this messaging format. While we have core states that we are interested in (202 new inquiries via this campaign), we are also trying to build other academic programs such as business, music, art and biological sciences. These programs accounted for the remainder of the student interest.

23 Hobson’s Nontrad Marketing Program
Hobson’s Nontrad messages have been very successful in generating inquiries for the locations. The October results show 112 inquiries. The graph below shows the progress in the number of prospects since March 2014.

24 Interest in the nontraditional programs is beginning to pick up, based on a yearly summary of first time contacts: 3,823. We are hopeful that the new CRM, being implemented currently, will help us to more consistently follow up on these contacts so that they are enrolled. Dashboard info, available via the CRM system, will be helpful to all users to make admissions and enrollment more targeted also. October was a very good month for traditional admissions, with many visits to high school/college fairs in our core recruitment areas: NC, VA, SC, Md, DC, Fl. We also visited a high school in Pennsylvania. Hobson’s nontrad inquiries consistently drive new prospects to nontrad programs. Agriculture, teacher education, biology, RLS and criminal justice continue to bring a growing number of prospects to UMO in daytime format as well as online. We must plan now for these growth areas if we are to be ready when they arrive in the fall. Search engines, especially Google, continue to drive traffic to our

25 Thanks to Jennifer Merritt, Georgette Prichard, Ken Davis and UMO admissions representatives for their help in compiling the information for this report. Thanks to all employees for making UMO a friendly, caring place for students.

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